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Old 02-23-2023, 12:04 PM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline

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Default Astral Projections

Similar to an undead bard in Old Sebilis, the Astral Projections were quest NPCs and merchants with neither having any items to offer for sale other than what players had sold to them previously. By some accounts they would con ready to attack depending on the player's race, class, and deity, but did not aggro and were otherwise indifferent. Killing either gave no experience and their corpses expired immediately. Currently on Project1999, neither function as merchants when right-clicked.

RE: Astral Projection Reply... By: Anonymous
Posted @ Sun, Dec 3rd 10:40 PM 2000 Score: Default[2.00]
saw one of these in lake of ill omen. he is standing in the lake on platform. He was a vendor. I could sell to him.

Needed levitate to reach him tho

RE: whoops By: Anonymous
Posted @ Sat, May 12th 6:59 PM 2001 Score: Default[2.00]
There is a Merchant in Ill omen called "Astral Projection" You will need a levitate to reach him since hes on an elevated platform in the water. However he is INDIFFERENT to an erudite necro druids rangers etc etc I beleive hes INDIFF to everybody and hes a merchant so try and find some place close to him to hunt and you can sell there....however he doesnt sell food so when you do go to WC buy about 16 stacks of food drink P

Whacked Him Reply...
Posted @ Thu, May 15th 10:44 PM 2003
By: Rhisk
7 posts
Score: Decent [3.00]
Well, having never hunted in the pit in the Overthere. I ventured in. Saw this guy, he conned dark blue and was scowling. Being a good guy and not afraid of new things, I whacked him. Strange thing though, no xp even though he was dark blue. And he was tough for a dark blue at that
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RE: Whacked Him Reply...
Posted @ Fri, Feb 13th 9:19 AM 2004
By: vinbok
5 posts
Score: Decent [3.00]
First i would like to say stop killing him!He is a turn in npc for the monk epic the last stage

He wont drop a thing so you cant make money on him or get any exp at all.

Yes he is a merchant aswell and is KOS to the most
I hope this enlight a few things
Tova Aerlian
Ghost Chapel
Rodcet Nife

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RE: Whacked Him Reply...
Posted @ Fri, May 16th 3:21 AM 2003
By: Feninie
483 posts
Score: Good [3.80]
not strange that you got no xp for killing him. He is actually a merchent, and you never get xp for killing merchents.
he is not a merchant Reply...
Posted @ Sat, Mar 16th 2:31 AM 2002
By: Altair
16 posts
Score: Default [2.00]
He is not a merchant. Astral projection is for one of the last stages of the monk epic celestial fists quest.
1 Reply
RE: he is not a merchant Reply...
Posted @ Tue, May 21st 11:43 PM 2002
By: Curscale
180 posts
Score: Decent [3.08]
He is too a merchant, right click him and find out. I've sold to him before in LOIO.
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Merchant Reply...
Posted @ Fri, Mar 15th 11:25 AM 2002
By: Anonymous
Score: Decent [3.00]
I'll be darned... he IS a merchant. When I right clicked him, he didn't have one item for sale. I sold him words and runes and they showed up in his inventory for sale. So he is a merchant who will only hold items sold to him by players, at least the one in LOIO for sure does this (I don't spend time in OT so I cannot vouch for that one)
1 Reply
RE: Merchant Reply...
Posted @ Sun, Dec 8th 4:22 PM 2002
By: TaliestheWanderer
8 posts
Score: Decent [3.00]
I just confirmed that the one in OT is also a merchant - and even though he "scowls at you threateningly" he's more than happy to buy from you.
Niterune Reply...
Posted @ Sat, Oct 27th 8:06 PM 2001
By: Anonymous
Score: Decent [3.00]
me and another 52 druid named Nitezero killed this guy the other day, he was not kos to us were woodelfs...anyways we killed him, he hits ok about like any other mob, not real bad, we rooted him and nuked him very easy...when he died he poofed just like a merchant... no exp or faction or loot, in other words a waste of time
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LOIO astral projection Reply...
Posted @ Fri, Sep 28th 8:31 PM 2001
By: Anonymous
Score: Good [4.00]
The astral projection in LOIO is located on a small open temple-looking building in the middle of the lake, and given the fact that I sold two items to him would make him a merchant. Yes, he is located near where the bloodgills spawn, and I would recommend having levitate to get to him, because the wall is too high to be able to jump out of the water onto it.

Pelaliah Spinesplitter
Rogue of 30th Season
Solusek Ro
Facts Reply...
Posted @ Thu, Jul 19th 12:32 AM 2001
By: Anonymous
Score: Good [4.00]
Not a merchant, just a mob for monk epic. The reason he is also seen in ill omen is because once the monk has done the ot part of his quest, he must meet the astral projection in ill omen to complete the quest. Thats it. Never killed him so unsure if he drops anything, i assume nothing. And yes when he spawns in ill omen, he's on that little island.
1 Reply
RE: Facts Reply...
Posted @ Tue, Aug 7th 11:11 AM 2001
By: Anonymous
Score: Default [2.00]
The group I was with killed this MoB clearing the way to the Skorpikis(sp) Scrounger.

Upon death there was no body and no drops of any kind. He conned blue to the 51 Pally in the group and red to me a 46 Bard and ready to attack to both.
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Astral Projection Reply...
Posted @ Wed, Jun 27th 9:14 PM 2001
By: Anonymous
Score: Default [1.50]
The one in OT is part of Monk Epic this one is not a merchant.
Merchant? ROFL Reply...
Posted @ Thu, May 24th 3:07 AM 2001
By: Adita
26 posts
Score: Default [2.00]
This is not a merchant, he is part of an Epic quest. It is either the monk or rogue Epic, can't remember atm

70 Hunter of Tunare
Bristlebane server
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RE: Merchant? ROFL Reply...
Posted @ Sat, Dec 29th 12:21 AM 2001
By: Exidor
5 posts
Score: Good [4.33]
Part of monk epic, yes. But also a merchant as others have stated. Go check it out sometime.
1 Reply
RE: Merchant? ROFL Reply...
Posted @ Wed, Jan 9th 8:25 PM 2002
By: Anonymous
Score: Default [2.00]
yes he does work as a merchant. He buys stuff from you if you right click him. Whatever he sells, is just sh*te some PCs have sold him tho, he does not have his own goods
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Occus Poccus Reply...
Posted @ Sun, May 6th 11:00 AM 2001
By: Anonymous
Score: Default [2.00]
Astral Projection conned blue and ready to attack at lvl 53 in the Overthere. If he is a merchant, why is he kos to me? I'm anostic magician. Is he caster or melee? Also I'm amiable to outpost. What faction is Astral on? Thanks.
Merchant in Lake of Ill Omen Reply...
Posted @ Thu, Apr 19th 5:49 PM 2001
By: Tutten
17 posts
Score: Decent [3.25]
Unless I'm much mistaken, Astral Projection is a merchant in the Lake of Ill Omen. He's on an island in the lake itself.


Coins - no drop? By: Anonymous
Posted @ Sat, Apr 14th 6:49 PM 2001 Score: Default[2.00]
Are the coins that are related to the quest NO DROP? Like, could I bust out my mage, collect these coins, then give them to my bard to hand in for the Tamborine? I remember seeing some coin at that Astral Projection vendor in Lake of Ill Omen - near the Bloodgill Goblins - but didn't buy it; I believe it was called an "Old Coin," and was wondering if it was the same thing someone sold to him... and if that's the case, then that coin isn't NO DROP. *shrug*

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Astral Projection
50 Marchand Humain

Bestiaire - Astral Projection

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Zone The Overthere
Niveau 50
Classe Marchand
Race Humain
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Old 02-24-2023, 01:36 AM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline

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Astral Projection
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Beast Name:
Astral Projection Location:
Known Level Range:
53 / 0 Quest Related: No
Magic Caster: No
Faction Hits:
Unknown Loot:
Right outside the Overthere evil outpost gates. It scowled at 47 Dark Elf cleric and to 50 Euridite wizard, red to us both. I'm guess it's either quest related or a bug? The odd thing was that the evil guards there did not aggro on it, and I did not venture near it as I was afraid of certain death.
Submitted by: Uuudar Uuudarian
Submited by: neon On: 1/7/2001 3:49:18 AM Rank: worst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 best
ok he is a merchant nea the second temlpe passage in the Spit, he is easy to kill, raid got him in 30 secs, sells one thing in itmes menu but when you enter shop again he has a different item, nuttin cool about him
Submited by: Mitsuda - 16 lvl dru On: 1/4/2001 7:30:22 PM Rank: worst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 best
guys...hes a MERCHANT
Submited by: Jyrekan On: 10/21/2000 6:23:54 AM Rank: worst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 best
Ok, Yellow con to my 49th druid. Same hps or at least close to a mountain giant patriarch. Here is the best part. After kiting this guy around for an eternity, he went down. No loot, no corpse, and the best part of all NO XP! So, just let him be unless you need him for a quest!

49th Druid
Submited by: Sundahlia Rising On: 10/19/2000 4:11:18 PM Rank: worst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 best
Delirous from sleep, while retrieving Feggwin's body from having fallen off of the cliff I ran across this guy. He is not lvl 53 or whatever, he conned blue to 51, and being that he was not a caster I had to take a crack at him.

Loaded up the pet with a couple daggers, and gave him a buff. Stuck him on the monk, then snared the monk. Dotted him with my big dots (more than once with each) and proceeded to kite him around the lands.

Not sure how much damage I did when all was said and done, but it was upwards of 9,000 dmg to him not counting pet. With Astral at just a sliver, my second round of snare came off, and the chase was on. I could just barely stay ahead of him with my Jboots, and had to make loops so my pet could catch up and keep pounding on him.

The dots were the downfall of Astral Projection... Then to my weary eyed surprise...I went to claim my victory prise.


Ugh, I took the RISK, where is my REWARD!

Anyway, dont waste your time killing him

Sundahlia Rising <Infinity Watch>
51st Necromancer (Terris-Thule)

Submited by: Cyfo.. Morrelthule On: 4/21/2001 6:42:03 PM Rank: worst 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 best
These fishy's are no Joke.. Being fairly new to the Blood Goblins I came upon the tainted after I
was running back from the Astral Projection to sell some stuff
.. After One "Taunting attacker" Message from a lvl 44 ENC
pet I watched my Rune IV spell drop in 2 cycles running back to the shore. I know enchanters pets are woos's but anything hitting for
double 120's would kill anything a Lvl 47 Enchanter could throw at it. So holding true to Old Faithful (my j boots) I ran like Hell.
After 10 mins of this fish chasing me across the zone and thanking god that my jboots were one percent quicker then Super Fish, I Zoned to FM.
Lesson learned... You don't have to be in Kledge Keep to get killed by sea life

unregistered posted September 20, 2000 05:41 PM Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
There's some naked human / monk looking guy in Overthere named Astral Projection. He was blue, and scowled at me (53 de nec) but didn't attack me invis or not (he saw through invis).
Looks all kinds of spiritual and monk-ish... he's located relatively in the middle of the big chasm where the skorpikis and Howling Stones be.

Necromancer, The War Council
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Old 02-24-2023, 02:41 AM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline

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12:30:51 Apr 26, 2001

Astral Projection By: Anonymous
Posted @ Mon, Nov 6th 1:44 PM Score: Default[2.00]
I discovered something named 'Astral Projection' when I was investigating the scorpikis chasm with my level 18 erudite necro. It was red and scowling with both gather shadows and invis to undead so I couldnt get too close. It looked from a distance like a male human with the bare-chested monk look.

unregistered posted September 21, 2000 07:50 PM Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
It's a bit of a stretch, but I might as well mention it...
If our quest involves the Shissar, there are two new quest npcs inside the canyon outside Charasis that might be used. One is an Astral Projection - he has the base human model, I'm betting that's a display error. Was blue to a level 52, hit for 137s. Poofed when he died... so I bet he was a vendor.
The other is Impaler Tzulig. Also blue, but he was very troublesome. He has a few guards with him... Skorpikis Guardians, seem to be high-40s shadowknights. The problem is Tzulig - although low level, and not immune to spells, he seems to regen something like 1k health a tick. We couldn't kill him. I'll try again when we get a necro or shadowknight to disease cloud him.

These may not have anything whatsoever to do with our quest, but it's worth a try.

unregistered posted 09-27-2000 01:25 AM Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote
I saw the gnome in OT, he had a last name implying association with Bertoxxulous, but I forget it exactly (like Plaguebinder or something like that).
Keep in mind that the druid FA quest requires killing/dealing with someone infecting the oceans of Norrath with poisons and disease, quite likely these gnomes are part of that (as the gnome "evil" god is Bertoxxulous)

I did manage to get my enchanted emerald tonight, by noting I wasn't KOS to the Impaler and just handing it to him without charming him.

Bad idea that

About 5 harmtouches and a couple of 165 point hits later, I was a smear on the ground. As a side effect the Impaler goes from being non-kos non-see-invis to KOS, see invis after you hand in the gem. I did get the enchanted emerald back though.

Interestingly enough, while down there, I noticed a human NPC wearing monk clothing (looked like Shiverback, thought he was a PC at first). Conned blue to me at level 55, saw invis, and was KOS to all illusions and collaboration. His name? "Astral Projection". Might be a tie-in to the monk quest.

Oh, and I tried to find Modani on my server (also Tarew Marr -- waves at Mezmur), and no avail, I searched the specified location in the spoiler, as well as exploring the various temples by hand (as I am not KOS to the scorps). Saw nothing that looked like a canditate. I fear a rare spawn =(

I had no tracker with me, unfortunately, to see if he was up anywhere.

-- Hika

Station Member posted 02-18-2001 11:03 AM
First, I want to join in the chorus of "Thank yous" among those who appreciate that Verant is working to engage in feedback from people playing their classes. And I recognize that not everyone will agree on possible fine tunings.
Let me add that I don’t feel the need to say another class should have something taken away just take make Mages more desirable. Nor do we need alternate vectors of attack (DOTs, cold, wind, etc) if indeed our own vectors of attack can be made to be a touch more friendly to the caster. We would appreciate a role, as do all pure casters, in being able to deal some damage to the large “boss” mobs that currently really only seek tanks and tank support.

Nor in general do pets need too much work, except A) certain low level pets such as fire and air which are too fragile to use and B) post-50 pets which are also too fragile to use and C) the ever-important issue of control to where having pets would become a desirable thing.

In this post I wish to address only one line of spells, our summonings.

Summons: This line is one of the ones that we rather hope can make us most valued in a group. However, none of the things we summon are of good quality by the time we summon them; the post-50 quiver of Marr arrows are great, but for whom? People love our waterstones, for the two or three rare times they desire them. Coldstones are desirable to races with poor vision. Some spells would be wonderful bumped down a spell ranking; the inclusion of early magical 1hb would be appropriate and is a gaping hole; the fact that the norent status on bags makes them effectively unwanted nullifies what would otherwise be a useful line of spells. And, of course, shard of the core has been appropriately castigated as needing to be in both range or ammo slot, and possibly tradable. In addition to the changes proposed what about:

1. Summon Sewing kit; jeweler’s kit; portable oven, etc; These mid-range spalls would summon norent equivalents to tradeskill kits. This would make the magician seen as a more valuable companion during downtime while people med.

2. Summon “functional NPC”: Summon baker, bartender, summon merchant, summon banker. A line of spells that would briefly summon an immobile NPC who functioned as a merchant or banker. After all, since astral projections can come into the world to do commerce, why not summon these commercial beings to do trade with the people of Norrath. The bonuses would be enormous: Most people who won’t hunt certain areas frequently because of their remoteness would be more likely to do so if they had these resources available to them. Further, since these NPC merchants would vanish after being dismissed (and they would take the place of a mage’s pet slot, so a mage would have to unsummon their pet to bring one in), this would help the economy of Norrath from not constantly being flooded; any items sold to these ethereal merchants would be taken out of the game.

3. “You shall not evade me!” : Obviously a spell in the game: why not have it that if a monster is aggroed, the mage might be able to cast a spell with a low casting time (but high recycle time) that would pull the monster back to them? It would be a different type of crowd control than root or snare; as the monster would be on top of the magician. It would not replace a puller, as the monster not only would have to be targeted by the magician but also already have to have the magician on their hate list. Since call of the hero has become a new post-50 mage spell that makes them desirable in groups, lower levels surely could benefit from the abilityt o bring back a monster that flees or warps. Since magic resist always plays a role, such a line of spells would never be too overpowered as it would require a higher level spell to effectively summon such a creature back.

Father Azerun
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Old 08-13-2023, 05:57 AM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline

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(2/11/02 2:34:42 pm)
Re: CS at 51
from 49 until you ding 51, the answer is bloodgills

1 IC and 1 lvl 34 (the ice one, 314 damage) kills it nice and easily

so root, snare IC, small nuke and its dead, this took you 1 buble of mana

they dont ad at 41, so you can kill both spawns of a 2 spawn on a bar of mana, with KEI at 49, i could keep up with every spawn, you get 1/4 blue per kill, so that 1 blue per bar of mana

bride newbie mages for water stones, bind on one of the pillars or gazebos out there, teh astral projection is also a vendor, so you can sell words and stuff to him

because of the newbie zone xp modifyer, this is the best way to go 47-51, spirocs isn't time effective because you cant bidn there, if youhave to leave as much as i do for guild events

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Old 12-21-2023, 12:11 AM
cotterpin cotterpin is offline

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I always thought it was weird they weren't merchants on p99.

I use to sell to this guy on live all the time. It was really nice because he's the only merchant in the OT that isn't greedy.
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Old 12-21-2023, 07:10 AM
Solist Solist is offline
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I think its weird he's not on the platform like classic in LOIO.
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Old 12-22-2023, 02:31 AM
Rygar Rygar is offline
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Originally Posted by Solist [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I think its weird he's not on the platform like classic in LOIO.
May have been Kanras or Ropethunder, but they said spawning on the platform caused mob to fall under world sometimes as well as for epic fight spawns, so they moved him to the shoreline.

Not sure if Telin would give it another try or if issues would persist.
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