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Georgeharrison 07-12-2011 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Gos (Post 145799)
I spent hours upon hours trying everything to fix the slow motion. I am running Vista and an AMD dual core.. I simply went to control panel, power options and changed the power option to high performance from the default balanced setting. I am also running WinEQ2. I hope this helps!!

After trying everything else mentioned, this is what fixed it for me, too. Amazing. Thank you!!

cadiz 07-18-2011 09:05 PM

If it helps anyone, on AMD systems I install AMD Dual Core Optimizer and fixes the jitters for dual-core systems on Windows (xp/7/*).

Cosette 07-27-2011 05:28 PM

I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this. I'm sure they have, but I'm not about to read 11 pages or whatever to figure it out. If you have dual core affinity issues and don't want to download a bunch of junk, here's what I do:

Step 1: If you go to your task manager (typically ctrl+alt+delete), go to processes, and locate eqgame.exe. Obviously, the game has to be open. If I were you, I would do this either at the login screen or the server list. Doing it while logged in or at your character select screen does not always work out.

Step 2: Now, right click eqgame.exe and select the option on the drop down menu to Set Affinity.

Step 3: You should see two boxes checked. I usually uncheck the first one with the "0" but I doubt it matters.

**NOTE** If your computer will not grant you access to do this, go to your start menu. Select the Run option.

Type in cmd.exe

Hit Enter.

Now type: ntsd -c qd taskmgr

Hit Enter.

Voila.. Task manager opens and you have admin access to screw around with your affinities until you close the task manager window.

Annoying, yeah.. I know. But if nothing else works, it's worth a shot.

drakkan 10-26-2011 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Rasterburn (Post 128399)
It's already been mentioned in this thread, but I wanted to affirm what I think is the best method for getting the game to behave itself on quad-core systems.

Change the "Target" line in your desktop shortcut so that it looks like this:

cmd.exe /C START "EverQuest" /BelowNormal /affinity 1 "F:\Everquest\eqgame.exe" patchme

Note that you will need to change the part in bold to whatever your own EQ folder is. On my machine, it's located in F:\Everquest. On your machine, it may be in a different folder. Just set it up accordingly.

In the "Start In" box, likewise make sure that it points to your Everquest folder.

That command will launch Everquest and force it to run on a single core (core1 in this case). Don't worry about the command that says "BelowNormal." That simply tells Windows not to try to run that game as a dual or quad core app. Keep in mind that the EQ client was designed long before people were running monster quad-core rigs that run with 3+ GB core speeds. So we need to tame it, if we want to keep it from glitching out.

When you make this change, your desktop icon for EQ will change. No worries... just click on the "Change icon" button for the shortcut and navigate to your EQ folder. Pick any icon that you see in there which pleases you.

Hope this helps, for anyone who may still have been confused about the procedures.

You're a genius! This worked for me. I'm running on a mac w/ bootcamp windows 7. Super easy fix and takes 10 seconds. I kept dying from fleeing even with sow on, not anymore!

Deanob 12-06-2011 11:23 AM

For AMD Athlon x2 and above users, just download and install AMD Dualcore optimizer:
theres no need to go to the extent of all this.

Muchew 12-06-2011 07:00 PM

I am trying the compatibility mode thing (switched to windows XP, SP 3), and so far it seems to be working. However, the entire UI was reset. Anyone know why this is?

I'm too lazy to re-size all my boxes...

Kubaton 12-09-2011 11:59 PM

Hey Deanob,
Will that work for a AMD Athlon II X3 440 ? I am wondering if my current issue is related etc and willing to try anything.

Amuck 12-11-2011 03:01 AM

Hey I have a crappy vista amd dual core processor and was having animation graphic problems
When I ran with sow it was like I was walking and swing a sword... well it was super slow and delayed
Sooooooo this was a really simple fix. Do this. Go to your control panel and go to power control and turn it to high performance this fixxed my issue and I am up n running perfectly was even able to turn
Spell graphics up n what not. N e ways hope this helps . Gl !!

Hovis 12-18-2011 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Tork (Post 128261)
Running a Macbook Pro 15 (i7 266, 4GB RAM) - fully patched OSX, with Bootcamp 3.1, also fully patched, and Win 7 Ultimate, also fully patched, EQ Ti client installed per the setup guide.

I can log in fine, get to char select fine and run around in the Explore mode fine. The game will run like champ the few times I've managed to enter the game, but zone times are horrific (2+ min), if they load at all. Sometimes the wifi adaptor will crash and need to restart. Switching to ethernet and disabling wifi adaptor still leads to horrific load times, if it loads at all.

I have tried all the suggestions here, including scaling back to 1 processor - no change.

Any thoughts?

Thank you.

trying to run games on VM's (virtual machines) like you are isnt the best idea.. thats why you have such long load times if they load at all.. i know some people do run eq off of VM's on macs and it runs smooth but they must have changed the VM configuration so that ur computer focus' completely on the VM ur running.. tbh - ur best bet is googling it and trying some of thoise suggestions or buy a pc based computer lol.

Lindalind 12-24-2011 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by Eastwood (Post 34662)
That WinEQ2.15 Lite (free) has really helped my EQ performance, everything from mouse issues to zoning crashes.


How do you get wineq to run the same command as the shortcut target message with patchme etc?

I can't figure it out.
Thank you

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