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Old 07-29-2012, 04:07 PM
Splorf22 Splorf22 is offline
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Default Solo Artist Challenge

Gods and Legends:
Svenn, Barbarian Shaman, Solo God, Duo Grandmaster
Mauricewhite, Erudite Enchanter, Solo God, Duo Grandmaster
Loraen, Gnome Enchanter, Solo Legend, Duo Grandmaster
Tecmos, Dark Elf Enchanter, Solo Legend, Duo Master

Zagum, Troll Shaman, Duo Grandaster, Solo Grandmaster
Orruar, Barbarian Shaman, Solo Grandmaster, Duo Master
Ploktor, Wood Elf Druid and Honorary Enchanter, Solo Grandmaster, Duo Master
Catherin, High Elf Enchanter, Solo Grandmaster, Duo Master
Stealin, Erudite Necromancer, Duo Grandmaster
Liia, High Elf Cleric, Duo Grandmaster, Solo Disciple
Arae, High Elf Magician, Duo Grandmaster
Imba, Ogre Warrior, Duo Grandmaster

Save, Erudite Enchanter, Solo Master, Duo Master
Flippie, Iksar Monk, Duo Master, Solo Disciple
Yiam, Human Enchanter, Solo Master, Duo Disciple
Petros, Wood Elf Druid, Duo Master, Solo Disciple
Susanbanthony, High Elf Cleric, Duo Master
Fabumbus, Gnome Magician, Duo Master

Nordenwatch, Human Necromancer, Duo Disciple
Drinkdem, Gnome Enchanter, Solo Disciple
Rkahor, Dwarf Cleric, Duo Disciple
Sojournertruth, Iksar Necromancer, Duo Disciple
Optic, Gnome Enchanter, Solo Disciple
Tetragrammaton, Human Cleric, Duo Disciple
Arconis, Wood Elf Bard, Solo Disciple
Kindadar, Halfling Druid, Solo Disciple
Daire, Human Cleric, Duo Disciple

God Mode Kills
Zordakalicus Ragefire [54 Warrior, Nagafen's Lair]: Sentenza+Elethia/Rkahor [D-], Anthrax+Lacie [D], Gremlin+Susanbanthony [D-], Kindadar+Tortue/Jebusaves [D-]
Neh'Ashiir [54 Enchanter, City of Mist]: Loraen [S*-], Svenn [S-], Orruar [S-], Mauricewhite [S], Liia [S-]
Emperor Chottal [60 Necromancer, Sebilis Crypt]: Svenn [S-], Mauricewhite [S-], Tecmos [S-]
sebilite protector [60 Warrior, Sebilis Catacombs]: Svenn [S-]
myconid spore king [56 Paladin, Sebilis Catacombs]: Loraen [S*-], Svenn [S*-], Mauricewhite[S*]
Tolapumj [60 Enchanter, Sebilis Catacombs]: Svenn [S*-]
Fright/Dread/Terror [55 Warrior, Plane of Fear]: Svenn [S-], Ploktor [S], Mauricewhite [S]
Rak'Ashiir [54 Wizard, City of Mist]: Mauricewhite [S*], Liia [S*-]
General V'ghera [63 Shadowknight, Kithicor Forest]: Liia+Sakuragi [D-]

This list is in chronological order (both kills and players for each kill), so AFAIK the first people for each mob are server firsts. * = accomplished with prenerf invis pulling.

So I was inspired by Ploktor's thread to revive something I used to have on the Vesica Dei message boards, the solo artists challenge (originally I called it 'The Real Enchanter Epic'). I have compiled a list of all the 50+ named mobs in the game which I think could potentially be soloable or duoable, ranked them in order, and sorted them into six tiers. The ranking includes both the difficulty of the named mob itself and an adjustment for the number of guards, which is why Howling Stones is so much harder than Sebilis.

The categories, in descending order of awesomeness:
[S] -> Soloed with self buffs only
[S-] -> Soloed but used strong item clickies
[S*] -> Soloed without pull (or invis pulled)
[S*-] -> Soloed without pull and used strong item clickies
[D] -> Duoed
[D-] -> Duoed but used strong item clickies
[D*] -> Duoed without pull (or invis pulled)
[D*-] -> Duoed without pull and used strong item clickies
[T] -> Trioed

Strong item clickies include Puppet Strings, Donal's Breastplate of Mourning, Manastone, Soulfire, Reaper of the Dead, Woolly Spider Silk Nets, etc, but not shaman potions or stuff like a Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring. Use your judgement, and remember: solo is solo for the purposes of ranks, no matter what you items you use. Pull help is meant to compensate for removal of invis pulls; it doesn't seem fair to penalize people who started on the challenge afterwards. Pull help is only available for Solo God/Duo GM ranks and up, mainly because many of those would be obviously impossible otherwise. Use common sense regarding the amount of help you can get from other players and still consider it a solo kill. In general the idea is that you could zone in and kill the mob on your own. Outside buffs are not permitted for casters; melee can get as many buffs as they like as they are already at a considerable disadvantage. Any kill, even the lowly S*-, will count towards a rank.

To complete a rank, you must kill 50% of the named on that rank, and that 50% must include names from all major areas (i.e. soloing the Sebilis Crypt itself does not make you a Solo Master, you have to do HS South too). Completion of prior ranks is not required. Solo kills will result in the title of of 'Solo Disciple/Master/Grandmaster'; likewise with duos. Killing everything on the list from Grandmaster on down will result in the title of 'Legend'. Achieving a solo rank implies the previous duo rank, since they are the same mobs (a Solo Master is automatically a Duo Disciple, since they could achieve the same results while powerleveling some noob).

Artists will be sorted by maximum solo/duo score, secondary solo/duo score, and time of achievement. I am also making a list of the first few kills of god-tier mobs by player name because I expect a few kills here and there but I doubt anyone can actually achieve God rank. If you feel like you have met the requirements for a rank or you have killed a god-tier mob, PM me or message me in game (Loraen/Sakuragi/Dramor) and I'll add you to the list at the top of the post. Screenshots are not required (we are on the honor system here, and its hard to think about taking pictures when some high level mob is beating on you for 200 a pop) but highly encouraged; it's always cool to read field reports of epic fights.

This is HARD
I think this is a pretty hard challenge, and even obtaining 'Disciple' rank probably puts you in the top 10% of skilled players on this server. Even if you are skilled, the logistics of popping all the named (especially in HS East) can be very obnoxious. Obtaining Legend rank is going to be way harder than getting an epic. If the sheet looks intimidating, feel free to just fill out the stuff you've killed, or just fill out Disciple rank at first, and then progress from there. I know that for me personally when I first started in Charasis I got my butt kicked in HS north; I gradually improved and now even South isn't too hard for me.

So far the list is mostly enchanters and shaman with a few necromancers. I think the Duo ranks are just as challenging and cool, plus you are killing harder stuff. We're still looking for magician - come on mage club!

[ ] the froglok king [48 paladin, Ruins of Old Guk]
[ ] Frenzied Pox Scarab [50 Warrior, Sebilis Disco]
[ ] Froglok Ostiary [50 Warrior, Sebilis Disco]
[ ] The Golem Master [50 Warrior, HS North]
[ ] Sentient Bile [50 Warrior, HS North]
[ ] Crypt Wurm [50 Warrior, HS North]
[ ] The Spectre Sepulcher [50 Monk, HS North]

Solo Disciple: any 7
[ ] Gangrenous Scarab [51 Warrior, Sebilis]
[ ] Knight of Sathir [51 Warrior, Karnors]
[ ] Construct of Sathir [52 Shadowknight, Karnors]
[ ] A Drolvarg warlord [53 Warrior, Karnors]
[ ] a necrosis scarab [53 Warrior, Sebilis]
[ ] Crypt Caretaker [53 Warrior, Sebilis Crypt]
[ ] Estrella of Gloomwater [51 Druid, Kedge]
[ ] The Crypt Keeper [50 Necromancer, HS North]
[ ] Froglok Pickler [52 Warrior, Sebilis Disco]
[ ] Froggy [52 Warrior, Sebilis Chef/Bar]
[ ] Froglok Armorer [52 Warrior, Sebilis Chef/Bar]
[ ] Froglok Armsman [52 Warrior, Sebilis Chef/Bar]
[ ] Froglok Chef [52 Warrior, Sebilis Chef/Bar]
[ ] Froglok Repairer [52 Warrior, Sebilis Chef/Bar]
[ ] Gruplinort [53 Wizard, Sebilis Disco]

Solo Master/Duo Disciple: any 8 including at least one each from HS South and Sebilis Crypt
[ ] Froglok Commander [55 Warrior, Sebilis Disco]
[ ] Brogg [55 Warrior, Sebilis Disco]
[ ] Baron Yosig [55 Warrior, Sebilis Crypt]
[ ] Arch Duke Iatol [55 Shadowknight, Sebilis Crypt]
[ ] blood of chottal [55 Monk, Sebilis Crypt]
[ ] Harbinger Freglor [55 Necromancer, Sebilis Crypt]
[ ] Hierophant Prime Grekal [55 Shaman, Sebilis Crypt]
[ ] the Skeleton Sepulcher [50 Warrior, HS South]
[ ] a Crypt Spectre [50 Shadowknight, HS South]
[ ] Efreeti Lord Djarn [50 Wizard, Nagafen's Lair]
[ ] Slizik the Mighty [54 Warrior, The Hole]
[ ] Skeletal Procurator [52 Shadowknight, HS West]
[ ] The Crypt Feaster [52 Warrior, HS South]
[ ] Embalming Fluid [52 Warrior, HS South]
[ ] The Spectre Spiritualist [53 Monk, HS South]

Solo Grandmaster/Duo Master: any 6 including one L56+ and one from HS East
[ ] King Tranix [52 Shadowknight, Nagafen's Lair]
[ ] Magi Rokyll [52 Wizard, Nagafen's Lair]
[ ] Warlord Skarlon [53 Warrior, Nagafen's Lair]
[ ] A Black Reaver [51 Warrior, City of Mist]
[ ] A cliff golem [58 Warrior, The Overthere]
[ ] The Crypt Excavator [54 Warrior, HS East]
[ ] Reanimated Plaguebone [54 Warrior, HS East]
[ ] Mortiferous Protector [54 Warrior, HS East]
[ ] a Howling Spectre [54 Monk, HS East]
[ ] Drusella Sathir [55 Necromancer, HS East]
[ ] The Undertaker Lord [56 Shadowknight, HS East]
[ ] Dartain the Lost [55 Necromancer, The Hole]

Solo God Mode/Duo Grandmaster: any 5
[ ] Neh'Ashiir [54 Enchanter, City of Mist]
[ ] Myconid Spore King [56 Paladin, Sebilis Catacombs]
[ ] Fear/Dread/Terror [55 Warrior, Plane of Fear]
[ ] Phinigel Autropos [53 Wizard, Kedge]
[ ] Protector of Sky [55 Rogue, Plane of Sky]
[ ] Emperor Chottal [60 Necromancer, Sebilis Crypt]
[ ] sebilite protector [60 Warrior, Sebilis Catacombs]
[ ] Tolapumj [60 Enchanter, Sebilis Catacombs]
[ ] Lord Rak'Ashiir [54 Wizard, City of Mist]
[ ] Korocust [61 Warrior, Chardok]

Duo God Mode: any 5
[ ] Zordakalicus Ragefire [54 Warrior, Nagafen's Lair]
[ ] a dracoliche [53 Warrior, Plane of Fear]
[ ] Maestro of Rancor [53 Warrior, Plane of Hate]
[ ] Ixiblat Fer [61 Warrior, Burning Woods]
[ ] Overking Bathezid [63 Cleric, Chardok]
[ ] Prince Selrach Di'Zok [61 Warrior, Chardok]
[ ] Queen Velazul Di'Zok [62 Shaman, Chardok]
[ ] General V'ghera [65 Shadowknight, Kithicor Forest]
[ ] Gorgalosk [60 Warrior, Plane of Sky]
[ ] Noble Dojorn [60 Paladin, Plane of Sky]
[ ] The Spiroc Guardian [60 Shaman, Plane of Sky]

For any Sky mob, you are allowed infinite Wizard ports which do not count against your player total

last list update: 8/21 added Rogue/Cleric epic mobs and Sky bosses. I am unsure about the whole Duo God mode list and may make changes later depending on how easy stuff is.
Last edited by Splorf22; 01-09-2014 at 12:48 AM.. Reason: added players
Old 07-29-2012, 04:19 PM
Lazortag Lazortag is offline
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Originally Posted by Splorf22 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
So I was inspired by Ploktor's thread to revive something I used to
have on the VD message boards, the solo artists challenge. I much
prefer small groups to soloing because its just more fun, but nothing
beats solo for challenge, especially since most of the good solo
classes aren't really challenged by raiding as their abilities would
be so strong that they are simply disabled. So I have compiled a list
of all the 50+ named mobs in the game which I think could potentially
be soloable, ranked them in order, and sorted them into four tiers.

The rules:
[S] -> Soloed with self buffs only
[I] -> Soloed but used strong item clickies, like Puppet Strings or Reaper of the Dead
[D] -> Duoed
[X] -> Duoed but used strong item clickies
[T] -> Trioed
[Z] -> I just like filling in boxes

To claim a rank, you have to kill 2/3 of the named on the list. We
are all on the honor system here but feel free to post screenshots or
tales of your epic exploits.

[ ] the froglok king [48 warrior]
[ ] Frenzied Pox Scarab [50 Warrior]
[ ] Froglok Ostiary [50 Warrior]
[ ] The Golem Master [50 Warrior]
[ ] Sentient Bile [50 Warrior]
[ ] Crypt Wurm [50 Warrior]
[ ] The Spectre Sepulcher [50 Monk]

[ ] Gangrenous Scarab [51 Warrior]
[ ] Knight of Sathir [51 Warrior]
[ ] Construct of Sathir [52 Shadowknight]
[ ] A Drolvarg warlord [52 Warrior]
[ ] a necrosis scarab [53 Warrior]
[ ] Crypt Caretaker [53 Warrior]
[ ] Estrella of Gloomwater [51 Druid]
[ ] The Crypt Keeper [50 Necromancer]
[ ] Froggy [52 Warrior]
[ ] Froglok Armorer [52 Warrior]
[ ] Froglok Armsman [52 Warrior]
[ ] Froglok Chef [52 Warrior]
[ ] Froglok Pickler [52 Warrior]
[ ] Gruplinort [53 Wizard]

[ ] blood of chottal [53 Shadowknight]
[ ] Froglok Commander [55 Warrior]
[ ] Brogg [55 Warrior]
[ ] Baron Yosig [55 Warrior]
[ ] Arch Duke Iatol [55 Shadowknight]
[ ] Harbinger Freglor [55 Necromancer]
[ ] Hierophant Prime Grekal [55 Shaman]
[ ] The Crypt Feaster [52 Warrior]
[ ] Embalming Fluid [52 Warrior]
[ ] Skeletal Procurator [52 Shadowknight]
[ ] The Spectre Spiritualist [53 Monk]

[ ] King Tranix [52 Shadowknight]
[ ] Warlord Skarlon [53 Warrior]
[ ] A Black Reaver [51 Warrior]
[ ] The Crypt Excavator [54 Warrior]
[ ] Reanimated Plaguebone [54 Warrior]
[ ] Mortiferous Protector [54 Warrior]
[ ] a Howling Spectre [54 Monk]
[ ] Magi Rokyll [52 Wizard]
[ ] Drusella Sathir [55 Necromancer]
[ ] The Undertaker Lord [56 Warrior]

God mode:
[ ] Myconid Spore King [56 Paladin]
[ ] Emperor Chottal [60 Necromancer]
[ ] Phinigel Autropos [53 Wizard]
[ ] Neh'Ashiir [54 Enchanter]
[ ] Lord Rak'Ashiir [55 Wizard]
[ ] Tolapumj [59 Enchanter]
[ ] Korocust [61 Warrior]
[ ] sebilite protector [60 Warrior]
The tangrin isn't even on this list. Or is he in a special category for only the most elite players?
Project 1999 (PvE):
Giegue Nessithurtsithurts, 60 Bard <Divinity>
Starman Deluxe, 24 Enchanter
Lardna Minch, 18 Warrior

Project 1999 (PvP):
[50 (sometimes 49) Bard] Wolfram Alpha (Half Elf) ZONE: oasis
Old 07-29-2012, 05:04 PM
Splorf22 Splorf22 is offline
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Hmm, I didn't think to include quest mobs. I'd rather not add them and cockblock people trying to do their epics though.

The tangrin is 54 right? So he'd probably belong on the 'Master' list, although outdoors makes things much easier. Bards are kind of in a class of their own solo wise.
Old 07-30-2012, 02:12 PM
Metallikus Metallikus is offline

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why bother with the duo / trio stuff mucking up the rankings - too easy imo.
Old 07-30-2012, 02:17 PM
Orruar Orruar is offline
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You should also stipulate that the person(s) reached the mob solo/duo/whatever. In some cases, getting to the mob is most of the difficulty. Also, I forget his name, but you should add the withered leather tunic dropper in the hole.
Old 07-30-2012, 02:59 PM
Hamahakki Hamahakki is offline

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Originally Posted by Splorf22 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
[ ] the froglok king [48 warrior]]
Frog king's a paladin
[60 Warder] Kline (Wood Elf) <Bregan D'Aerth>
Old 07-30-2012, 03:07 PM
LizardNecro LizardNecro is offline

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I'll add my solo achievements (from Live)

- Solo every named mob in chardok outside of Royals castle.

You need non kos in chardok (a few hours in droga) to do this. I don't think this is possible until velious when they redo chardok to have static named spawns and phs (correct me if I'm wrong).

I was a necro when I did this, don't know if any other class can do it. Perhaps enchanter?
Old 07-30-2012, 03:30 PM
azeth azeth is offline
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Originally Posted by Splorf22 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
God mode:
[ ] Myconid Spore King [56 Paladin]
[ ] Phinigel Autropos [53 Wizard]
[ ] Korocust [61 Warrior]
These are the only three I think are impossible.

The only reason Phinigel would be a problem is the fact that he dispells, and no one pet class can chain summon fast enough.
Originally Posted by Endonde View Post
Yea well you know, 6 years of Velious everything has been killed, only thing left to do is speedrun killing Detoxx guilds.
Last edited by azeth; 07-30-2012 at 03:32 PM..
Old 07-30-2012, 03:34 PM
Orruar Orruar is offline
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Originally Posted by azeth [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
These are the only three I think are impossible.

The only reason Phinigel would be a problem is the fact that he dispells, and no one pet class can chain summon fast enough.
Well, you can enter duo or trio as options, so they're all doable.
Old 07-30-2012, 03:34 PM
azeth azeth is offline
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Originally Posted by Orruar [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Well, you can enter duo or trio as options, so they're all doable.
Oh my bad.
Originally Posted by Endonde View Post
Yea well you know, 6 years of Velious everything has been killed, only thing left to do is speedrun killing Detoxx guilds.
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