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Old 02-11-2020, 08:05 PM
Smellybuttface Smellybuttface is offline

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Originally Posted by Gatorsmash [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Its 23% of your possible maximun starting mana pool for a cleric (25 points) ..............for an unknown percentage bonus of problably 2-5% toward your one spell line for a function you will be doing the least amount of time playing your healing class, pulling.

One is easily gained through items rotting on the fucking ground at lvl 1 (Charisma,and I can think of 2 that get you to +20 off the top of my head ) and the other (Wisdom) doesnt have an item in game to replace that lost 25 points of Wisdom till the end raiding zones of Velious- you fucking retards.
I'm inclined to agree, though there is a lot of misinformation out there regarding the effect of CHA on Lull/Pacify line.

One old thread I found the following info:

"Charisma effects:

1. Lull resists (determines whether you aggro the mob or not)

Is the effect resisted?
If the effect is resisted, will the NPC get angry and tell its friends that it's time for a BardSnack(tm), or will it ignore what just happened?
Charisma is the sole determinant in the second check. It doesn't affect (resists)."

This implies that your level will matter more on whether a Lull is initially resisted, and a Charisma check is applied to see whether that will become a critical resist (mob aggroes). I've been looking through a lot of sources, but can't definitively say whether that is accurate or not. Anecdotally, I can say my Dwarf Cleric with a hellishly low CHA gets crit-resisted very often on Lull. This isn't much an issue in the higher levels with full groups - usually a Monk or Bard pulling, or having an Enchanter handy. Duo/Trio its more problematic.

As we know, Divine intervention is the vast majority of the time used on the Tank, and of course it checks THEIR charisma, not the cleric's.
Old 02-12-2020, 12:41 AM
zillabunny zillabunny is offline

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A cleorc should put their starting points into wisdom wtf is this thread
Old 02-12-2020, 11:28 AM
Tuljin Tuljin is offline
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Originally Posted by Tuljin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I've been banging this drum for a long time and I'll keep banging it and people will continue to poo-poo it ----------- ~wisdom isn't a great stat~
It's funny I even include a caveat in a very well articulated class discussion forum post, and not only do I get "poo-pooed", this asshole brings it to RnF. He then accuses me of "chomping away on giant bowl of nacho flavored latex paint" when I plainly have a better command of the English language than 90% of the people who post here, and certainly a better command than him. You are -really- mad dude lol

I will say, and I will keep banging this fucking drum, and many excellent players will wholeheartedly agree with me and do to this day, point into wis is of little consequence to a priest in PvE and ~especially on this box when everybody ~~~rAiDs~~~ with 100 people~

Originally Posted by Gatorsmash [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Its 23% of your possible maximun starting mana pool for a cleric (25 points) ..............for an unknown percentage bonus of problably 2-5% toward your one spell line for a function you will be doing the least amount of time playing your healing class, pulling.
So just like all the other self-proclaimed MMO geniuses on P99 you perform basic arithmetic as the main basis of your argument and subsequently present it as if its theoretical mathematics. You then present this incredibly weak argument and claim that "the glove fits!"

And hold on....are we actually arguing the importance and effectiveness of ~every single cha point~ when it comes to crit resists? Didn't we already figure this out? What the fuck are you talking about man? What the fuck is going on here?

23% of your -starting- points. How about when you quickly hit 200 points from all the wis gear you have on? Then how about when you go over the softcap and the amount of points per mana plummets? Did you factor those into your theoretical equation? Did you account for the 23% of your -starting- mana that's what, 3 mana at level 1, when at this point 3 months into the server anybody rolling a cleric is going to get Moonstone Rings and some cheap JC wrists and get damn near 100 mana immediately? What the fuck are you talking about?

How about factoring this into your bullshit arithmetic that you try to pass off as "eureka!" or "a-ha!" you fucking idiot - - how about sitting to catch med ticks diligently? You realize how much catching a med tick is worth vs. just standing between casts? Do you know how many raw mana points that is over time? How about catching med ticks with clarity? How many ticks does it take to catch the amount of mana you lost from that 25 wis from your mana pool under softcap? How about over softcap? Did you factor these into your equation? Can you do this math on your cell phone? Or with an abacus? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Also, how many ~cLeRiCs~ or any players in general are disciplined to sit to catch every single med tick between casts as much as possible? ~hEaLiNg~ takes SO much effort that theres no POSSIBLE way people can be bothered to sit the fuck down immediately after their cast. No, that's waaaaay to much work.

Here's another thing to factor into your 23% arithmetic you moron - how about the fact that every single second you spend playing EQ at full mana is wasted time you could be getting more mana? And how about how many bad players at this game sit around with waaaay to much mana in their bar? You ---never--- want to be full mana unless you are getting ready for a gnarly pull or obviously just camping a couple mobs. If your bar is full, you cast SOMETHING - cast a nuke, cast another buff, SOMETHING - and then get more mana. So do you know how to calculate this into your theoretical math Mr. Tyson?

Originally Posted by Gatorsmash [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
One of the dumbest things I've read on this forum in a long line of stupid shit. If you are one of these fucking idiots with links/referring your character(s) on blue or green, emu servers that spent 10 years (or launched) with some of the most game breaking, exploitable bugs in the history of EQ- exploitable bugs in game so long I left for almost 5 years after launch and they were still in ffs your account should be banned
What's also interesting to me is how of all the -actual- stupid shit written on these forums as well as all the -actual- horrible players and tryhard coattail riders on this box I am flamed on RnF for writing something that is commonly agreed upon by many EQ players in an intelligent manner on a class discussion forum. I don't "make this shit up" dude.

P99 does have a lot of bugs. One of those bugs? Way too many mana per point over softcap. Even still, stat points over softcap are wasted points. This is common knowledge. The nature of cleric gear is such that, especially if you ~~~rAiD~~~ as most clerics do, you will easily get over softcap because cleric gear has tons of wisdom. Then you know what happens? You hit hardcap and your roll points are completely wasted. This knowledge is so incredibly basic, especially those who supposedly "know EQ," as you apparently do, you fucking idiot

Originally Posted by Tuljin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The min/max Charisma debate is very interesting. It's easy to get wisdom gear but Human has low starting wisdom and people are concerned about a low Mana pool. Considering how most people gear their clerics (entirely +Wis) it makes a lot of sense to dump all your points into Cha.

Here's another issue. You dump all your points into Charisma. Every single time you get a crit resist for the life of your toon you got hosed on your stat roll. Every single time.

Here's the other issue --- all these people who want Cha to "atone" and "calm" and "navigate dungeons naked for corpse runs" ---- first of all barely anybody who rolls a cleric does these things, and second of all the cleric that does all these things needs sooooome wisdom because they are wearing HP AC Resist gear and not +Wis gear.

Also, the cleric in HP AC Resist gear isn't dying as much as the +Wis cleric, therefore he won't be doing these "naked corpse runs" that are just a production of people's imagination and never actually happen.
I also addressed every single point anybody else made, including how most players don't even calm or pull on cleric, and also how if you dump all your CHA at roll you get hosed on your roll every time you crit resist. But you just cherry pick and take it to RnF like the fucking moron you are. I can't even believe you are accusing me of "chomping away on giant bowl of nacho flavored latex paint" when I even play devil's advocate. You are such an incredible fucking asshole.

Originally Posted by DMN [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
A human with +5 wis could still realistically hit 200 wisdom pre- kunark, pre planes, and with no dragon loot.

if you started with +25 wis you could probably swap 2-3 wis peices with mana pieces, like platinum tiara. And at the end you'd prolly end up with around 100 more mana at 50.

Classic time period clerics will generally be more hit point focused anyway so they can abuse manastone/CH. Even without stones raiding eventually will start breaking down to mana regen methods and not raw stating wisdom. (mod rod, twitching, meditation + clarity + flowing etc.) Humans in particular will eventually be able to use call of bone from a clicky, too, in manastone restricted places for a couple months.
Originally Posted by BlackBellamy [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
human inny 25cha 5wis any other choice you are a fucking idiot

just a brain dead piece of dog shit

a detestable fellow
Originally Posted by DMN [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
25 cha is great for any cleric who doesn't plan to be in a CH chain all of their play time(and even then, divine intervention is a raid thing). sorry you fail so badly at 21 year old elf sims.
It's really funny because on this box when you're one of 10 plus clerics on a ~rAiD~ you actually don't need a mana pool. Even MORE comical is the fact that the ~~~hArDcOrE rAiDeRs~~~ mostly have a manastone. So what the fuck do you need a mana pool for? If you know you are getting a Manastone and going to be a ~~~hArDcOrE rAiDeR~~~ why don't you go dwarf and point out STA? Why do many ~~~hArDcOrE rAiDeRs~~~ actually min/max a Dwarf with a full STA roll? As discussed on this server for years? Again, "I don't make this shit up."

What actually happens is that most players put all their points into Wis on PvE because they don't aspire to do a god damn thing besides collect DKP and sit in a CH chain. In fact the vast majority of players on P99 have absolutely no idea what most classes can do, mostly because they've never had the fortune of playing with and learning from good players. They just level up in full groups and then get that DKP while others do the heavy lifting. When I play I actually go kill hard shit and get drops. I do it duo with Shaman and do all the calming. I'll go with an Enc buddy and he will calm and watch his pet while I pull. When I play I'm out killing shit deep in dungeons. I don't politick and I don't sit around collecting DKP.

So, how is it that I made it to max 50 without being in a ~~~rAiD gUiLd~~~ and soloing many of my levels, including the majority of my 40s? How did I do that putting points into CHA? Which by the way I did 15wis 15cha, which I mention in my post. Is soloing and pulling as a cleric not more ~hArDcOrE~ than sitting on your ass FM in a full 6 man group or sitting around in a CH chain? Is pulling nameds that hit for 160 underwater on a Cleric not ~hArDcOrE~? Is going and doing hard cash camps duo with a Shaman and doing all the calming not ~hArDcOrE~? What the fuck is going on here?

Why do people want me to play with them and enjoy playing with me when I made such a stupid choice with my roll? Am I letting everybody die? Am I not pulling and CCing and stunning and moving everything a cleric? Am I a fucking asshole and not actually a nice guy and enjoyable to play with? Maybe -you- are the paint chip eating idiot dude.

Originally Posted by Tuljin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Considering how most people gear their clerics (entirely +Wis) it makes a lot of sense to dump all your points into Cha.

I did 15 and 15 because I knew what I would be doing with my toon.
Is putting 25 points into Cha on an Inny human a "bad" choice? It's really fucking not. You know why? Not only because it makes a lot of sense if you pull your head out of your ass and realize that Wis is overrated and easy to get, it's also because it doesn't fucking matter. You can put all your points in STA and get max lvl. You could put it all into DEX and as long as you meet the ****sole criterion**** of playing EQ all fucking day long you can get into a ~~~rAiD gUiLd~~~ and get dragon loot. What the fuck does it matter?

Originally Posted by Gatorsmash [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The amount of fucking paint eating dipshits on this forum is staggering. Since P99's launch this forum has consistently gone down hill, I thought the first few years rivaled the retards we had on the old SK forums....(name escapes me, was folded into the shaman forums)
So let me get this straight - - - you're going to take an intelligently argued discussion from Class Discussion threads and take it directly to RnF. You're going to cherry pick it in an attempt to make me look stupid. You are -then- going to get called on your opinion that many great EQ players would disagree with, in fact making -you- look stupid. You are -then- going to perform very basic arithmetic, form a very weak argument, and then "day bow bow" starts playing in your stupid fucking idiot head. You are -then- going to link to your RnF post in the class discussion thread. THEN you're gonna come around acting like rolling +Wis on a class/race combo people roll *specifically* to min/max a charming, pulling cleric is some of no-brainer "nugget of gold" and you're some kind of fucking genius and smarter than everybody else? And then you're gonna flame me on RnF about it? And be ~~~~reeeeeeally~~~~ fucking "mad" about it? This is in fact what you did, yes?

And I'm assuming you expect me to sit here and fucking "take it?"

You are a fucking neanderthal. Go fuck right off you asshole
Sotir - Cleric
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Old 02-12-2020, 11:35 AM
magnetaress magnetaress is offline
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I like mspaint.
Old 02-12-2020, 11:36 AM
magnetaress magnetaress is offline
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Also cha is basically the only Stat that matters.
Old 02-12-2020, 11:48 AM
Waedawen Waedawen is offline

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clerics have multiple items they can get that are basically class exclusive that add +7, 8, 9, whatever wisdom per slot. using your base points on wisdom is retarded.

also, when you're doing 2-3 man groups (like the actual good players do instead of sitting around in a 100 person raid like a fucking drooling retard) very often you gotta use every tool in the box.
Petros Zolustias
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Old 02-12-2020, 11:49 AM
Waedawen Waedawen is offline

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Originally Posted by magnetaress [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Also cha is basically the only Stat that matters.
i didn't even see this reply, but yes. charisma, hp, and armor are the only fucking stats that matter.
Petros Zolustias
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"... I don't think I remember him digging for this long..."

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Old 02-12-2020, 12:30 PM
Polycaster Polycaster is offline

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Originally Posted by Gatorsmash [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Its 23% of your possible maximun starting mana pool for a cleric (25 points) ..............for an unknown percentage bonus of problably 2-5% toward your one spell line for a function you will be doing the least amount of time playing your healing class, pulling.

One is easily gained through items rotting on the fucking ground at lvl 1 (Charisma,and I can think of 2 that get you to +20 off the top of my head ) and the other (Wisdom) doesnt have an item in game to replace that lost 25 points of Wisdom till the end raiding zones of Velious- you fucking retards.

My gimp druid alt has 200 wis with several slots empty. Get gud at ECquest. Naked cha is an important stat when lulling down to your corpse and those of your group. The True Powergamer puts all points into cha, for every class. To do otherwise is sub-optimal and try-hard.
Jignutz, gnome necro of the 50th drama thread
Old 02-12-2020, 12:58 PM
Bhairava Bhairava is offline

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Originally Posted by Tuljin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It's funny I even include a caveat in a very well articulated class discussion forum post, and not only do I get "poo-pooed", this asshole brings it to RnF. He then accuses me of "chomping away on giant bowl of nacho flavored latex paint" when I plainly have a better command of the English language than 90% of the people who post here, and certainly a better command than him. You are -really- mad dude lol

I will say, and I will keep banging this fucking drum, and many excellent players will wholeheartedly agree with me and do to this day, point into wis is of little consequence to a priest in PvE and ~especially on this box when everybody ~~~rAiDs~~~ with 100 people~

So just like all the other self-proclaimed MMO geniuses on P99 you perform basic arithmetic as the main basis of your argument and subsequently present it as if its theoretical mathematics. You then present this incredibly weak argument and claim that "the glove fits!"

And hold on....are we actually arguing the importance and effectiveness of ~every single cha point~ when it comes to crit resists? Didn't we already figure this out? What the fuck are you talking about man? What the fuck is going on here?

23% of your -starting- points. How about when you quickly hit 200 points from all the wis gear you have on? Then how about when you go over the softcap and the amount of points per mana plummets? Did you factor those into your theoretical equation? Did you account for the 23% of your -starting- mana that's what, 3 mana at level 1, when at this point 3 months into the server anybody rolling a cleric is going to get Moonstone Rings and some cheap JC wrists and get damn near 100 mana immediately? What the fuck are you talking about?

How about factoring this into your bullshit arithmetic that you try to pass off as "eureka!" or "a-ha!" you fucking idiot - - how about sitting to catch med ticks diligently? You realize how much catching a med tick is worth vs. just standing between casts? Do you know how many raw mana points that is over time? How about catching med ticks with clarity? How many ticks does it take to catch the amount of mana you lost from that 25 wis from your mana pool under softcap? How about over softcap? Did you factor these into your equation? Can you do this math on your cell phone? Or with an abacus? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Also, how many ~cLeRiCs~ or any players in general are disciplined to sit to catch every single med tick between casts as much as possible? ~hEaLiNg~ takes SO much effort that theres no POSSIBLE way people can be bothered to sit the fuck down immediately after their cast. No, that's waaaaay to much work.

Here's another thing to factor into your 23% arithmetic you moron - how about the fact that every single second you spend playing EQ at full mana is wasted time you could be getting more mana? And how about how many bad players at this game sit around with waaaay to much mana in their bar? You ---never--- want to be full mana unless you are getting ready for a gnarly pull or obviously just camping a couple mobs. If your bar is full, you cast SOMETHING - cast a nuke, cast another buff, SOMETHING - and then get more mana. So do you know how to calculate this into your theoretical math Mr. Tyson?

What's also interesting to me is how of all the -actual- stupid shit written on these forums as well as all the -actual- horrible players and tryhard coattail riders on this box I am flamed on RnF for writing something that is commonly agreed upon by many EQ players in an intelligent manner on a class discussion forum. I don't "make this shit up" dude.

P99 does have a lot of bugs. One of those bugs? Way too many mana per point over softcap. Even still, stat points over softcap are wasted points. This is common knowledge. The nature of cleric gear is such that, especially if you ~~~rAiD~~~ as most clerics do, you will easily get over softcap because cleric gear has tons of wisdom. Then you know what happens? You hit hardcap and your roll points are completely wasted. This knowledge is so incredibly basic, especially those who supposedly "know EQ," as you apparently do, you fucking idiot

I also addressed every single point anybody else made, including how most players don't even calm or pull on cleric, and also how if you dump all your CHA at roll you get hosed on your roll every time you crit resist. But you just cherry pick and take it to RnF like the fucking moron you are. I can't even believe you are accusing me of "chomping away on giant bowl of nacho flavored latex paint" when I even play devil's advocate. You are such an incredible fucking asshole.

It's really funny because on this box when you're one of 10 plus clerics on a ~rAiD~ you actually don't need a mana pool. Even MORE comical is the fact that the ~~~hArDcOrE rAiDeRs~~~ mostly have a manastone. So what the fuck do you need a mana pool for? If you know you are getting a Manastone and going to be a ~~~hArDcOrE rAiDeR~~~ why don't you go dwarf and point out STA? Why do many ~~~hArDcOrE rAiDeRs~~~ actually min/max a Dwarf with a full STA roll? As discussed on this server for years? Again, "I don't make this shit up."

What actually happens is that most players put all their points into Wis on PvE because they don't aspire to do a god damn thing besides collect DKP and sit in a CH chain. In fact the vast majority of players on P99 have absolutely no idea what most classes can do, mostly because they've never had the fortune of playing with and learning from good players. They just level up in full groups and then get that DKP while others do the heavy lifting. When I play I actually go kill hard shit and get drops. I do it duo with Shaman and do all the calming. I'll go with an Enc buddy and he will calm and watch his pet while I pull. When I play I'm out killing shit deep in dungeons. I don't politick and I don't sit around collecting DKP.

So, how is it that I made it to max 50 without being in a ~~~rAiD gUiLd~~~ and soloing many of my levels, including the majority of my 40s? How did I do that putting points into CHA? Which by the way I did 15wis 15cha, which I mention in my post. Is soloing and pulling as a cleric not more ~hArDcOrE~ than sitting on your ass FM in a full 6 man group or sitting around in a CH chain? Is pulling nameds that hit for 160 underwater on a Cleric not ~hArDcOrE~? Is going and doing hard cash camps duo with a Shaman and doing all the calming not ~hArDcOrE~? What the fuck is going on here?

Why do people want me to play with them and enjoy playing with me when I made such a stupid choice with my roll? Am I letting everybody die? Am I not pulling and CCing and stunning and moving everything a cleric? Am I a fucking asshole and not actually a nice guy and enjoyable to play with? Maybe -you- are the paint chip eating idiot dude.

Is putting 25 points into Cha on an Inny human a "bad" choice? It's really fucking not. You know why? Not only because it makes a lot of sense if you pull your head out of your ass and realize that Wis is overrated and easy to get, it's also because it doesn't fucking matter. You can put all your points in STA and get max lvl. You could put it all into DEX and as long as you meet the ****sole criterion**** of playing EQ all fucking day long you can get into a ~~~rAiD gUiLd~~~ and get dragon loot. What the fuck does it matter?

So let me get this straight - - - you're going to take an intelligently argued discussion from Class Discussion threads and take it directly to RnF. You're going to cherry pick it in an attempt to make me look stupid. You are -then- going to get called on your opinion that many great EQ players would disagree with, in fact making -you- look stupid. You are -then- going to perform very basic arithmetic, form a very weak argument, and then "day bow bow" starts playing in your stupid fucking idiot head. You are -then- going to link to your RnF post in the class discussion thread. THEN you're gonna come around acting like rolling +Wis on a class/race combo people roll *specifically* to min/max a charming, pulling cleric is some of no-brainer "nugget of gold" and you're some kind of fucking genius and smarter than everybody else? And then you're gonna flame me on RnF about it? And be ~~~~reeeeeeally~~~~ fucking "mad" about it? This is in fact what you did, yes?

And I'm assuming you expect me to sit here and fucking "take it?"

You are a fucking neanderthal. Go fuck right off you asshole
Old 02-12-2020, 01:01 PM
Bhairava Bhairava is offline

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Originally Posted by tuljin
So let me get this straight - - - you're going to take an intelligently argued discussion from Class Discussion threads and take it directly to RnF. You're going to cherry pick it in an attempt to make me look stupid. You are -then- going to get called on your opinion that many great EQ players would disagree with
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