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Old 02-25-2022, 02:22 AM
azxten azxten is offline
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Originally Posted by Bones [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Funny thing is its not even the GM's fault they have tried all kinds of measures to stem the bullshit but the career neckbeard everquesters always find a way to bend or circumvent the rules and mechanics that were put in to try and make it as fair as possible.
P99 is broken from a game design perspective. I've theorized this and gone well down the path of proving it. It's up to the staff to start addressing the core unclassic mechanics that make P99 too easy.

This started with proving Enchanter charm is trivializing the entire game from start to finish and massively breaking the leveling and itemization curves that should exist. It led to putting together the proof the channeling is insanely more successful on P99 than it was on live.

And most recently after watching this video you can hear it directly from the guy who created the Enchanter spells that the way P99 works is nothing like live Enchanter.

Not only that but his repeatedly obsession with the "aggro system" and that he even seems to view EQ's core differentiation being this "aggro system" also tells me that another major problem, beyond channeling, is aggro. He even mentions aggro management for healers which is basically non-existent on P99 the same way charm is incredibly broken for Enchanter compared to live.

The vision Brad had in classic EQ does not exist on P99 and neither do the mechanics this MUD master implemented. We have a hollow shell and the devs don't seem to care even if you hand them the C++ code in a patch file like I did with undeniable proof that the mechanics should change and what is proposed is classic.
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Old 02-25-2022, 02:34 AM
Jimjam Jimjam is offline
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Good point about heal aggro - that used to be a thing ... is it not just that everyone is using 1:2 instead of 1:7 weapons from level 1?

Gorgen (Blue) - Agnostic Troll Warrior of the XXXI Dung

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Old 02-25-2022, 02:59 AM
Bones Bones is offline
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Originally Posted by azxten [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
P99 is broken from a game design perspective. I've theorized this and gone well down the path of proving it. It's up to the staff to start addressing the core unclassic mechanics that make P99 too easy.

This started with proving Enchanter charm is trivializing the entire game from start to finish and massively breaking the leveling and itemization curves that should exist. It led to putting together the proof the channeling is insanely more successful on P99 than it was on live.

And most recently after watching this video you can hear it directly from the guy who created the Enchanter spells that the way P99 works is nothing like live Enchanter.

Not only that but his repeatedly obsession with the "aggro system" and that he even seems to view EQ's core differentiation being this "aggro system" also tells me that another major problem, beyond channeling, is aggro. He even mentions aggro management for healers which is basically non-existent on P99 the same way charm is incredibly broken for Enchanter compared to live.

The vision Brad had in classic EQ does not exist on P99 and neither do the mechanics this MUD master implemented. We have a hollow shell and the devs don't seem to care even if you hand them the C++ code in a patch file like I did with undeniable proof that the mechanics should change and what is proposed is classic.
I hear you, but I am not speaking about issues with the p99 code in general, which there may admittedly be many of, but lots of work has been done in the last 12 years. As bad as you think it might be right now p99 was far more broken in 2009. I was more speaking on raid rules and other non-classic mechanics that have been added in to try and stem the toxic af raid scene that has perpetually existed on p99 in particular. Many of which I complete disagree with, such as rooted dragons and removing push interrupt, but I understand why they did it at the time.
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Old 02-25-2022, 04:10 AM
azxten azxten is offline
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Originally Posted by Bones [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I was more speaking on raid rules and other non-classic mechanics that have been added in to try and stem the toxic af raid scene that has perpetually existed on p99 in particular. Many of which I complete disagree with, such as rooted dragons and removing push interrupt, but I understand why they did it at the time.
You don't seem to understand that those "issues with P99 code" are why the raid scene is the way it is. Ultimately, like I explain below, you have to accept that the staff WANTS things this way. They want people to reach raid level faster than they should be able to if the goal was a classic EQ experience.

As I explain below you only have to look as far as Green launch with the increased spawn rates and Teal instance server for confirmation of that. Every time players start to get a bit stressed about "congestion" or "rules" or whatever else the staff swoops in to make unclassic adjustments. Classic EQ was designed to be difficult and stressful. Until the staff embraces this and stops making it EQ-lite the raid scene will always have 500 people sitting around AFK while some ultra nerd officers argue over the latest ridiculous raid competition rules and meta adjustments.

Almost none of those people should be there. It's that simple. You have people show up on P99, have never played EQ in their life, and they make max level in 2-3 weeks of casual playing. The game is too easy, it's nothing like classic, and with the way green launch was "decongested" it is pretty hard to argue that it isn't intentionally being made this way.

Originally Posted by Jimjam [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Good point about heal aggro - that used to be a thing ... is it not just that everyone is using 1:2 instead of 1:7 weapons from level 1?
Everyone remembers Enchanters getting aggro in groups and running around in circles crying until they died. It doesn't happen on P99. Why?

Channeling is broken to an insane degree here making it way too successful. P99 uses one check roll per cast but live used one check roll per hit taken. It is exponentially easier to cast in combat on P99. Channeling makes aggro trivial to manage for everyone and even more so for Enchanter. Hybrid tanks can cast spells while being hit to pull aggro off group members. Healers can cast through adds and so on.

Second the mez spell, which is the basis of crowd control, isn't supposed to mem wipe on recast. Mez is supposed to only mem wipe if the mob isn't already mezed. This means an Enchanter who mezzes a mob, then slows it, hits it with an AE stun, remezes, and so on is stacking up aggro that entire time. This is why Enchanters had mobs "stuck" to them and why it doesn't happen on P99. On the rare occasions where they might happen they can just channel spells through combat to save themselves.

Even if that video the guy who made classic EQ talks about how timing heals was critical to avoid aggro for healers and if you spammed heals you would end up dead. You had to avoid aggro because you couldn't channel if you were being hit.

Nilbog did said he would look into the channeling changes and I hope he will because it would at least be a slight meta change from the 10 years of OP Enchanter dominating every aspect of P99.

What most people don't realize is how letting Enchanter be this broken impacts EVERYTHING in the game. You mention weapon ratios, but where do the weapons come from? If you have a fresh Green server where are those twinks weapons coming from? The Enchanters who are solo farming dungeons and start selling those items. Who is trivializing the grouping? Enchanter. Who is trivializing raiding particularly classic planes? Enchanter. Who is solo farming group content and dumping items in EC instead of looking for a group like they would have been in classic EQ? Enchanter.

Everyone argues about raid mechanics, rules, etc but the real problem is how so many players are able to easily get to max level between expansions, classic, to Kunark, to Velious. It should be a much smaller number which naturally solves the problem of raid rules and the other bullshit because there wouldn't be so many people there to zerg steam roll the content. It's not about "game knowledge" or all the other excuses. It is a fundamental failure to actually address progression rates and bring them closer in line to classic by fixing these huge mechanical problems.

It really makes me sad to see P99 go down this path of such an absolutely retarded and unclassic meta of foot races, rooted dragons, bat phones, and all the rest because for whatever reason the staff won't fix these mechanics.

The guy says it in the video, Brad McQuaid wanted EQ to be super difficult and slow because those moments of downtime were when the social atmosphere developed. He said he repeatedly pushed for mana regen to be faster and Brad shut him down. Brad knew what he was doing and it is that difficulty, slow progression, and social atmosphere that is lacking on P99 to recreate the real classic experience.

Ask yourself this, why the fuck was there increased mob spawn rates on green launch to avoid "congestion"? That is completely the opposite of the way EQ was designed to be. It is undeniable evidence that the staff don't actually want P99 to be classic. They wanted a more action packed raid WoW clone and that is what we have. Fast mob spawns, Teal instance to let people rush progression, not the slow dangerous progression of real EQ classic where you might never make it to max level before Kunark or Velious drops. Everyone gets to be a raider quick and easy join your preferred zerg guild and wait for the call.

1. Channeling is exponentially easier on P99 and should be made classic.
2. Mez shouldn't mem wipe already mezzed mobs thus ensuring an aggro dump when mez breaks.
3. Mana caps and stats should function correctly.
4. ZEM rates should be the classic proven values not the inflated unclassic rates being used.
5. Fix healing aggro which I don't think has been investigated as much as it should be.
6. Staff shouldn't be increasing mob spawn rates and introducing instances servers/merges to reduce "congestion" just so players can stack up in their preferred ZEM hot spot leveling tread mill backstabbing Enchanter pet groups to rush to max level.
7. Staff should ease off the heavy handed rule enforcement and let players resolve things themselves more like occurred in actual classic. Ninja looting, training, kill stealing, and all the rest was part of classic EQ and GMs didn't swoop in to ban a paying subscriber because they trained you.

Implement these changes and you'll see something much closer to actual classic EQ and a raid scene that doesn't need a "guild UN" and pages of rules and insanely retarded GM created competitions for "first to engage."
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Old 02-25-2022, 05:58 AM
eisley eisley is offline
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Originally Posted by azxten [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
1. Channeling is exponentially easier on P99 and should be made classic.
2. Mez shouldn't mem wipe already mezzed mobs thus ensuring an aggro dump when mez breaks.
5. Fix healing aggro which I don't think has been investigated as much as it should be.
I've been around more or less since the beginning, and these 3 have really mystified, in addition to a few others (like the push interrupt change, and NPC gate)

Much like Charm, I think at this point we can't in good faith argue that nilbog et al do not know they aren't classic. Not only has it proven dozen of times that giving a pet a torch did not guarantee quads, it in fact guaranteed said NPC couldn't quad.

Channelling in this game is so bizarre, I remember threads about it in beta. The idea of casting reliably thru even one unslowed mob beating on you is so silly it beggars belief.

My first toon on live Vanilla was an enchanter. Charm and mem blur were both very bad. Like you said, the blur chance on Mez was incredibly low, even the Blur chance on high level mobs was incredibly low with highest level Blur spells. I can't remember a single time witnessing Mez induce a memblur on live. What we would do on long PoF/PoH fights is attempt to spam blur NPCs that had been mezzed a bunch over a long fight. 10-20 mezzes, followed by 10-20 blurs, and I'd say it succeeded less than half the time. Rooting was the viable alternative in Fear, because Fear mobs did not summon (oh hey, another thing broken on p99) but Hate mobs did. Eventually we figured out the obvious solution (enchanters camping in and out). Point is, Memblur was not the solution.

While I'm here, why is Theft of Thought still broken? You could cast it any mob regardless of their class. This wasn't changed until, like, PoP.

Mez breaks were a big deal because it'd undoubtedly attack the Enc, and then remezzing was no small feat, it either required kiting a snared mob, or using the 1.5s stun into mez. Casting while it beat you on the face was laughable. Even one quad dropped your Channelling chance to near zero.

Charm pets are busted on so many levels its hard to know where to begin. Yes, everyone knows Charm duration and damage are way out of whack here, but they forget how dangerous it was. You really needed a good cleric/paladin to stun it the instant charm broke, because your only hope was to mez and recharm. Since a charm pet won't be slowed or snared, you had no hope of facecharming it like you do here. You could try to stun and get off a mez, but without help it simply was not safe. It is indeed true that Druid and Necro charm lasted longer than Enchanter, but all 3 are way overscaled. A few minutes was the longest. No one kept eternal charm pets, because it was just dumb. Big risk, huge mana sink, and they didn't do half the damage they do here. Consider how big of a game changer Dire Charm was on live. It would be pointless here. I remember leveling my p99 druid in Fear during Kunark and my 55ish druid getting full 16 minute charm durations on shiverbacks more often than early breaks.

And of course, charm pets did a lot less damage, didn't disable NPC summon, didn't auto-quad even with two weapons (offhand double attack was still around 40% on lvl 50 mobs)

AoE Mez was a deathtrap on live. Here it's the best way to mass blur things. In exp groups, you pre-taunted or hybrids pre-cast aggro, or just rooted before breaking mez. Casting with a mob beating you in the face was just an effective way to die. Run and pray for a root/stun.

Heal aggro is an interesting one. On Live, the first CH to land on say, Vindi, would almost always result in an aggro pull. Having Druids/Shamans help heal & HoTs on engage was pretty important. Most decent guilds eventually solved this with clicky aggro by Velious.

However, it wasn't that simple. Tank swapping on AoW wasn't so reliable. What made AoW hard at first was that by the 3rd or 4th tank, Clerics would start getting summoned on CH's (or even when they just started casting it). So how did we solve this? Some guilds used 2 cleric banks and had them log in and out. Some guilds simply CotH'd all the clerics after a few tank swaps.

Heal aggro doesn't seem to scale with healing done here, or at least CH doesn't. AoE heals were likely the highest aggro spells in the game. You had to delay healing until everything was under control, because, again, once you got a mob beating on, you could not cast.

Channelling bug has trickled down to corrupt much of the game. The GMs must know about it. I suspect they are worried about the consequences of going classic. The ethos of this server used to be "#classic" now its more like "#classic, unless..." and this is a hell of an unless.
alksley <rampage> / <awakened> / <TSS>
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Old 02-25-2022, 06:14 AM
Cochonou Cochonou is offline

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Originally Posted by hotkarlmarxbros [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
These could be announced after the roll when sorting the winner, eg: "Riot first: 985, Lord Bob second : 826, Vanquish last: 30"
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Old 02-25-2022, 10:11 AM
Jimjam Jimjam is offline
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Originally Posted by azxten [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Ask yourself this, why the fuck was there increased mob spawn rates on green launch to avoid "congestion"? That is completely the opposite of the way EQ was designed to be. It is undeniable evidence that the staff don't actually want P99 to be classic. They wanted a more action packed raid WoW clone and that is what we have. Fast mob spawns, Teal instance to let people rush progression, not the slow dangerous progression of real EQ classic where you might never make it to max level before Kunark or Velious drops. Everyone gets to be a raider quick and easy join your preferred zerg guild and wait for the call.
Lots of good points, but the “newbie zone congestion fix” wasn’t about hurrying things up ... it was actually a bodge fix to make newbie zones feel more classic on a congestes server.

On live, the newbie zones had respawn mechanics not dissimilar to the ancient croc placeholders. 3 newbie mobs would be ‘linked’ together and you would have to kill all three before any of them respawned. This clever mechanic meant low pop newbie zones wouldn’t get swamped but busy once wouldn’t be too scarce. Its a clever system, most easily observed in live paineel cos they didn't randomise the spawn points.

Gorgen (Blue) - Agnostic Troll Warrior of the XXXI Dung

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Old 02-25-2022, 01:57 PM
cd288 cd288 is offline
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Originally Posted by azxten [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
P99 is broken from a game design perspective. I've theorized this and gone well down the path of proving it. It's up to the staff to start addressing the core unclassic mechanics that make P99 too easy.

This started with proving Enchanter charm is trivializing the entire game from start to finish and massively breaking the leveling and itemization curves that should exist. It led to putting together the proof the channeling is insanely more successful on P99 than it was on live.

And most recently after watching this video you can hear it directly from the guy who created the Enchanter spells that the way P99 works is nothing like live Enchanter.

Not only that but his repeatedly obsession with the "aggro system" and that he even seems to view EQ's core differentiation being this "aggro system" also tells me that another major problem, beyond channeling, is aggro. He even mentions aggro management for healers which is basically non-existent on P99 the same way charm is incredibly broken for Enchanter compared to live.

The vision Brad had in classic EQ does not exist on P99 and neither do the mechanics this MUD master implemented. We have a hollow shell and the devs don't seem to care even if you hand them the C++ code in a patch file like I did with undeniable proof that the mechanics should change and what is proposed is classic.
I don’t think the aggro management system is broken for healers. I think what’s more likely is that on blue, and more on green with each day, everyone in the group is twinked to the gills so the melees are doing crazy dps such that they (I) reduce the amount of heals needed in a fight in the first place, thus reducing the amount of aggro a healer builds, and (ii) outpace any aggro generated by the MAYBE one heal a healer casts during a fight (most fights the healer doesn’t cast at all because the mob is dead in like 5 seconds).

EQ was never built around the idea that you’d have an epic monk with fungi and BIS everything plus two epic fully geared rogues DPSing group content. Even pre-epic level the amount of damage done is insane and 100 times beyond what people were doing in the classic era.
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Old 02-25-2022, 02:07 PM
Chortles Snortles Chortles Snortles is offline

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moved to resolved
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Old 02-25-2022, 02:30 PM
azxten azxten is offline
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Originally Posted by cd288 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
EQ was never built around the idea that you’d have an epic monk with fungi and BIS everything plus two epic fully geared rogues DPSing group content. Even pre-epic level the amount of damage done is insane and 100 times beyond what people were doing in the classic era.
I played a Cleric on Green launch to 50 and I don't think this is the case. Quite literally I never pulled aggro. The only time I can think of pulling aggro is if someone had 2+ mobs on them and at least one had zero aggro on it and even then that was a seemingly random chance that you would get aggro from healing. I even bug reported this and was told healing spells always had a chance to do no aggro. That's interesting and I can believe it but I also know healing spells, when they did do aggro, did a hell of a lot more than they do here.
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