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Old 08-05-2014, 10:52 AM
Sidelle Sidelle is offline
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Originally Posted by Patriam1066 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Favorite characters:
1. Davos
2. Jon Snow
3. The hound
4. The Blackfish
5. Dany
I liked Tyrion until he got to Essos.
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^^^LOL, I couldn't resist, I had to post that. [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Tyrion is the shit! He's my number one favorite character, hands down. He has a good heart deep down inside and really only wants to be loved. He's also clever and ambitious, which I respect a lot. Not to mention the great sense of humor and loyalty to his family (even if it's misplaced in some cases).

I agree with you about Ser Davos. I just love how honorable and ballsy he is. He does the right thing always, even if it means he'll die for it. He stands up to Stannis like no other because he sees how blinded he is regarding Melisandre and her so-called prophecies and predictions.

Dany was a girl I liked at one point. Or maybe I just felt pity for her being so alone in the world and used as a pawn by the ridiculously fat nerd, Illyrio, as well as the crafty Lord Varys. It made me root for her when she started accepting her lot in life as Khaleesi and really tried to make the best of it. I thought it was brilliant the way she handled (tamed?) Khal Drogo and earned his love and respect, even though part of me hated that she had to use sex to do it. In this male dominated world sometimes that becomes necessary. It's the only thing she had at that point.

But now Dany has become pretty arrogant (hubris much?) and in my opinion she's bringing a fuckton of shit down upon herself. She is biting off more than she can chew and is rapidly losing control of everything, including her dragons. So yeah, I can understand why people are annoyed with her because I am too.

My attention is piqued lately by the goings-on of the Dornish. I'm looking forward to seeing how Prince Doran and Princess Arianne's storyline unfolds.

Also, I really want more from the Blackfyres!

God I love GoT. So hungry for more . [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Sidelle SUNRISE - 60 Wood Elf Assassin | Zhalara BLACKTHORN - 33 Wood Elf Druid
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Old 08-05-2014, 11:14 AM
Tiggles Tiggles is offline

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$5 says Stannis dies via dragon fire after he is convinced that he can't be burnt.
Old 08-05-2014, 12:16 PM
Patriam1066 Patriam1066 is offline
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Originally Posted by LulzSect [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Y u no liek Tyrion post ESSO? I rather enjoyed his travels post KL.
Not sure, I just think he's a shadow of his former self. I want him to be in power.

Originally Posted by Frieza_Prexus [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Stannis didn't cut his fingers for smuggling the onions. He cut off his fingers for ALL of his past smuggling crimes. The onions were simply an act of war in a time of war. He was rewarded for that specific act and never punished.

Stannis is by far the best candidate to rule the kingdom. He is an effective administrator, and that is what's needed most right now. With Kevan dead, there are very few people that could join the small council and actually govern. There are/were people who would be better rulers if they had a competent small council, but whoever takes the throne will pretty much be doing everything themselves at first.

Stannis is the only person who brings the full administrative package. He has experience in economics, administration, laws, and war. No one would be as effective or just as him in the current situation. Certainly, there are situations where people would be more effective rulers because of the support staff they have, but no one has that luxury, and whoever takes the throne will be flying solo for a while.

Stannis/Davos 2015.

1. Smugglers should lose appendages but fratricide is OK? Why does everyone absolve Stannis of his repeated series of dick moves? What would the man do to secure his crown? He'd certainly kill his brother (RIP Renly). I don't think that that is an effective tactic for ruling. And I understand that Stannis offered terms, and that Renly had zero claim to the throne. He still didn't deserve to die, and he especially didn't deserve to be killed by his brother. I know that these books are brutal, that people are murdered at weddings, that children are pushed from windows, that sausages are removed from their pair of meatballs, but I'm still not cheering for the people who commit the sins.

2. This guy is by far the biggest dickhead in the history of literature. Move over Judas. I could be biased (I am, I fucking hate Stannis), but I feel that this is an accurate assessment.

3. Stannis should change his name to Saddam HuStannis or BaStannis al-Assad.

Originally Posted by Sidelle [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
[You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

^^^LOL, I couldn't resist, I had to post that. [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Tyrion is the shit! He's my number one favorite character, hands down. He has a good heart deep down inside and really only wants to be loved. He's also clever and ambitious, which I respect a lot. Not to mention the great sense of humor and loyalty to his family (even if it's misplaced in some cases).

I agree with you about Ser Davos. I just love how honorable and ballsy he is. He does the right thing always, even if it means he'll die for it. He stands up to Stannis like no other because he sees how blinded he is regarding Melisandre and her so-called prophecies and predictions.

Dany was a girl I liked at one point. Or maybe I just felt pity for her being so alone in the world and used as a pawn by the ridiculously fat nerd, Illyrio, as well as the crafty Lord Varys. It made me root for her when she started accepting her lot in life as Khaleesi and really tried to make the best of it. I thought it was brilliant the way she handled (tamed?) Khal Drogo and earned his love and respect, even though part of me hated that she had to use sex to do it. In this male dominated world sometimes that becomes necessary. It's the only thing she had at that point.

But now Dany has become pretty arrogant (hubris much?) and in my opinion she's bringing a fuckton of shit down upon herself. She is biting off more than she can chew and is rapidly losing control of everything, including her dragons. So yeah, I can understand why people are annoyed with her because I am too.

My attention is piqued lately by the goings-on of the Dornish. I'm looking forward to seeing how Prince Doran and Princess Arianne's storyline unfolds.

Also, I really want more from the Blackfyres!

God I love GoT. So hungry for more . [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Dany is totally responsible for most of the fuckups she gets involved in, but ultimately she's still a child with a heavy burden and overwhelming personal tragedy. I empathize with her I guess... she's a stranger in a strange land. It's hard to adapt to that sometimes and I give her credit for TRYING to do the right thing, according to her own limited judgment.

I like the Dorne subplot as well. Lots of stuff will be happening.

And yeah, I really hope he gets done with The Winds of Winter soon. So many possibilities.

Originally Posted by Tiggles [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
$5 says Stannis dies via dragon fire after he is convinced that he can't be burnt.
hahahaha that would be great
Old 08-05-2014, 01:20 PM
Millburn Millburn is offline
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There's 3 different ways this could be interpreted ... either Sean Bean is trolling, Sean Bean let down a GIANT spoiler, or he knows nothing. I'm betting it's a healthy dose of 1 and 3 but it's a nice juicy bit to latch onto if you're sporting the R+L=J.

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Old 08-05-2014, 01:34 PM
Frieza_Prexus Frieza_Prexus is offline
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Originally Posted by Patriam1066 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Not sure, I just think he's a shadow of his former self. I want him to be in power.

Smugglers should lose appendages but fratricide is OK? Why does everyone absolve Stannis of his repeated series of dick moves? What would the man do to secure his crown? He'd certainly kill his brother (RIP Renly). I don't think that that is an effective tactic for ruling. And I understand that Stannis offered terms, and that Renly had zero claim to the throne. He still didn't deserve to die, and he especially didn't deserve to be killed by his brother. I know that these books are brutal, that people are murdered at weddings, that children are pushed from windows, that sausages are removed from their pair of meatballs, but I'm still not cheering for the people who commit the sins.
Renly was planning to kill Stannis. He even admitted to as much. Stannis is certainly not innocent, but with Davos around he has begun to recognize his faults (that's why he's at the wall in the first place). None of the potential leaders are perfect, and Stannis is clearly the best of the lot. Renly's death, while awful, is at least somewhat excusable. Usurping the throne is punishable by death, and in Stannis' view he is the one true king. Reasonably consistent despite a few mental backflips.

I can think of no other person alive I'd want running Westeros.
Xasten <The Mystical Order>
Frieza <Stasis> 1999-2003 Prexus
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Old 08-05-2014, 01:46 PM
Sidelle Sidelle is offline
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Originally Posted by Frieza_Prexus [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Stannis is by far the best candidate to rule the kingdom. He is an effective administrator, and that is what's needed most right now. With Kevan dead, there are very few people that could join the small council and actually govern. There are/were people who would be better rulers if they had a competent small council, but whoever takes the throne will pretty much be doing everything themselves at first.

Stannis is the only person who brings the full administrative package. He has experience in economics, administration, laws, and war. No one would be as effective or just as him in the current situation. Certainly, there are situations where people would be more effective rulers because of the support staff they have, but no one has that luxury, and whoever takes the throne will be flying solo for a while.

Stannis/Davos 2015.
Administrative skills aside, Stannis has embraced the dark side. It wasn't pork he and Melisandre were barbecuing on the beach at Dragonstone. It was his own men, even his brother-in-law, because they would not accept his new fanatical religious beliefs. What do you think he would do to the smallfolk if he would murder his own brother and bannermen?

Stannis is a tyrant and would probably be worse than Mad King Aerys ever was.

Originally Posted by Patriam1066 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Not sure, I just think he's a shadow of his former self. I want him to be in power.
Yes, Tyrion is a litttle down and out now but I'm pretty sure he'll make a comeback and maybe become pretty important before the end of the series.

Originally Posted by Patriam1066 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
1. Smugglers should lose appendages but fratricide is OK? Why does everyone absolve Stannis of his repeated series of dick moves? What would the man do to secure his crown? He'd certainly kill his brother (RIP Renly). I don't think that that is an effective tactic for ruling. And I understand that Stannis offered terms, and that Renly had zero claim to the throne. He still didn't deserve to die, and he especially didn't deserve to be killed by his brother. I know that these books are brutal, that people are murdered at weddings, that children are pushed from windows, that sausages are removed from their pair of meatballs, but I'm still not cheering for the people who commit the sins.

2. This guy is by far the biggest dickhead in the history of literature. Move over Judas. I could be biased (I am, I fucking hate Stannis), but I feel that this is an accurate assessment.

3. Stannis should change his name to Saddam HuStannis or BaStannis al-Assad.
I strongly dislike him too. He's often described as 'fair' and 'just' but he's really just an evil, cold-hearted tyrant and no better than anyone else who would sell their souls for power. Someone who burns men alive for not converting to his new religion is not a great candidate for king of Westeros. That would not be a happy and secure realm. I think it's possible that he might actually become king at some point but I don't believe he would last very long.

I worry a little about what will become of Ser Davos at that point. Stannis doesn't deserve such unwavering loyalty. At some point I feel something's gotta give regarding Davos. He needs to let go of that idealistic view of Stannis and come to his senses.
Sidelle SUNRISE - 60 Wood Elf Assassin | Zhalara BLACKTHORN - 33 Wood Elf Druid
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Old 08-05-2014, 07:18 PM
Tiax Tiax is offline

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[–]AxeApollo 3206 points 6 hours ago

Why did you not teach Jon Snow anything?

[–]RealSeanBean[S] 4183 points 6 hours ago


Because he's not mine!

[–]RealSeanBean[S] 4241 points 6 hours ago

Little bastard!
Old 08-06-2014, 08:22 AM
Patriam1066 Patriam1066 is offline
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Originally Posted by Sidelle [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Administrative skills aside, Stannis has embraced the dark side. It wasn't pork he and Melisandre were barbecuing on the beach at Dragonstone. It was his own men, even his brother-in-law, because they would not accept his new fanatical religious beliefs. What do you think he would do to the smallfolk if he would murder his own brother and bannermen?

Stannis is a tyrant and would probably be worse than Mad King Aerys ever was.

I strongly dislike him too. He's often described as 'fair' and 'just' but he's really just an evil, cold-hearted tyrant and no better than anyone else who would sell their souls for power. Someone who burns men alive for not converting to his new religion is not a great candidate for king of Westeros. That would not be a happy and secure realm. I think it's possible that he might actually become king at some point but I don't believe he would last very long.
^Pretty much sums up my feelings exactly. Stannis has abilities, but he utilizes them only in his self-serving quest to attain power. And I forgot about his religious purification rituals. If he took over the kingdoms, he might immediately start a sectarian religious war... Definitely a dubious candidate for king.

Originally Posted by Frieza_Prexus [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Renly was planning to kill Stannis. He even admitted to as much. Stannis is certainly not innocent, but with Davos around he has begun to recognize his faults (that's why he's at the wall in the first place). None of the potential leaders are perfect, and Stannis is clearly the best of the lot. Renly's death, while awful, is at least somewhat excusable. Usurping the throne is punishable by death, and in Stannis' view he is the one true king. Reasonably consistent despite a few mental backflips.

I can think of no other person alive I'd want running Westeros.
If Davos can straighten him out, I can possibly see him becoming a decent king. I think of the potential leaders, he has the most proven managerial skills. He could definitely run the kingdoms from a bureaucratic perspective. From a moral standpoint, however, he could easily become a tyrant. He feels that his claim gives him the right to just about anything: entitlement and disdain for others rarely breeds effective rule.
Old 08-06-2014, 09:19 AM
Frieza_Prexus Frieza_Prexus is offline
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Originally Posted by Patriam1066 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
If Davos can straighten him out, I can possibly see him becoming a decent king. I think of the potential leaders, he has the most proven managerial skills. He could definitely run the kingdoms from a bureaucratic perspective. From a moral standpoint, however, he could easily become a tyrant. He feels that his claim gives him the right to just about anything: entitlement and disdain for others rarely breeds effective rule.
I completely agree. Stannis won't be a "great" king; he will be a very effective king. He's already softened once by going up to the wall. He was trying to "be king so he could save the realm" when Davos reminded him to "save the realm to become king." All we need now is for Mel to sacrifice Shireen and for Stannis to rage-choke her to death and his transition will be complete.

Even with his current faults, he's STILL the one guy out of all the current candidates that I'd trust.
Xasten <The Mystical Order>
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Old 08-06-2014, 09:26 AM
Sirken Sirken is offline
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Originally Posted by Frieza_Prexus [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
he's STILL the one guy out of all the current candidates that I'd trust.

im not saying Stannis would be the best king in the history of kings. im saying out of the potential realistic candidates, he'd be the best (especially with Davos as his Hand), and has the best claim.

Stannis has a better claim than Jon, as the Targaryens were overthrown and thats where Jons claim would come from. they cant both have legitimate claims as one cancels out the other. that said, if the Targaryens just came and took the throne back, it wouldnt be the first time.
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