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Old 08-04-2013, 02:20 AM
Rogean Rogean is offline

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You seem to think that our "No CSR" rule is related to SOE's "No Guide" Rule (Maybe also called "No CSR"). The live version was a list of zones that guides could not enter due to the possibility that they may unintentionally interfere with the players.

This is not the same. Our "No CSR" Rule was not put in place to mimick live's, it is a separate rule in place for separate reasons. Therefor, your comparison to any relative eqlive policy is invalid.

Disclaimer: This post was made to correct the misconception that the rule was based on an eqlive policy, which is not. I am not posting to say that we would or wouldn't consider removing our "No CSR" policy, which may or may not be up for reconsideration.
Sean "Rogean" Norton
Project 1999 Co-Manager

Project 1999 Setup Guide