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Old 08-25-2011, 12:18 PM
nagarpoe nagarpoe is offline

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Default My Stories

I have a few stories:

1) I was a female monk on live, and while I never leveled into uberness, there were these three other female monks I used to hunt with on a regular basis before i quit playing.

Two of them were supposed to be twin sisters and another was just another female. We would hunt and talk into the wee hours about ALL the intricate female secrets; guys, blowjobs, menstrual cycles, love, hate, body parts, etc. I was a 21 year old so I was naive as well.

As you may have guessed already, after I quit, i still frequented the server forums and one day, i came across the real life thread and saw that those three ladies were not ladies at all. The twins were one fat ugy bald guy and the other lady was a skinny little kid.I never went back to that server after that!

2) This one happened to someone else and will be faithfully re-told by me;

He got a Lamentation during his first week of EQ Live. He said "WTF, I'm a caster! I can't use this shit!" and promptly sold it to a vendor! Later on, he found out that they go for huge amounts of plat, especially at that time, and remembers it to this day to tell me about it the other day.

3) On my first day of EQ (first week that EQ came out), I created a wood elf druid and started "talking" to NPCs.. thinking they were real people since this was the first MMORPG i've been exposed to and thought that everyone was a player. I got way too pissed off that people are not nice and logged off, canceled the subscription, and not coming back for at least another six months when my bf at the time explained to me how MMORPGs worked. Then, came back, created a Barbarian shaman, then promptly falling into the well at Halas within a minute of character creation.

Hope I win!!!!
Old 08-25-2011, 01:53 PM
Rainflush Rainflush is offline

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Originally Posted by Bubbles [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
If rainflush doesn't win, i'll put together a 2nd place prize for him, because that was pretty epic and made me laugh pretty hard.

Thank you, I'm glad you liked my story!
Old 08-25-2011, 03:14 PM
Acillatem Acillatem is offline

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On Live, I played a WIZ on Tallon Zek in the guild Knights of the White Rose. We were pretty casual ala Vesica Dei on P99. Occasionally we stepped up our game, but for the most part we played for fun and friends etc.

The only bad thing about that was that only a handful of people in the guild were avid PvPers......but I was one of them. I usually went solo, and as a WIZ, built up a solid reputation. I regularly killed all the big names on the server up till about PoP, but never talked shit or posted on the Server Forums so kept myself under the radar. People knew me, but it wasn't like I had any fame or anything cuz like I said - I was pretty cordial about the PvP (shit, I would kill people in LGuk then go pick them up and port them back to SRo to help with CR). People tend to remember the loudmouths more, regardless of skill.

The proudest moments for me all came when I consistently beat the #1 WIZ on the server, Lightadam. Him being L60, and myself being L54.
he absolute best PvP battle was against Lightadam and a L54 CLR Synnovea (think Tralina with bigger tits). I was in Skyfire at the BW zoneline and saw they had just zoned in (on Zek servers you CONSTANTLY would /who the zone for updates on who is in zone).....which meant they were prolly comin from the WIZ port in. So I caught them halfway and went for Synn first. After dropping a Lure I dropped a Rain spell (rains were effective against healers if they had bad resists becuz it would allow you to do another Lure in the time it was still doing damage). So Lure/Rain/Lure and she was dead. Meanwhile, true to form, Lightadam tossed out a pair of Sunstrikes. The first one hit me pretty hard, but I resisted the 2nd one. After Synn was dead I popped a charge on my Soulfire (yes I did the Soulfire quest as a WIZ for the CH in PvP), then proceeded to Lure him down for the kill.

I sent him a /tell "nice fight", to which he simply replied "fuck you". I loved killing him more than anyone else lol.

Altho Darkoan was fun too heh (any TZers will know he would rage on you if you beat him lol).

<The Mystical Order>

[34 Wizard] Motlee Crue (Human) <The Mystical Order>
[4 Wizard] Aysee Deecee (Human) <The Mystical Order>
[2 Wizard] Vhan Halen (Human) <The Mystical Order>

Live - Tallon Zek 2000-2005 / Drinal 2007-2008
[80 Sorcerer] Acillatem Zoso (Human) <Knights of the White Rose> / <Veritable Quandary>
Old 08-25-2011, 04:41 PM
beentheredonethat beentheredonethat is offline

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Originally Posted by EnderWiggin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I probably shouldn't tell this story, but I'm only level 8 and it's worth the risk for 10kpp.

A friend and I, being veterans of EQ since 1999, and bored with POP that had just come out, we ventured out to start hacking EQ.

We found that it (was) possible to prevent the EQ client from consuming the ammo when thrown/shot etc. So, we made a berserker, and got one of those thrown weapons that has 0 delay. (I forget the name of the item, but it is really rare or lore or something, so they're not overpowered in live)

Since we had 0 delay, we could throw as rapidly as we could send packets to the server.

We programmed our own /throw command with a parameter for how many times we wanted to throw. We made it so that we could queue it up, too by targeting mobs one at a time and executing the command. Kiting 20 mobs at once in Plane of Nightmare? No sweat.

So, the story is: We could solo just about anything that couldn't kill us in two hits. It didn't matter if it summoned. See screenshots in the link below. Terris Thule was our biggest accomplishment in cheating, but we also solo'd Yelinak, Overking, WW dragons, Zlandicar, etc. Note: On the Terris-Thule screenshot, you don't see the killing blow because we had to camp out to drop aggro from the approaching gargoyles.


Disclaimer: The exploit was fixed (unintentionally) by a separate patch. I don't have contact with him anymore and I personally don't do any sort of hacking as I don't have time (work full time programming). So, developers/moderators: don't suspect me of cheating in p99. I'm clean. [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] Also, he gets almost all of the credit as the programmer at that time. I was just an idea generator.
remember when in velious there was some orb that had no cast time. All monks for a while were using it to spam 6 dmg or whatever it did. Was of course fixed the next day or two. It was fun while it lasted.
Old 08-25-2011, 04:59 PM
Vernar Vernar is offline
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Originally Posted by Acillatem [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
On Live, I played a WIZ on Tallon Zek in the guild Knights of the White Rose. We were pretty casual ala Vesica Dei on P99. Occasionally we stepped up our game, but for the most part we played for fun and friends etc.

The only bad thing about that was that only a handful of people in the guild were avid PvPers......but I was one of them. I usually went solo, and as a WIZ, built up a solid reputation. I regularly killed all the big names on the server up till about PoP, but never talked shit or posted on the Server Forums so kept myself under the radar. People knew me, but it wasn't like I had any fame or anything cuz like I said - I was pretty cordial about the PvP (shit, I would kill people in LGuk then go pick them up and port them back to SRo to help with CR). People tend to remember the loudmouths more, regardless of skill.

The proudest moments for me all came when I consistently beat the #1 WIZ on the server, Lightadam. Him being L60, and myself being L54.
he absolute best PvP battle was against Lightadam and a L54 CLR Synnovea (think Tralina with bigger tits). I was in Skyfire at the BW zoneline and saw they had just zoned in (on Zek servers you CONSTANTLY would /who the zone for updates on who is in zone).....which meant they were prolly comin from the WIZ port in. So I caught them halfway and went for Synn first. After dropping a Lure I dropped a Rain spell (rains were effective against healers if they had bad resists becuz it would allow you to do another Lure in the time it was still doing damage). So Lure/Rain/Lure and she was dead. Meanwhile, true to form, Lightadam tossed out a pair of Sunstrikes. The first one hit me pretty hard, but I resisted the 2nd one. After Synn was dead I popped a charge on my Soulfire (yes I did the Soulfire quest as a WIZ for the CH in PvP), then proceeded to Lure him down for the kill.

I sent him a /tell "nice fight", to which he simply replied "fuck you". I loved killing him more than anyone else lol.

Altho Darkoan was fun too heh (any TZers will know he would rage on you if you beat him lol).
Lol I totally remember that day Ace!

I as well was on Tallon Zek. I played a High Elf Paladin also in Knights. Many great PvP moments.

One of the greatest kills(well I would have one) was Telen. Human SK who would rock entire groups. Using my trusty Earthshaker, in the entrance of VL shortly after they made it so you couldn't cast through the walls me and him were going at it one-on-one.

Being a Paladin(52ish) vs SK(60) its always a debate on when to use LH/HT...well I won that one, manage to keep enough HP to survive HT then hit LH myself. I had him just about down to 10% with me being nearly full when some stupid dorf came strolling along. The guy just stood there attacking Telen head on getting Lifetapped, 30seconds later Telen was full HP =(

However afterwards me and him talked and he said that was one of the better fights he had in a long time, coming from him that was pretty good praise for a lowly Paladin

One of my other great moments was being leader of Knights lower guild, Squires of the White Rose. Because we took pretty much anyone on the light side my initiation was pretty simple. Get your character drunk off his arse and run to Nek forest zoneline and beat the crap out of darkies...or more than likely die but have fun doing it =P

Old 08-25-2011, 05:28 PM
Kobias Kobias is offline

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My favorite AC in OOT Story from Live =)

I was camping the AC in OOT @ level 58 or so on a Bard on EQLive probably 6 or so years ago. Had been there for quite a few hours now.

Then, a couple minutes before my next spawn a higher level Wizard logged in and just sat there staring at my camp without responding to tells. (Don't you love when people do that, even here? -.-). I guess they figure if they pretend your invisible, your not really there. Whatever.

So obviously, I knew that if it spawned, there is no way a bard was going to out damaging a wizard by any means. I needed a plan. I equipped up my singing steel boots for a longer levitate right before the spawn, just in case it spawned this round. Surprise! It did.

Of course, the "AFK" wizard immediately sprung to life a few seconds after I had agro'd it and started following it. He started nuking it, as expected. But, I was prepared. I charmed it as a last ditch way of stopping it from dying. One nuke took it down to 65% already! I ran with it, trying to out of range him if at all possible. Bard charm doesn't last long, and the wizard was still following me adamantly. So, I decided to drag the AC into the ocean. This was part of my genius plan as you'll see.

By doing this, unfortunately I wouldn't be able to damage it either since I was levitated above the water, but neither would he. He kept trying to nuke it which was funny to watch. I ran out to sea quite a long ways with it, with the wizard still in tow. I asked him in tells a few more times to get lost, I've been here all day, etc. No response. It was time to bring out my trump card.

I ran a little farther, and memorized my trump card song. I made a mad dash into the water, and so did he moments later as he realized I done so. I always imagined that the wizard must have thought: "Finally! He stopped, I'll be able to root/snare & nuke it now and KS it np, he wont be able to run with it anymore! Haha! Damn I'm awesome."

Oh how he couldn't be more wrong. Even though I had stopped dragging it further out to sea, we both went into the water. Being the first one into the water gave me a slight edge before he had much time to react. As expected, he immediately snared it. Blowing any hopes I had of out of ranging the wizard overboard. It didn't matter though. Hit my 5th spell gem, my trump card as soon as it was in range underwater shortly after his snare hit. Song of Highsun. Thank EQDevs, for this awesome song. If you're unaware of how it works, it basically "gates" a mob back to it's spawn point. But it doesn't reset agro! Useful in a lot of other things, but I digress.

There it read in chat: "Ancient Cyclops has cast Gate!" (or something like that). The monster was gone from sight, leaving a very bewildered wizard. I quickly rose to the surface, and let my levitate carry me a few inches above the water. Selos, Selos, Selos!. I felt like being a dick and did a /thanks /bye as I ran past him on the way back. I made a mad dash back in the direction of the AC Island, praying that somebody else wasn't there, or that the wizard wasn't smart enough to Abscond and try to run from Erollisi Isle over.

When I had arrived, the AC charged at me the moment I entered visibility range. Thank God, it was still there! And the wizard wasn't either. I knew the isle probably wasn't safe, since the wizard might stumble back here. So, into the ocean again! This time, the opposite direction. It took me several minutes of twisting my chants to kill the thing out at sea, but I felt safe. When it died, I was soo happy. My plan was successful. Looted up my fancy new ring for my alt.

Of course, the only thing left to do at this point was to do the nice thing for everyone else in the zone:

/ooc AC camp open, if any wizards or other people need to camp it.

A few minutes later he left the zone, as did I with my new loot, and a awesome story to tell.

Thanks for reading =D
[47 Wizard] Kobias (Human)

Originally from Tarew Marr. May it rest in peace, as it died to become Drinal :'(
Last edited by Kobias; 08-25-2011 at 07:10 PM.. Reason: typos
Old 08-25-2011, 05:52 PM
Feachie Feachie is offline
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Originally Posted by CrotchCricket [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Well, since we're all busting out the when i was in eigth grade playing EQ stories, i have a pretty good one.

Well i had to be about 14, me and my friends were all playing EQ, and we figured out that people who play EQ are dumb(of course we all know this now). Anyways we would convince people to give us good items such as Yak, Mith 2handers, FBSS, GEBS, etc on our "traders" aka some newb we made in freeport about 10 mins ago. Tell people we would log right back with our main chars give them some phony name and run off with the goods. Well after about 3 months of doing this and have tons of rubicite and other great stuff. I was helping a friend lvl up in South Karana near the aviak city. I was playing a cleric and healing him (warrior). we're chopping the darters and all of a sudden i get summoned up to the very top of the penthouse. Not in the Penthouse...on the ROOF! Above Krak's head, standing on his house! I'm like wtf is going on. Suddenly a GM sends me a tell. He explains the situation that ya know someone has logs and the deleted newb char names keep coming back to my account. I deny, deny, deny. But of course I have some stolen goods in my inventory. Meanwhile my warrior friend was spamming in /shout for the GM's to let me go. They silenced his ability to talk, all of a sudden i get ported. Where? To the Qeynos Aquaducts.

Now, im in a little 12 x 12 room, with no ability to talk to anyone but the GM. The GM informed me that what i did was very very serious. And i was gunna be suspended blah blah blah. Well i got pissed, told the GM his mom was getting banged by ex felons in her trailer at that very moment and then i camped assuming my ass was suspended. Well i tried logging in a few minutes later and sure enough my account was suspended. So i called them lame fucks up at Sony (reliving this is getting me all fired up again) they confirmed i was suspended for a week.

Well one week later, i log into my character, and im sitting the Qeynos Aquaducts in my little 12 x 12 room. I couldnt gate, i could cast any spells, or talk to anyone in any channels. So i figured that i had to wait for a GM, that was the only channel that would work. After a couple of hours, I found a guide that had logged in. Sent her a tell, explaining to her I was trapped per the GM. Well long story short, she had no idea the 12 x 12 room existed in Qeynos Aquaducts, i gave her the loc coords, and she ported to me. She said that she had contacted her superior and had confirmed that I was ok to be "released". She also said that her boss had told her "Hatebreedian is the most malignant evil seed ever presented to the Everquest community." Well she ported me out and I was on my way....

Two weeks later, I was banned wearing a full suit of rubicite and 2 yaks and a FBSS on my lil dorf warrior. I had to be the coolest looking person to ever be banned. Not to mention all those yaks and m2h's that were stolen helped me purchase my first car! Thank ya paypal!

Madprops (Hatebreedian)
P.S. - If I ganked you, no i will not reimburse you!
i remember on drinal there was a sk named vaft that escaped the evil clutches of the gm's from their gulag in the qeynos catacombs. he was pretty hax though so i'm sure it was involved.
Old 08-25-2011, 07:11 PM
Lady_Omelia Lady_Omelia is offline

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I still recall the toughest fight I ever survived, at a mere level 6 (I think.)

Horsing around in East Freeport led me to the small area with that surly female Dark Elf, and in the water, a shark.

Having never encountered such a beast, and knowing very little about EQ I waded in and began to fight. I was a rogue, so it, (as any) was a very difficult fight, but I was sure I had the upper hand until I saw the dreaded message "YOU are drowning!"

I had done very little swimming and wasn't at all familiar with how to angle myself upward, so by the time I had I was almost dead. I broke the surface and filled my lungs with air, only to be immediately chomped into unconsciousness, and began to slowly sink back into the deep.

By a stroke of fortune, the shark missed my prone body again and again until I regained my wits and managed to finish it off and swam to shore as fast as I could with, 3 hit points remaining.
Old 08-25-2011, 08:21 PM
jballe3 jballe3 is offline
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Well this just happened recently...... and it all revolves around 2 things, sergio flores and an ogre warrior.

I decided to take a trip with a few people to Runnyeye. I left with my friend (I'll refer to him as Kan-do from here on out) and we crossed treacherous landscape, dodging zombies and undead captains!!!! (glad I had my supersoaker 5000 handy). Once we crossed through the dreaded Kithicor forest, Kan-do had started belting out his invis song, so we could pass safely through the land of the tiny people and into Misty Thicket. Upon arrival at our destination (which would be runnyeye), I found myself unable to move forward!

You see, the goblins put up a relatively easy, yet clever defense against the mighty and powerful Zuxum!!! (it may just be me being conceited, but I could have sworn they planned to use this particular defense strategy against me in my future endeavors). SO as Kan-do is laughing uncontrollably, this is what was going through my head: "Oh man, what is an ogre to do if one needs to depart in a hurried fashion!!!! This can't be good....."

So, I crouch and move forward to an area where I can finally move freely, with no restraints from said Zuxum goblin defense. We wind and whirl through many a tunnels until we arrive to our group. (Keep in mind, I'm completely and totally lost, my horrible sense of direction combined with the dark thoughts of my muscular physique not being able to move freely about Runnyeye plagues my mind, and this most certainly did not help my cause)

We start hacking and slashing! Man it was a relief to get rid of all of that pent up frustration. We kill one goblin, then 2 goblins, then! OH EM GEE! A monstrous pull! I debate whether to peel off a mob one by one from the cleric, and the cleric goes, TANK EM! So I grab one, and then another, and then all of a sudden, they totally ignore my leet tank skillz and b-line right to our cleric. At this point, I'm starting to sense that the force would not be with us at this very particular moment of need! BIAM! ZUXUM IS BLINDED! I'm like ZOMG ZOMG I IS BLINDED! (enter que for closed curtains and a very powerful spot light).

I wake up in freeport....... sad as a panda. As I drown in my own sorrow from the death of such a beautiful and exquisite being, such as myself, over the horizon I hear a distant, yet vaguely familiar tune. (aka music playing behind my client of this evercrack). As it becomes more familiar, i lose control of my puckerers and the soft words roll off my tongue, like sweat off a fat woman's back breasts, "i'm never gonna dance again.... got this feeling, got... no rhythm". As I uttered these incantations, I instantly felt a wave of relief! Just at that moment, the cleric told me, INC REZ!

It was like black magic! Right when it seemed all hope was lost, hope found me, Zuxum the Ogre!!!! I hit accept, and BIAM, I'm back in Runnyeye.

Now, it was time for Zuxum to take a nap, for fear of wife aggro in the world of the real, so I decided to pitch a tent and call it a night just outside of Runnyeye in the Gorge of King Xorbb. Figured that, well, since we're on the first level, all of the goblins are young, they can't touch this!!! Feeling secure, I went to sleep.

Fast-forward to this morning...... I wake up, feeling great I might add (although I'm still plagued with resurrection sickness at this point, and 23% health) I figured it was time to pass through the young goblins and head back to Misty Thicket, so I could find my way home. As I bravely re-enter Runnyeye, I scan quickly across the goblins to make sure there weren't any tough guys in the crowd to pester and bother me as I crossed through their clubhouse. COAST WAS CLEAR, I SWEAR IT!

As I started running, Left, Left and another Left would get me to Misty Thicket safely! That dreaded second left.............. oh that second left...... I still cannot get it out! It's too fresh!

In the corner, was a Wizard! He must have been AT LEAST a 4th year student fresh off the train from Hogwarts! He blindsides me with a 39 hp blast of something! Tunare only knows what it was, because it hurt! I panicked! I turned and head straight for Misty Thicket when all of a sudden.... dunnn dunnn DUUUUUUN! The ceiling drops outta nowhere and cracks my dome like a Chuck Norris round house kick to the forehead! OUUUUCH! Now I have Chuck the Ceiling taunting me from above, and Hermoine crackin me from behind! DAMN THIS INFERNAL GOBLIN DEFENSE! I couldn't move forward!!!!! I crouch..... and I just pray and pray and pray that I keep moving forward. 20%....... 15%...... 10%...... thud! WHACK! CRACK! Fat ogre moving at his fastest crouched, while a wizard is hitting him from behind isn't the prettiest thing anyone has ever seen, but could be the most hilarious thing any man or woman could lay eyes on!

BIAM 5%! At this point, my life flashes before my very eyes! Will I ever be able to have a little Arnold of my own?? (Not counting that Maid back in my cave, she doesn't count). Will I ever be able to make a living again?!? Then all of a sudden..... I turn a corner, I get hit with a root, but with all my willpower and hope, I resisted!!!! 2% HEALTH! I CAN SEE THE LIGHT! And as I dodge and block as I'm backing up, I back past one corpse, back past another, and BIAM! "Loading Misty Thicket...... Please Wait"

I MADE IT! I had let the goblin defense slip my mind. I could have very well easily turned around and run back out to the Gorge of King Xorbb.... but when panic sets in, you don't think right!

So moral of this story....... Always bring a Ranger sacrifice with you wherever you go.


PS: Check out Sexy Sax Man.... that's the 2nd part of my story, Mr. Sergio Flores himself, Above the Law, Above it All
Old 08-25-2011, 10:37 PM
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lol wut?
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