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Old 05-10-2022, 11:29 AM
Wenai Wenai is offline
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Originally Posted by eisley [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Yeah, definitely. I believe even by the Manastone/Guise nerf day there was only around 150 on primetime. Manastones and (especially) Guises weren't particularly hard to get, honestly. I do remember farming them a lot and putting a bunch on alts but if some dude came by wanting one I just let them have it. Wasn't like Green with a 30 hour /list.
Yes. The culture was also different. On Blue I leveled a Cleric to level ~30 and hated it, quit and re-rolled a Shaman. Got to Level 34 and then a friend and I went to the Manastone camp. There was one guy there. He got a Manastone and then handed it off to us. We got one Manastone each and handed it off to the next person. There was plenty of players capable of holding that camp 20 hours a day, but there was no interest in that. Penoy famously was bound at the camp so whenever he died on raid or anything he would kill the EE before getting rezzed if that camp wasn't taken. Hah.

I didn't play enough on Green to get to that point, but I was around when the /list was announced. I assume it was a pretty greedy affair.

I actually think I would win the character age competition in this thread. My Cleric was originally rolled with my forum name "Wenai". We were worried about people trying to troll and steal our forum names so Nilbog let me log in to my player account like 10 minutes early to secure my name. I logged off and waited for the server to unlock just like everyone else, but the character creation happened probably about 10 minutes before server opened.

That character received a lot of CSR requests and server complaints so I ended up getting a name change down the road anyways.
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