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Old 11-10-2015, 12:39 PM
Griffy Griffy is offline

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Thanks Frag [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] I have been enjoying it [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] !

Last night I got to log in for a bit and decided to try the Dwarfs in BB that here had been so much talk about in the Druid Solo Guide. I followed Maestro Morganti guide. "BTW if you haven't seen his video on this here is the link. very well done and his videos for the druid epic are great [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] ! "

Dwarfs at the Docks:

Dwarfs on the Coast:

I wanted to try the docks but unfortunately they were camped. So I went ahead and did the coastal Dwarfs. "Again thank you Maestro Morganti for a great writeup" the pull was straight forward and there wasn't any real trouble with the gathering them up or the kite in that open area. Surprisingly the xp was about the same as the Kodiaks in Great Divide. The difference being the look was better [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] So I have another spot to add to my quading table and hopefully I can do the docks atleast once to get a feel for that. I finished the night 8 blue from 40. Not to bad overall. I figure I have about 6 more kites to make it to 40 ! [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Till next time
Level 39 Druid of Tunare
Slayer of Dwarfs on Kaladim Citizens Faction
Old 11-10-2015, 05:18 PM
ronasch ronasch is offline

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I started reading this thread and realized WTF am I doing. So I quit
Old 11-12-2015, 03:23 PM
Griffy Griffy is offline

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Yesterday was fun. Since it was a holiday, I figured I wouldn't have to many clients come into the shop. It seemed like a perfect day to bring in the laptop and slack off a bit in P99 ! I dinged 40 pretty early and decided it was time to head over to W/L and pick up my 44/49 spells so i wouldn't have to worry about it later.

I grabbed a port in the common lands and headed for W/L.........
Yup I got Woushi'ed !! Now the porter who took me was as surprised as I was that he had popped but apparently we were not the only two. I saw some zone comments as I was getting mauled saying "Lol here are another 2 victims"

Now if you have read previous posts in this journal you would know I have a little bit of a fear of Kael. The thought of doing the run through Kael naked was not something I was looking forward too. Since it had to be done I started looking for someone who could move our bodies away from Woushi and towards kael. Luckily Johnwilks hooked us up on that. "thanks again man I owe ya one"The wizard who ported me and I headed towards Kael and managed to snake our way through without to much trouble thank Tunare. "Maybe its just me but I seem to remember ALOT more see invis during that run"

Once we made it through to the W/L the wizard decided to just loot and scoot. So It was just me left to try and find a ress if possible. Luckily a nice Cleric came by "think her name was Natty" but she was very understanding and tossed me a ress [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] "TY AGAIN !"

Since I was already in W/L I ran over and picked up my spells. I decided that was enough silliness for 1 day and just hung out for the rest of the day.

Now before you think I was bummed out about Woushi or the naked run through Kael. I want you to know I had a smile on my face the whole time. It's days like that which bring back the true classic feel of EQ to me [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] It was fun !!!

Hopefully Tonight I will get a chance to try quads at Ulthorks again.
Till next time
Level 40 Druid of Tunare
Woushi Victim #24,1871,234
Old 11-16-2015, 02:07 PM
Griffy Griffy is offline

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This was a long EQ weekend for me. I really wanted to get through 40 and decided to grind however long it took. I started Saturday morning with barely 1 tick into the level. Since the Dwarfs in Butcher Block seem perma camped and almost no one camps the Kodiaks in Great Divide, I decided to focus my time there. Even getting 3 ticks per quad I knew it would be a haul. As expected the loot was horrid but the XP was constant.

About midday I did have a little Company as a guy named Skabnight came by to do his Bloodmaw turn in. We cleared to Bloodmaw, and I harmonied him. Skab did the turn in and nothing happened. Skabnight said he had done the quest a few times on multiple toons and never had it fail. I felt pretty bad for him because I know it sucks to have the turn in mob just eat your quest items. At least it wasn’t the Lodi piece! I don’t know if the failure was level based or not but I suspect so.

Saturday evening after I took a dinner break I saw a /OCC from a guy named Doomstealer saying he and a 40 Pally named Xattin were looking for more. I sent a tell saying I would be game [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] “I really needed a break from Kodiak slaying at that point” We grouped up for a little giant and wolf slaughtering. “I actually raised my Dwarf faction to amiable with that group [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]” Fun thing about P99, once we got grouped up and started chatting I found out that they both were former Emarr players ! Heck we even knew some of the same folks back in the day. They were nice enough to invite me into their Team Speak channel for the rest of the night.

Side note. Both Xattin and Doom are members of Anonymous. Every time I run into those folks I seem to have Good experiences. Between Bonecollector running me through to pick up my CS tooth, and hanging out With Xattin and Doom That guilds reputation with me is in high standing.

I finally Dinged 41 at about 10:30 that night. When we broke camp I had accomplished my weekend goal and made a couple new friends in the process!

Sunday was back to the grind. It was certainly nice to be out of hell and back to more than 1 blue per Quad on them [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]. Sunday evening I managed to ding 42 on the Kodiaks and Even at 42 I still get slightly more than a blue per quad. I’m not sure how much longer Kodiaks will be blue, but I plan on staying as long as I can.

Till Next Time
Level 42 Druid of Tunare
Doing more Grinding than a stripper with 3 kids to feed
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Old 11-23-2015, 03:00 PM
Griffy Griffy is offline

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I know it’s been a bit since my last update, but honestly there wasn't much to report. I have still been grinding on Kodiaks. I did get to group with my friends Xattin and Doom a bit, but mostly it’s been running quads at off hours to get within striking distance of leveling. I wanted to grind out 43 so I could finally get to my last 2 port spells "Wakening Lands and Cobalt Scar" at 44.

I finally did ding 44 on sunday. Now that’s a great feeling. I swear I was smiling as I edited my /ooc port message to read "Now porting to ALL Druid locations" !! I can’t tell you how many tells I have gotten while quading in Great Divide asking if I was available to port to WL or CS. I regularly had to explain that it was a 44 spell and I was not there yet. When I got close to dinging 44 I told folks if they would like to P/L me the last bit through 43 I would be happy to take them [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] "No takers though LOL"

Once I dinged 44 I ran one more quad at the Kodiaks to see if the xp was still worth it. Unfortunately it wasn't. The XP dropped noticeably so it’s time to move on. I ran a quad at the outpost in Dreadlands on the Skelly's & they were doable. But one of them had nearly twice the HP of the others causing me to Dot Rot it down. This caused a smidge too much down time so again it was time to move on.

Next up I decided to do Walruses in EW. These are doable but again I found the XP isn’t what I had hoped. I ported to CS because I wanted to try my hands on Wyverns. As usual I pulled a single to see how things would go. “I always pull a single when I am trying a new area I'm not sure about”. I harmonied a pair of wyverns on the ledge and pulled one with snare. resist. recast snare... resist. Recast Snare resist....



I finished up the night on one of my old favorite targets. Panthers in W/L. Honestly I love these guys, you have to keep your eyes open for priests, but you can pull them back to the wall for a standard kite or just pull a single back to the wall and root rot it. The best part about this is you can make really good plat while you hunt. Both by foraging Yew Leaves, and selling the hides. I made a little over 300 plat in just an hour using this method. Now while that doesn’t seem like much to some folks to me it is a big deal. I don’t really like charging folks for ports and now I have a viable alternative to that to make decent cash and start gearing up.

Anyway I'll be grinding through 44 and 45 this week. The goal is to try and get to 46 by the end of the weekend. If I can get there I think I just might be able to grind on the Wyverns in CS !!

Till next time
Saum level 44 Druid of Tunare
Now porting to everywhere !!!!
Old 11-23-2015, 04:22 PM
maestrom maestrom is offline

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BBM dwarves should still be decent exp through 44-46. At 46 Spirocs are delicious.

Edit: Thanks for the plug [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Old 11-30-2015, 02:09 PM
Griffy Griffy is offline

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Wow what a week!

Wednesday night I got invited to tag behind anonymous while they plowed through mobs in Kael. It was great fun tagging mobs and healing as much as I could "though honestly my heals probably weren't that helpful" We spent so much time in the arena I got myself to non KoS to Cov faction "Take that Woushi!" The best part is I know I am safe in CS for quading in the future.

My goal was to get through 45 and into 46 by the end of the weekend. I pretty much smashed that one [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

On Thursday I spent the entire day grinding walruses. This got me through 45 and partially into 46. I managed to pick up an ES vambs and that made things really efficient I was finishing Kites with 30% mana left. When pulling Walruses. I pulled with Es vambs ran them back towards Korrigan and snared. This way they were out of the way and would not gather ads while setting up my kite. It had the pleasant side effect of have the mobs all between 80%-90% health when I would start my quad. This meant less down time between kites!
On Saturday I dinged 47 and decided to try my hand out on Wyverns. Nope I’m still too low to quad them. While I can land snares and lightning Strike they simply have too many HP for my pathetic mana pool. I did notice that the Shell Collectors on the beach are Dark blue so I gave those a whirl. Let me tell you these guys are really light weights! They have very few HP’s and are quadable on the far right beach without too much difficulty. I did the Majority of 47 on them and made a decent amount of plat while doing it. I only stopped because I wasn’t ready to ruin my Otter faction yet. I Dinged 48 off the Walruses on Sunday.

So there you go. All of 44 to 48 done in just a few days. Now I just have to find a new hunting ground. I wanted to do the Spirocs everyone talks about but they were uber camped the last couple times I went over there. “And that’s a long run just to find out there are 4-6 people quading”. Maybe I will try the Skeletons in DL again /shrug. I am open to suggestions if anyone has any. I’m just looking for a quiet out of the way spot to get through 48 and into my 49 spells. Then things should really pick up !

Till Next time
Saum 48 Druid of Tunare
Future Wyvern Kiters of America
Old 12-03-2015, 04:01 PM
Griffy Griffy is offline

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Mini update,

I dinged 49 off a mix of walruses and giants in EW. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! I got to run a few quads on Wyverns in CS last night and with the new spell line up they are very doable. I also ran a few runs at the giant fort in EW and on loio gobbies just to get a feel for those. Im hoping to get through 51 by the end of the weekend [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] wish me luck
Till next time
Saum 49 Druid of Tunare
quading kiting till the sun comes up
Old 12-03-2015, 09:12 PM
Waedawen Waedawen is offline

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Dude this is fantastic. Good for you man, bang those levels out.

When you get sick of soloing try to make friends with an enchanter. I'd love to hear about what kind of high-wire stuff and named sniping you can get into.
Petros Zolustias
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Old 12-04-2015, 05:19 AM
Cillaz Cillaz is offline

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Loio gobs til 51, real easy kills as low hp for their level!
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Cillaz Scalefist, 60 Iksar Shaman, former Officer of <Infernus>, P99 Blue
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