View Full Version : Miscellaneous: Food Consumption

09-29-2011, 06:32 PM
I have not been playing for a couple months, but when I logged on today and played I noticed to my horror that in a matter of 4 hours at the most about 4 full stacks of foraged food (vegetables) had been consumed. It took me forever to forage up these stacks and then they were gone. When I first logged on i checked my bags and saw that all of the stacks were there, so that is not a question. Not sure what could have possibly caused 4 stacks of food to be consumed in 4 hours or so. water was not affected by this. I had just as many stacks of water and they are all still there. what happened?!?

09-29-2011, 06:53 PM
They upped the food/water consumtion drastically during the last Patch (maybe 2 patches ago?). This is working as intended, however IMO its overkill.. I don't recall it being that bad

09-29-2011, 08:43 PM
No its not working as intended.
