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Old 03-02-2018, 08:41 AM
Just facts Just facts is offline

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Originally Posted by Tayy [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Saying that, I hope AW guild leaders retract all active petitions specifically so there is nothing in the petition queue to suspend them for because spite
/This x10, time to stop all petition quest.
~vincit omnia veritas~
Old 03-02-2018, 08:54 AM
Csihar Csihar is offline

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Trying to look at the situation objectively and I wonder about certain things.

1) CSG is getting blamed for Awakened getting a 30 day ban. But is CSG responsible for a 30 day ban or just a ban? With the 30 days being a culmination of previous bans and CSG only being responsible for 10 or so days.

2) If you look at the situation in the following way:

- Awakened accidentally trained CSG
- CSG didn't communicate that they felt it was worth petitioning over but just did

Conclusion: CSG was wrong.

But I don't think you can look at this as an isolated incident and I think more facts are relevant.

Despite it being an accident (which I accept is the case), should Feshlak have been pulled while Eashen was being engaged? I've read the explanation of why the train happened in the way that it did but to me that doesn't explain why the situation that could potentially cause a train was initiated to begin with.

I understand that Aftermath and Awakened do it this way. There's a rivalry but you guys want each other there because the competition excites you. Try to get every mob every week and if someone trains, it's just part of the game A/A plays. You conceed, you make some deals and win some, lose some and next week another game starts. Perhaps this is an incorrect way of looking at it, correct me if so.

But neither guild plays that game with any other guilds. And it seems like both guilds are so used to playing this game that they see it as a given. This is just the way things are (despite actively creating that particular way themselves). So another guild comes in, makes a clean pull and Awakened goes off to pull another raid mob right away, which could potentially train the other guild. And why? Was it their first shot in 7 months at that highly contested mob that drops an epic piece for a person whose main still needs it after 2 years? No, it was just another one of the ToV mobs Awakened kills again and again.
It ends up wiping CSG? Due to an accident? Sure. But an accident that occured because of 'competition!!!' ?. Also true. Well, no biggie. Just let CSG know through /ooc "we conceed." Situation resolved.

That works well when it's one mob and two guilds. We wipe you guys? Well, we conceed, and the other guild gets an uncontested kill of the target they were after. That actually helps the guild you wiped.
But in ToV with that amount of people it doesn't really work the same.
CSG wasn't going after Feshlak so how does conceeding that mob help in any way?
CSG had a clean kill going for Eashen and then gets trained twice, which jeopardized their shot at getting Eashen.
Conceeding Feshlak served nothing more than to do away with a fuck-up by means of a technicality. It also sets a certain precedent. It was mentioned that people should just start training the shit out of other guilds whenever they're killing something and then just say "we conceed". It's a magical get out of jail free card.
Guild A and B compete. Guild A throws guild C some loot and in return guild C trains guild B whenever A and B are competing. And then Guild C just conceeds. Problem solved.

What more could have been done? That's a question that was asked multiple times but never directly answered. First of all, nothing was done. Not for CSG. Conceeding Feshlak was 100% self-serving.
Send nudes, sing apology songs in their particular native language ('cause lol: they Euros)... yes. Perhaps someone in Awakened should have taken the time to send a tell and explain the situation. Apologize and see if after the night was done they could discuss something by means of making up for the wipe and potential loss of a raid boss. Because (again) conceeding didn't do anything at all for CSG.

It wasn't up to CSG to communicate, it was up to Awakened. CSG communication would require them to do more than they should have, which I will address in a moment.

But that patronizing /ooc wasn't the only communication. Other communication from AW followed and boiled down to "leave A/A be to complete and fuck off casuals". Aftermath as well.

And this is not an isolated incident, it's part of the entire raid scene. A raid scene that is currently shaped by A/A. I can't speak on it as I haven't been privy to those conversations but several CSG members asserted that guild communication with Awakened and Aftermath have often boiled down to "learn to petition". I also haven't seen anyone denying this. But it seems to me to be an important aspect of it.

So then I look at the situation as follows:

- CSG was simply killing a raid mob, got fucked over and ... nothing.
- Awakened plays their A/A raiding game, fucks another guild in the process and conceeds. Damnit, that's a loss for us and a win for Awakened. But we'll get 'em next week! Oh, CSG? The rules state we just need to conceed and our training is no longer an issue.
- Awakened thought they were jailfree because of a technicality, not for setting things right.
- No proper communication from Awakened.
- Bunch of people who didn't want to be a part of the A/A game.
- Bunch of people who were tired of being told to learn to petition petitioned.
- Awakened gets banned. It's 30 days (which really sucks and I don't enjoy it personally) but I'd say CSG gave you guys 10 days and the previous bans added the 20.
Old 03-02-2018, 08:55 AM
Csihar Csihar is offline

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Page 53 and it's long so I don't expect people to read it but I'm genuinely interested in hearing a perspective that changes mine for anyone willing to offer one. Just please, not in RnF style.
Old 03-02-2018, 08:59 AM
Legday Legday is offline

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Originally Posted by Csihar [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Page 53 and it's long so I don't expect people to read it but I'm genuinely interested in hearing a perspective that changes mine for anyone willing to offer one. Just please, not in RnF style.
You have come to the wrong place.
Old 03-02-2018, 09:00 AM
Superranger Superranger is offline

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Write a novel about why this raid suspension might or might not have been deserved

Superranger Uselessranger, 60 Ranger of Azure Guard !
Old 03-02-2018, 09:06 AM
kjs86z kjs86z is offline

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Originally Posted by Knowmercy [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The Boy

playing a pickup game of basketball on the playground after team practice, one of the kids has downs syndrome. we are all civilized gentleman, its 2018, u gotta let him participate. why not.

he breaks all the rules, double dribbles, fouls constantly, drools on everbody, with incoherent excited moaning. hes never done this before. god bless his gentle heart, poor soul.

during the awkward and bizarre pickup game, you accidentally bump him with just enough force to knock him to the ground. he slams the ground with a deafening autistic screech, twitches violently for a moment, then is completely still.

then all is quiet... you could hear a pin drop. you could cut the silence with a knife. in agonizing slow motion, you gaze up from the kid - all eyes are on you, piercing your very soul through the window of your dumbfounded look. the faces are a confused, intense cacophony of extreme rage, sorrow, and utter shock.

after what feels like an eternity, the soccer mom mother of the child, who knows nothing about basketball, stands up abruptly and begins the fiercest, most estrogen charged mamma bear social justice tongue lashing youve ever heard. everyones mouths fall agape. she charges towards you, red faced, hot and bothered screaming. the basketball coach/cuckold husband tries to restrain her gently and grabs her upper arm. big. mistake. you see her slap the taste out of his mouth, shouting incoherently into his face as he apologizes profusely, and submissively. as the spectical is momentary shifted away from you, you take this opportunity to slink away.

a few minutes later from the parking lot you eagerly peer through the cars to catch a glimpse of what has happened. is he ok? Did he get hurt? To your amazement, you see everyone standing around him, a few extending their arms, others beginning to help him up. As the players begin to slowly hoist him up, hes comes to - lets loose and angry wail, and frantically slaps the hands of the helpers away. They step back cautiously, and again the boy tumbles to the ground, moaning. He angrily, painstakingly, with great frustration, scrambles and scrapes to get onto his feet like a baby horse trying to get his legs underneath him. It is clear he does not want help, but standing on his own too feet unassisted appears to be a great source of pride for him. Does he understand pride or?

Eventually he stabilizes himself, the spectators gasp. The situation is playing out like a movie, and everyone is captivated by it. The boy instinctively shuffles to the free throw line, then glances at the coach with a hint of his mothers ferocity, signaling - its time for a foul shot. The ball is passed to the boy. he shoots. he scores. There is a roar from the crowd that has now formed, the scene is at an absolute climax. Tears stream down the face of the mother, makeup streaks forming on her cheeks, as the coach hands her tissues. Everyone is beside themselves, hooting and hollering, singing the praises of the boy. No one is more pleased and ecstatic than the boy however, who is lifted onto high into the air, onto the shoulders of the tallest players. He is paraded around with his hands held high, eyes tightly shut, streaming tears of pure happiness are everywhere. He begins chanting something, you swear it sounds like "Adrian" as he peppered by flash photography that has now gathered at the event.

The sensation of guilt, and mixed happiness twists your heart in a strange direction. In a strange chaotic way, you realize you've played the villain, in order to set the stage for great heroics.

Then, at that very moment, the sensation of slow motion takes over again. Miraculously, somehow, across the parking lot you lock eyes with the boy. Time stands still, and you see a highly intelligent facial expression begin to form, one that conveys a deep sinister, conceiving, telling, highly manipulative cunning. You again are shocked and utterly dumbfounded, as the demonic, thug-like face winks at you as if to say, and you swear you hear in the deep recesses of your mind "gotcha bitch." Then as quickly as the trance like state began, it ends. The boy breaks eye contact, his face shift back into a grimacing highly excited crying baby like before.

You regain control your senses, and fall to your knees, clutching your chest in a cold sweat. What.... what just happened?

later that afternoon your approached by the coach.
"hey man, i know this wasnt practice... but we feel its best you to take a month off to let this blow over"
lol 10/10
Old 03-02-2018, 10:02 AM
Capi Capi is offline

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Lost steam too much try hard posting. Good effort guys.
Old 03-02-2018, 11:14 AM
topgun1027 topgun1027 is offline
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Originally Posted by skarlorn [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
wow when i wnt to sleep i requested nerd meltdown, but now there's 22 additional pages.

it'll take most of my workday to read through this during breaks, i'll just make this post for you firegiants to chew on:

The reason why you just got banned for 30 days is because YOU, yes YOU, are responsible for turning the raid scene on this server into a steaming heap of othmir refuse. It doesn't matter that Awakened's scrub wiped an entire guild because he was so bad at the game he couldn't manage to communicate with his guildies before trying to FTE a mob. What really matters is that for the past years, YOUR guild and guilds exactly like it, mostly comprised of the same people, have been hives of degeneracy and toxic behavior. (Toxic behavior like getting a batphone and racing for a mob without bothering to contact your guild to see what's going on - nice one, genius!)

Over the years, many, many things have gone unnoticed by the GMs. But all those sleazy pull strats and culture of fucking over your rival guild to get your Fleshlight Loot first have culminated in this raid scene which Absolutely Deserves to Be Banned.

People are going to freak out and have meltdowns. People will hopefully quit the server (good riddance) or leave the banned guilds. This is all good. It means that the punishments are working because it's going to get rid of the people who cannot deal with the rules, or it's going to force people to create a wholly different raid scene where they aren't at risk for 30 day + suspensions.

Enjoy chewing on your cud (half-digested hotpockets)
You must be living in another world. So lost buddy.
Old 03-02-2018, 11:46 AM
arsenalpow arsenalpow is offline
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Originally Posted by farladar [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Or go play on phinny :P
It’s honestly the more logical conclusion.
Monk of Bregan D'Aerth
Wielder of the Celestial Fists
Originally Posted by Hollywood Hogan
The first thing you gotta' realize, brother, is this right here is the future of wrestling. You can call this the New World Order of Wrestling.
Old 03-02-2018, 11:51 AM
Ruhtar Ruhtar is offline

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Originally Posted by Csihar [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Trying to look at the situation objectively and I wonder about certain things.

1) CSG is getting blamed for Awakened getting a 30 day ban. But is CSG responsible for a 30 day ban or just a ban? With the 30 days being a culmination of previous bans and CSG only being responsible for 10 or so days.

2) If you look at the situation in the following way:

- Awakened accidentally trained CSG
- CSG didn't communicate that they felt it was worth petitioning over but just did

Conclusion: CSG was wrong.

But I don't think you can look at this as an isolated incident and I think more facts are relevant.

Despite it being an accident (which I accept is the case), should Feshlak have been pulled while Eashen was being engaged? I've read the explanation of why the train happened in the way that it did but to me that doesn't explain why the situation that could potentially cause a train was initiated to begin with.

I understand that Aftermath and Awakened do it this way. There's a rivalry but you guys want each other there because the competition excites you. Try to get every mob every week and if someone trains, it's just part of the game A/A plays. You conceed, you make some deals and win some, lose some and next week another game starts. Perhaps this is an incorrect way of looking at it, correct me if so.

But neither guild plays that game with any other guilds. And it seems like both guilds are so used to playing this game that they see it as a given. This is just the way things are (despite actively creating that particular way themselves). So another guild comes in, makes a clean pull and Awakened goes off to pull another raid mob right away, which could potentially train the other guild. And why? Was it their first shot in 7 months at that highly contested mob that drops an epic piece for a person whose main still needs it after 2 years? No, it was just another one of the ToV mobs Awakened kills again and again.
It ends up wiping CSG? Due to an accident? Sure. But an accident that occured because of 'competition!!!' ?. Also true. Well, no biggie. Just let CSG know through /ooc "we conceed." Situation resolved.

That works well when it's one mob and two guilds. We wipe you guys? Well, we conceed, and the other guild gets an uncontested kill of the target they were after. That actually helps the guild you wiped.
But in ToV with that amount of people it doesn't really work the same.
CSG wasn't going after Feshlak so how does conceeding that mob help in any way?
CSG had a clean kill going for Eashen and then gets trained twice, which jeopardized their shot at getting Eashen.
Conceeding Feshlak served nothing more than to do away with a fuck-up by means of a technicality. It also sets a certain precedent. It was mentioned that people should just start training the shit out of other guilds whenever they're killing something and then just say "we conceed". It's a magical get out of jail free card.
Guild A and B compete. Guild A throws guild C some loot and in return guild C trains guild B whenever A and B are competing. And then Guild C just conceeds. Problem solved.

What more could have been done? That's a question that was asked multiple times but never directly answered. First of all, nothing was done. Not for CSG. Conceeding Feshlak was 100% self-serving.
Send nudes, sing apology songs in their particular native language ('cause lol: they Euros)... yes. Perhaps someone in Awakened should have taken the time to send a tell and explain the situation. Apologize and see if after the night was done they could discuss something by means of making up for the wipe and potential loss of a raid boss. Because (again) conceeding didn't do anything at all for CSG.

It wasn't up to CSG to communicate, it was up to Awakened. CSG communication would require them to do more than they should have, which I will address in a moment.

But that patronizing /ooc wasn't the only communication. Other communication from AW followed and boiled down to "leave A/A be to complete and fuck off casuals". Aftermath as well.

And this is not an isolated incident, it's part of the entire raid scene. A raid scene that is currently shaped by A/A. I can't speak on it as I haven't been privy to those conversations but several CSG members asserted that guild communication with Awakened and Aftermath have often boiled down to "learn to petition". I also haven't seen anyone denying this. But it seems to me to be an important aspect of it.

So then I look at the situation as follows:

- CSG was simply killing a raid mob, got fucked over and ... nothing.
- Awakened plays their A/A raiding game, fucks another guild in the process and conceeds. Damnit, that's a loss for us and a win for Awakened. But we'll get 'em next week! Oh, CSG? The rules state we just need to conceed and our training is no longer an issue.
- Awakened thought they were jailfree because of a technicality, not for setting things right.
- No proper communication from Awakened.
- Bunch of people who didn't want to be a part of the A/A game.
- Bunch of people who were tired of being told to learn to petition petitioned.
- Awakened gets banned. It's 30 days (which really sucks and I don't enjoy it personally) but I'd say CSG gave you guys 10 days and the previous bans added the 20.
This is the correct outlook on the situation. However, this being RnF and all, it'll fall on blind eyes.

RnF isn't used to actually work through problems. Its sole purpose is to shitpost and Awakened has shown up in spades.
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