View Full Version : Highpass Gnolls

09-02-2017, 05:30 PM
While fighting the gnolls near the East Karana zone line, I slowly adventured further towards the one guard house (tunnel passes underneath it). I saw one gnoll soothsayer looking away from me. Suddenly it sees me and as it runs towards me, the mob becomes a small group of champions, flamepaws, and soothsayers. I was able to feign death (using my necromancer) and the mob destroyed my pet and left as a group. I waited a good minute, stood up, looked around, and began running towards the zone line. Suddenly, the mob was on top of me and took me out. I never saw them approach - they were just there.

A few months ago, there was a thread in the main forum where one of the high level mobs got "stuck" near the Kithicor Forest as a mob. I am unsure what came of that; but being within the same zone, perhaps there is something amiss with the pathing.

Thanks for looking into it eventually.

09-19-2017, 04:59 AM
Same thing happened to me today, twice.