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Old 12-20-2013, 12:33 PM
Lisset Lisset is offline

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2 things would be nice

1. Make sharing accounts bannable. So much of this crap is encouraged with the use of shared trackers, rezzers and porters. Classic EQ is supposed to be hard. If you can't find an actual cleric to rez you, too bad. If you can't help your guild by leveling up and placing your own trackers, too damn bad.

2. End MQing. Multiquesting does nothing but encourage this type of behavior. People camp epic mobs for plat through MQing and for helping a select few who want their epic without working for it.

It's not just sad, it's ridiculous that noobs to P99 are told to pretty much forget getting their epic or getting top loot because a guild would rather keep things for themselves with the attitude that it's theirs,

The bottom line is that when what's good for a guild is bad for the server, the guild needs to go and things need to change.
Old 12-20-2013, 12:45 PM
Ecguy Ecguy is offline

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Originally Posted by Raavak [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Before the post by the staff a few months ago basically outlawing account sharing & trading, there was a lot of sharing going on; it was quite common. You never really thought twice about it. If you've been on the server over a year you probably know what I mean.

And as far as the raid scene goes... things happen the way they do because of the rule set. What are the real "raid" issues anyway? They aren't stated specifically. People talk in RnF, but that's what people do in RnF.

You know, if there wasn't a TMO there would be some other top dog doing the same exact thing. With no expansions of content everyone will have alts, everyone will want their alts to have epics & haste & manarobes & Trak bps & VS legs, and then their 2nd alts to have these things, and on and on. The population will adapt to the rule set. It always has, it always will. Its about supply & demand; its about scarcity; its about the EQ economy. If you want to stop individuals from always wanting something more limit the amount of accounts a person can have. Reduce the demand.

Or increase the supply. Others have posted on this... increase the spawn rate and/or make all mobs spawn at once. Add spawn tokens. Make monopolization impossible. Eliminate scarcity. It wouldn't be that hard. It seems to me the staff wants high end items to be both scarce and evenly distributed. Yet they provide no process or method for this to be, except calls to "play nice".

Saying "play nice" doesn't work, because for the most part we all think we are. You raid and you compete, you win and you lose. Sometimes you lose more than you win, and you get mad, and you start calling names. You assume the winners beat you out of some personal vendetta or innate evil inside them. Guess what? They won because it feels good to win, and that is all.
The economic analysis regarding inventive based behavior according to rule set is spot on.
Old 12-20-2013, 12:57 PM
Uteunayr Uteunayr is offline
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Originally Posted by Lisset [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
2. End MQing. Multiquesting does nothing but encourage this type of behavior. People camp epic mobs for plat through MQing and for helping a select few who want their epic without working for it.
I can't say I agree with this as an across the board policy. For new players just getting into the server, I know that camping Ancient Cyclops for JBoots MQs is often a very good source of income. I understand the reason why you suggest it, epic mobs for plat and so on, I simply think that it would need to not be an across the board fact of no MQing. It would hurt the younger player base. Heck, I'd not have been able to afford my Jboots when I was first leveling until I could solo AC.
Last edited by Uteunayr; 12-20-2013 at 01:00 PM..
Old 12-20-2013, 01:02 PM
dav dav is offline

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Originally Posted by Raavak [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Before the post by the staff a few months ago basically outlawing account sharing & trading, there was a lot of sharing going on; it was quite common. You never really thought twice about it. If you've been on the server over a year you probably know what I mean.

And as far as the raid scene goes... things happen the way they do because of the rule set. What are the real "raid" issues anyway? They aren't stated specifically. People talk in RnF, but that's what people do in RnF.

You know, if there wasn't a TMO there would be some other top dog doing the same exact thing. With no expansions of content everyone will have alts, everyone will want their alts to have epics & haste & manarobes & Trak bps & VS legs, and then their 2nd alts to have these things, and on and on. The population will adapt to the rule set. It always has, it always will. Its about supply & demand; its about scarcity; its about the EQ economy. If you want to stop individuals from always wanting something more limit the amount of accounts a person can have. Reduce the demand.

Or increase the supply. Others have posted on this... increase the spawn rate and/or make all mobs spawn at once. Add spawn tokens. Make monopolization impossible. Eliminate scarcity. It wouldn't be that hard. It seems to me the staff wants high end items to be both scarce and evenly distributed. Yet they provide no process or method for this to be, except calls to "play nice".

Saying "play nice" doesn't work, because for the most part we all think we are. You raid and you compete, you win and you lose. Sometimes you lose more than you win, and you get mad, and you start calling names. You assume the winners beat you out of some personal vendetta or innate evil inside them. Guess what? They won because it feels good to win, and that is all.
Come on. No we fucking don't. I've been in both guilds, both sides, and know pretty much everyone involved except the newer (last ~2years) TMO.

The truth is we all hate the other side, people train each other and try to get away with it, they despise the shit the "other guys" pull, and generally make everything an us vs. them ordeal.

People try to hide behind starting DT cycles and DA stalling and training in VP by saying "it's not against the rules" or "gotta compete" or "is classic" or any other excuse people make in posts like yours when the truth is that people need to just grow up and realize that when they're doing douchebaggy shit for pixels on old video games it's wrong.

The rules may not be perfect, in fact they're terrible, but even with "perfect" rules man-children are still going to act like man-children in whatever way they can.

Wasn't FE recently raid suspended for intentionally training TMO? Didn't Zeelot get TMO raid suspended for breaking TR/IB mez? Wasn't TMO caught kiting mobs in sky?

Doing crap like that is not justifiable because of "server rules" or any other excuse, yet people do it because they care so much about the damn pixels and sticking it to the other guy that they don't care how it affects anyone else.

Blaming it on any other reason is just a weak ass cop-out.
Old 12-20-2013, 01:05 PM
Lisset Lisset is offline

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Originally Posted by Uteunayr [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I can't say I agree with this as an across the board policy. For new players just getting into the server, I know that camping Ancient Cyclops for JBoots MQs is often a very good source of income. I understand the reason why you suggest it, epic mobs for plat and so on, I simply think that it would need to not be an across the board fact of no MQing. It would hurt the younger player base. Heck, I'd not have been able to afford my Jboots (which I worked my ass off for, btw) until I could solo AC.
There are plenty of other ways to make money. The problem with MQing is that it's a vicious cycle. One reason why one needs plat from MQing JBoots is to use that money for other MQs because THOSE mobs are permacamped by MQers. It never ends. Far better to say "no multiquesting at all" than "no multiquesting except for those that a select few have decided they don't want anymore"

There are plenty of items to farm for plat.
Old 12-20-2013, 01:23 PM
Uteunayr Uteunayr is offline
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Originally Posted by Lisset [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
There are plenty of other ways to make money. The problem with MQing is that it's a vicious cycle. One reason why one needs plat from MQing JBoots is to use that money for other MQs because THOSE mobs are permacamped by MQers. It never ends. Far better to say "no multiquesting at all" than "no multiquesting except for those that a select few have decided they don't want anymore"

There are plenty of items to farm for plat.
There are plenty of items to farm for plat, but should we burden Seafuries even more than they already are? People know the money spots, and they are already tapped quite hard. At least in regards to the items being MQable, things like jboots are not held exclusively.

The issue I see is that if jboots stop being MQable items, the top guilds who need jboots on their toons would hold down AC exclusively, giving no one else a chance at any point, killing for the drop, and letting the alt account loot. At least how it currently is, richer players can easily justify paying 5k rather than sitting at the camp all day, which gives money to the poorer players who place a greater weight to the benefit of that 5k for their spells, components, and the like. I have heard many times of first-character Necromancers camping and selling jboots around level 50 to afford EEs. At least they can get the camp, something that wouldn't happen if the top guilds had to hold it down exclusively since they couldn't just say "Eh, 5k is easier than camping it."

So no, I disagree that it is better to take a "burn the house down" approach to a damaged foundation. I agree whole heartedly that some things are MQ camped to hinder the community and form artificial barriers and price inflation, specifically in epic items... But an across the board ban isn't the solution.
Old 12-20-2013, 01:24 PM
Dr3am Dr3am is offline

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Default Really? Are people that lame now?

EQ has always been about who puts in more time, etc, and those people are the ones who see top end gear and raid content. Is it fair and does it allow everyone to experience all the content that they may have missed years ago? No. Does it let everyone share loot equally among the various guilds? No. WHY? Because that is not how everquest works, now, or ever.
Most people's classic experience with Everquest is not what TMO has created on this server- far from it in fact. In classic times Everquest was new and server domination was different in that a guild got the best geared and moved to their content and then stopped farming the content that others needed. The mindset was different then and nobody had the farm skills and overall MMO management skills that we do now on P99. Sabbat on Rallos Zek could have dominated the raid scene with "Might Makes Right" being enforced by GMs, but they only did this for VP and left lower end content to others. Sure in the beginning they dominated everything but then they moved on once their primary and secondary toons got geared. They even helped other guilds once they got strong enough to enter the raid scene (outside of VP of course). TMO is unique from the classic experience in that they kill things that they don't need just to make their stacks of cash a little taller as well as to deprive others of the position that they already have. It is not often that you find folks who will refuse to let someone else get to where they have gotten.
The server staff have done a wonderful job of recreating a classic experience from a code perspective, and most people are thrilled with that. It is the actions of the elite few at the top that shock most new players once they join P99, as none of them remember a high end raid scene that is described for them when they poke around the P99 community. Why is that? Why is the community so bad on P99 as compared to the classic experience that it shocks new players? Part of the root problem is all the character sales which allowed TMO (let's be real here) to park raid forces, which is related to the issue described above- folks are wiser now and have thought through how to push others down in EQ and lock down content. The other root problem I will address below.

It is a game that rewards the few who have far too much time on their hands. Its not something to brag about, and at the same time its not something to hate people for. Others choose to spend their time playing other games or participating in other hobbies. Just because you choose not to do these things, does not entitle you bash others for their life choices.
I am so tired of hearing greedy people justify their greed by saying that they have spent their time and effort so they are entitled to it. It is a product of the last couple generations that people globally (not just Americans) have gotten so selfish, self absorbed, and greedy. The generation of folks who laid down their lives to fight Hitler in World War 2 would roll over in their graves if they looked at the state of the world's rich and poor today. This is the saddest thing that I see around me in our beautiful world today- so many folks scrambling for a few more pennies and pushing the smiling and community minded folks away so they can grab at one more cent.
Nobody hates TMO for having too much time on their hands, they hate TMO for what they do to the server community with their selfishness. Their appearance of self absorption, selfishness and greed is shocking to the newly anointed in P99, and some of your members represent the words of what humanity has become today all embodied in one guild. Certainly your guild policies in general represent the worst of human greed and selfishness.
I am "Polyanna" in that I hope for the best for humanity and our world in very difficult times, and I wish that world wide we could find a way to work together and solve the problems that will be facing all of us. I for one welcome the fact that "Winter is coming"- some of us understand how big the winter is that is coming to face humanity, and they would rather face it themselves than have their sons or daughters face it for them. Either way I wish that the world could work out their problems and greed is at the heart of it- it would be sad if in an Elf Simulator a few thousand people can't find a way to work out their greed problems. It speaks volumes for humanity in general that we end up with situations like the one TMO has created on this server for the past 3 years. We are probably all fkd and I can't say that we don't deserve it with the way we act to one another.

A little long winded and somewhat off topic I suppose- but this has been burning at me since I got on the server and saw what we have made of the raid scene. It's terrible, and the people who justify it are the worst of what is driving our society down.
Old 12-20-2013, 02:44 PM
sedrie.bellamie sedrie.bellamie is offline

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was every account on the server checked for duping? I guessing they were not. What p99 really needed was the ban hammer to come down like it did for SEQ and 2-boxing. If the server staff checked every account for duping and other infractions, I am pretty sure more than 106 accounts would get banned.
Old 12-20-2013, 02:48 PM
Babayaaga Babayaaga is offline

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Originally Posted by Detoxx [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I just want to say I this is very unfair Rogean. You want to raid suspend us, fine. You want to ban the people that were cheating? Great, I'm all for it. But what you have done here is made people like me and several others appear to be cheaters. I am not, I never have been, and never will. Making a blanket statement like that is very unfair, and I am very disappointed in the way this was handled.

I've spent countless hours here raiding, farming, and making friends. And now I, and several others, are lumped into a cheating category I deserve no part of. I thank you for what you do here, but this should be reviewed and dealt with properly. This ban now and ask questions later mentality is unjust at best.
Every player has a choice as to whom they want to align with (guild). By the time you are high enough to apply to raid content guilds, you have a good idea of who they are, what their reputation is, and what they have to offer you.

When you join a guild, you adopt their reputation <just by wearing their tag>. While I'm sure there are many awesome people in TMO, unfortunately their reputation as a whole precedes them.

Ultimately, players weigh the negatives with the positives when they make this choice. It seems clear to many people that TMO has had only one thing to offer. It's natural that you will make friendships within your guild environment, but you all made choices to align with an organization that did not have a positive reputation to begin with. That is the risk you all took, and now share in the consequences.

Originally Posted by Detoxx [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Also, regarding changing the raiding scene here. I agree. It clearly isn't the best method, but guess what...that's the way classic EQ was.
I played on the "ghetto" server known as Xegony and while there were contested arguments often, I never experienced what goes on in P99. I attest that largely to the fact that accounts cost money to buy and run (package cost + subscription), and the fact that Verant/Sony had larger customer service pools to work with.

The cause of this ban is the result of this problem, which is that operating multiple accounts is cost-free. Because of this, it is simple to create a new account, level a toon to 60, deck it out, then share the access information with many people and perma park it at <insert raid target here>.

THIS is why TMO monopolizes raid targets. It has nothing to do with the "classic" idea that the more you put in, the more you will get out. This is bending the rules to ones favour, and activities such as plat duping and RMT and/or plat-purchasing gear and accounts only makes matters worse.

Get it now?

What may seem unfair to you is quite obvious to many other people who follow the rules and regulations of Project 1999 to a "T".

I also personally believe that there are too many mouths to feed for the crumbs of content available. I do NOT, however, think that improving that situation would cure what has been going on. Something has to change, and hopefully, this is the first step.

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Last edited by Babayaaga; 12-20-2013 at 03:04 PM..
Old 12-20-2013, 02:49 PM
Rangerboy Rangerboy is offline

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i hope they do check all accounts and ban everyone who broke the rules. too bad for those people...thats what happens when you cheat
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