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Old 11-02-2013, 03:58 AM
BlkCamel BlkCamel is offline

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Talking Evil Shaman Solo Guide 1-56+

I made this as a way too long response to a seeking shaman advice post and figured it was worth it's own thread.

I recently joined the server after being away from EQ for about 7 years. I played a Barb Shaman as my main and exclusively for the last 4 years that I played. Needless to say when I found P99 I chose Shaman as my main because A.Nostalgia B.Power. Rolled an Ogre this time which did take some getting used to compared to the Good Allied Barb. Here would be my solo shaman tips from someone who has recently rolled on p99 as an evil and made it to 60 solo.



Level 1-9 - Stay between Feerott, and Innothule swamp. Kill anything that is even/blue. Loot and sell as much as you can, there is an outdoor vendor near bridge in Feerott you can sell to. If you happen to hunt lizards stay away from the camps, you wont win the split. Focus on roamers and then move to entrance of Guk in Innothule Swamp at around level 5. Kill the guards in front of the zoneline to Upper Guk and everything that roams the entrance. May have to run out and get Fungus men as you gain levels (Watch out for Good Faction NPC that roams to the right if facing out from Guk). Do not worry about the swamp waters getting in your way, make it an advantage. Although it slows you down and can lead to some trains if runner gets away. You will train your swim pretty fast making it easier and you will appreciate it later. Once you are around level 8 go towards Ro zoneline and kill crocs and fungus for faster xp (Also make sure you go train Meditate at level 8). At level 9 go buy these spells; Light Healing (9), Spirit of Wolf (9), Tainted Breath (9), Summon Food (9), Bind Affinity (14), Root (14), Spirit Strike (14), Walking Sleep (14). Feel free to buy any others you can afford but this is all you need for now.

TRAVEL TIME ~-~-~-~-~-~ Ok level 9 you have sow. Head to Oasis and catch boat to OT. From OT get a Levitate from someone in zone, and get a bind at outpost w/invis in-case you find trouble on the journey. Run through Warsilks Woods to Field of Bone. Essentially just follow the shore to left of Outpost and then along zone wall. Once in FoB go to Kaesora ruins and get a bind from a higher level. Watch out for the Red Con skeleton that roams the ruins, bind in the safe tunnel by zone-line to Kaesora.

Level 9-12ish - Kill in the pit, outside the pit, again anything that is blue; Scorpians, Bandits, Burnyai's, Skeletons, Ugly Dogs, you name it. At level 12 or 13 head to Kurns. Best xp Modifier in game which means quicker, easier leveling during some of the hardest levels for a Shaman. Do not worry about looting items at this point unless it is stack-able, especially bone chips.

Level13-19 - Kill the first floor of Kurns Tower. Kill as many as you can, as fast as you can, there will be competition. There is enough for all though as you can start going upstairs as you level. I recommend staying away from basement and the Burnyai's there as they are OP for level. Loot all Bone chips and if your lucky you might find a Clicky wizard wand worth a couple k. At level 19 It is time to leave (Can stay in Kurns Upper Level until 22 and skip next step if you were able to afford level 19 spells prior to coming to Kunark). You should have around 25 stacks of bone chips if not more plus any stack-able items to sell and coin you collected. Bone chips easily sell in the 7-10 plat per stack range. I sold all 25 stacks I got for 10p each and this was in the last 3 months.

TRAVEL TIME ~-~-~-~-~-~ At level 19 it is time to leave Kunark and go back home to re-spell up and hopefully find a full set of Banded Armor (Don't Forget to Train Dodge Available at level 15). At this time you can afford to buy any and all spells you want. You eventually want to save up 500p to buy 5ac/55hp rings x2. They are the best bang for buck and you won't replace them for 55+ levels.

Level 19-22 - I will admit That this may not be the best xp per kill for this level range but Oasis Crocs is where I would call home. Remember to bind on yourself on the way in South Ro, at the Vendor right by Oasis Zone line. You can go to beach and kill crocs solo at P2 which is the rock formation sticking out of the water, south of docks. You can safely med on the rock and pop down to kill crocs and undead. Levels go by pretty quick even if the per kill xp isn't tops. Save words and auction them to low level researchers, can sell for 20p+ on many words. Even a quick 10p is worth it.

Travel Time ~-~-~-~-~-~ Head back home and buy the important level 24/29/34 all the way up to level 39 if you can afford it. So far you have Full set of banded and hopefully your 5ac/55hp rings and spells as high as you can (to prevent having to run back home). Head through Rathe Mtns/Lake to South Karana and run to the Centaur Camp where you will find a vendor. Bind at him. Gate and sell when needed.

Level 22-29 - Kill Centaurs and trash at fort (They have no faction and the vendor will still sell to.) Kill Aviaks at KFC or head towards NK zone and kill trash by bridge. From 24-29 I stayed to left of bridge from NK zone line and killed all the roamers which are plentiful.

Alternate Spot: 22-25ish:

Originally Posted by DrKvothe [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
24-26: Solo the two aviaks in the nests above the arena zoneline in lake rathe. They spawn every 6 minutes, so you should be able to root/rot them and be back to full mana/hp before they respawn. They drop bronze weapons, gems, etc. And there are vendors in zone. If you haven't saved enough for 2x 5/55 rings, you'll get the cash here.
Alternate Spot 26-31: Rathe Mountains by Lake Rathe Zone you will find Giant Skeletons and Cyclops that make for good XP. Skell's do not run low life though so keep that in mind. But good Blue mobs with little competition.

Here's where the $$$ comes.

Level 30-34 - Kill Treants in South Karana on zonewall by Centaurs. There are 2 static Treants that you can single pull. They look like both will pull but only one will. Get out malo to pull and nuke/poison dot it down. Be mindful of the heals when it is low life. Just try to get them running as soon as possible. Once you get the strat down you can kill them steadily and they drop upwards of 120gold which is 12plat and FS staffs that sell for 16plat gems that sell for 20plat + others. You will make several thousand plat per level here. This is where you can now go gear up a bit if you want(But I stayed in Banded+ac/hp rings until 44).

Level 34-40ish - Now that your level 34 head over bridge to NK where you will find 2 human Qeynos guards standing watch, with a 3rd that roams up on a long walk. You can stand at zone-line and kill guards here until 39-42. The roaming guard drops FS and you can sell your wares at the gypsy camp up the path, again you can bind here to make selling easier. I usually waited until I was 400pds overweight to sell, luckily shamans don't need to move to kill. XP is very fast as spawn is very fast. (Don't forget to head to WK and buy your Pet spells up to level 49 from the female barb in WK, buy them all don't want to come back out here).

Travel Time ~-~-~-~-~-~ We are now going to Leave NK and head home to respell up and change camps.

Level 40ish - 47ish - Spectres in either Oasis or Feerott by fear zone-line. Will make decent money here as specs drops weps worth 16p and gems. I did the Feerott ones. Can clear back 3 or 4 uncontested a lot, but the ones in the front are camped often. Xp again here fly's by. You can stay til 50% mobs start turning LB at level 47/48 or so (although some stay til as high as 52).

Alternate Spot: 40ish-47ish:
Originally Posted by Wolvefrost [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Any other tips for a spot to get through 41-47 other than spectres? Thanks for the Question!
Dwarf Guards in BBM and Dock Folk (There are multiple spawns here but they hit hard, not a ton of life), Human Guards in Freeport by docks. Yeti Caves in DL, there are low level and higher level caves, good for this level range(may get multiples when pulling some yetis in cave, use dog to off-tank until root lands), back-wall of Karnor's in DL, OT near SF zone.

TRAVEL TIME ~-~-~-~-~-~ Head back home and buy level 49 spells and head to Oasis boat again. We are going to City of Mist. I came to CoM at level 48 with my banded + low level wis items and ac/hp rings and so can you. Bind in OT at outpost and head to Field of bone through WW again out of OT. Zone into EJ and head to CoM(optional rebind at Kaesora). Again this is a solo guide so we will be soloing in CoM.

48/49-52ish - Once you zone into CoM go across moat and open gate where the 3 Golems guard. Go through the gate and to the right where the temple is. Here you will find a safe spot to sit/med/camp. Sometimes there will be a group here or someone soloing. You want to make that you. Solo the temple if you can get the camp to yourself and duo/trio/group it if it is occupied. If you still want to solo and its camped, go near arena and pull golems from courtyard between temple and stable. You Will want to shout that you want shaman pages during this if you are doing your Epic (which I suggest you faction up to at this point, might as well get max faction while leveling).

53+ - Still in CoM, you can head up to 2nd level with, a shrink, a levitate, and an Invis to Undead. Duo/trio/group up there. If you have epic you can solo the ramparts until 56+.


Here is the trick to doing CoM upstairs prior to level 56(when we get 3 minute root).

They key is to ALWAYS cast Malaisement on the Warboned Skele and Wraith's (highest level mobs). Some of the goo's can be resistant, but not all of them, so you can wait to see if root breaks early on them before spending the mana on Malaisement. (Make sure you always have Levitate or DMF on, so you don't fall off and can see better)

Casting Malaisement makes Enstil last for max duration, which is just a bit over an Epic click in length.

1.Root with ENSTILL ONLY(60mana 96 second duration).
2.Once you have aggro'd and rooted mob cast Level 34 Malaisement(

Or Pull with level 34 Malaisement and start at step 3

3. Re-root with ENSTILL
4. Click Epic(84 second duration).
5. Start re-rooting when you see Epic damage tick for 146dmg
6. Immediately Epic click and move on to next mob.
7. Re-do step 5 and 6 every-time Epic hits 146dmg on mob.

If you follow these steps you will be able to root/rot 3-4 mobs at a time, which is the only way this is effective since we are only using Epic for damage, saving all other mana for Enstill's, Malaisement, and Regen.

As an Ogre I sometimes had 5 or 6 mobs rooted at once if I got greedy and pulled without watching timers for respawn.

I did 54-56 on upper level using these tactics(you can stay til 60 if you wanted). Just avoid being hit by using Malaisement for MAX Duration Enstills, until you get Paralyzing Earth.


Alternate 53+ Spot: Barbarian Guards in Everfrost. There are 3 static spawns by Ice Fields that you can easily root rot until you ding 55, when they turn LB. Also there are Ice Giants that are DB/LB, even at 56 although drop half the plat of Furries. Never the less, there are 3 guarding Permafrost that make for easy camp/money.




56+ there are still more great solo spots, including some decent money spots. By then though, you should know about them and feel comfortable making your own path, so I won't expand farther then there. You will notice my guide focuses on limiting the downside of being evil by not requiring you to bank ever(banking in OT and home is always avail). Just buy gems to convert cash and spend it as you get it on gear upgrades/spells. This guide also focuses on not moving for large ranges of levels so you can maximize your play time, and minimize your chance of a long CR. It also emphasizes consistent camps that you can do for 5 minutes or 5 hours, all solo without gimmicks. Mainly just root and rot.

Speed is king, Once you are 50+ you can camp most items you want or a number of cash camps to fund any endeavor. So I want to level as fast as I can. Another thing you might notice is, you don't have to get a port for 50+ levels. Using this system I paid for maybe 3 ports over my first 50 levels. That saves you a ton of money. Another tip, don't ever go out of way for Clarity or donate for it. If someone casts on you as a freebie awesome, but spending your plat on temporary buffs will slow you down. Plus you'll end up wasting more time running around then if you just xp'd.

I was able to level to 55+ in 3 months (and 60 not long after) doing this and have afforded everything I have needed. I am now Epic'd, level 60, and ground my way to Torpor. Hopefully this helps you. If you have any questions or need strategy help just let me know.

Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback and questions. Feel free to add or comment or ask any questions, my in game name is Tumamor.

**** I have had questions about cash camps or places to go to make money to afford things like Torpor or Fungi, below is a great summary of the best/easiest camps any Shaman should be able to do to obtain these things, presuming he/she has Epic/Ingenuity. Also I have added a gear list that I have been PM'd about previously.

Originally Posted by Daldaen [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Lower Guk camps like AM/Frenzied/Lord/Tact+King would be good IMO.

AM - Robe goes for 3k easy. If you want to farm it I'll pay you 4k no problem!
Lord - Helm is 1k easy and common drop. SSoY people still buy to look cool, but you can vendor it for like 450 or sell for 500?
Frenzied - Rings are common and 50-100 plat. Sash is 8-9k.
Tactician - Book is probably 100 and Tiara is 5-6k.
King - Crown is 2k and common. Sword is like 500.

Just use epic click and root and AFK til root breaks or epic click ends.

That aside, in your 50s group in Sebilis. Mid-High 50s try to get crypt groups. Sell JBB/Hiero or hope for Emp to drop Torpor and win it.
This is pretty good advice other then Arch Magus. Guy hits you with ice comets and other nasty stuff. I have died to him enough to not consider him worth it. Now if camp is broken then sure you can do it, but don't waltz in expecting to drop him easy-peazy.

Another Suggestion is Droga, You have Chief and Soothsayer camps.

Soothsayer drops Earring of Essence(5-6k), and Chief drops Idol of the Thorned 6k-7k, his bodyguards drop; Circlet of Shadow(2k-3k) and Guantlets of Potence(6-7k) - Tumamor

Fingers: 5ac/55hp rings x2
Wrists: Runed Mithril Bracer x2
Head: Totemic Helm/Platinum Tiara
Arms: Dusty Rusted Vambraces
Chest: Bloodstained Tunic/Chestplate of Froglok/Iksar Regen BP
Shoulders: Tattered Mantle/Embroidered Black Cape/Obulus Death Shroud
Back: Hooded Black Cloak
Ears: Forest Loop x2/Ivandyr's Hoop/Earring of Essence/Black Sapphire Electrum Earring
Feet: Jaundiced Bone Boots/Golden Efreeti Boots
Hands: Jaundiced Bone Gauntlets/Iksar Scaled Gloves
Legs: Gatorscale Leggings
Face: Bone Mask of the Jarsath/Enshrouded Veil
Neck: Ivy Imbued Collar/Black Sapphire Platinum Necklace
Belt: Flayed Turmoilskin Belt/Mucilaginous Girdle

Secondary: Charred Guardian Shield/Clay Guardian Shield/Sarnak Battle Shield
Primary: Jade Chokadai Prod/Howling Harpoon
Range: Goblin Parrying Spear/Howling Harpoon
Last edited by BlkCamel; 08-02-2014 at 09:27 PM.. Reason: typos/format
Old 11-02-2013, 11:20 AM
Swish Swish is offline
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A good guide! I'd add in that its beneficial to get a bind at the OT outpost from a good samaritan before you run to FoB through WW. Once you aggro stuff, sow or not...there could be problems hitting the FoB zoneline, especially if you don't know the route too well, and you don't want to do the boat ride from Timorous Deep twice [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Old 11-03-2013, 11:00 PM
Magnum Magnum is offline

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Great guide, thanks for sharing! I'm currently lvl 39 and have started my epic up to the shield, I think I'll check out the specs in oasis!
Old 11-05-2013, 06:53 PM
Zeonick Zeonick is offline

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Nice well thought out guide! Thanks for posting this.
Zeonick - Level 57 Barbarian Shaman
Zeonics - Level 24 Barbarian Rogue
<Bregan D'Aerth>
Old 11-05-2013, 08:21 PM
DrKvothe DrKvothe is offline

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Should note that there's always a ton of shamans in CoM looting pages. Access to rots is still common, but these levels are a good time to group up when you can. More kills = more loots = more pages = more faction.

I found 29-34 to be fairly painful solo, although I didn't try treants. You've got no pet and only lvl 19 and 24 dots. They're not exactly bangin dps at 33. With greater healing, haste, canni, and regen, you're the best healer out there at these levels and you might as well capitalize on that. I made 2-3k pp from 29 to 34 in HHK gobs groups (including selling 1300pp worth of ears in EC in about 5 minutes).

At 34, HHK guards are great plat too, but often overcamped and if someone isn't camping nobles the upper floors seem inaccessible without adds that force you to zone.
Old 11-08-2013, 12:18 PM
deffas1011 deffas1011 is offline
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Thank you for the guide.. The one thing I would like to add to it is that at lvl 8 Shamans need to train in Meditate.. So when they go buy their level 9 spells before heading to OT make sure to find a trainer and put a point into meditate! or you're going to be spending the entire day sitting down getting your mana back heh
Old 11-08-2013, 10:37 PM
Tehwoot Tehwoot is offline

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Just a thought, but wouldn't it be quicker leveling in say Ecom and Wcom through those levels do to buffs and so forth being easily available?
Old 11-11-2013, 09:37 AM
jarinaEQ1 jarinaEQ1 is offline

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No one have the same for good barbariab shaman ?
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Old 11-11-2013, 11:52 AM
DrKvothe DrKvothe is offline

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Everfrost til 4 killing polar bear cubs for HQ bear skins. Buy large sewing kits just outside of Halas for storage. Get enough to fill your bank and your inventory.
Qeynos Hills killing rabid wolves and turning in the pelts in Qeynos once you've filled up your packs until 8 or 9.
Blackburrow kill gnolls for gnoll fangs and turn them in every time you fill a stack until this no longer lets you ding in a single turnin. As these guys turn green, you'll kill them faster with zero downtime and get more and more drops. I stayed here until 24 lol. Probably best to bail around 19 when you get affliction. Someone else should comment on what else to do from 19-24.
24-26: Solo the two aviaks in the nests above the arena zoneline in lake rathe. They spawn every 6 minutes, so you should be able to root/rot them and be back to full mana/hp before they respawn. They drop bronze weapons, gems, etc. And there are vendors in zone. If you haven't saved enough for 2x 5/55 rings, you'll get the cash here.
27-29: I duo'd sisters in OOT. This probably isn't optimal, since the loot/exp is half as good duo and I couldn't manage to adequately split them by myself. Ruins elf/druid/etc. factions. Should probably have just gone straight to HHK
29-34 Group in HHK goblins. Yes, not solo, but you didnt get any dots at 29, so you're using your lvl 19 disease dot and 24 poison dot while solo, which is super low dps. Goblins drop FS weapons, bricks of ore which vendor or sell to players well, and goblin ears which sell for 25-30pp apiece to the right buyer.
34-37 You've got your pet and should be able to handle the ancient croc camp for several levels. You'll get either sleeves (150pp) or pants (1500pp) every coupled hours. You might not see pants drop. Severely overcamped, so you might want to do something else, but I just wasted a Sunday (like all day) poopsocking it and made like 6k in loot.
37-46 I low hp kited with bards in OT and DL *shame* Should have headed to CoM at 44 at the latest.
46-50 CoM. Get your epic stuff done up through black dire so that you can do book turnins in EJ. Group any of the camps and ask politely in ooc for groups to announce unneeded page drops. You can solo stables no problem at 49 without missing a spawn.

Use inner fire to heal up until it is no longer practical to do so. Great ratio.
Old 11-13-2013, 03:26 AM
BlkCamel BlkCamel is offline

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Thumbs up Thank you!

Originally Posted by Swish [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
A good guide! I'd add in that its beneficial to get a bind at the OT outpost from a good samaritan before you run to FoB through WW. Once you aggro stuff, sow or not...there could be problems hitting the FoB zoneline, especially if you don't know the route too well, and you don't want to do the boat ride from Timorous Deep twice [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Thanks for your feedback I updated my guide to add this.

Originally Posted by Zeonick [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Nice well thought out guide! Thanks for posting this.
Thank you for your support!

Originally Posted by DrKvothe [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I found 29-34 to be fairly painful solo, although I didn't try treants. You've got no pet and only lvl 19 and 24 dots. They're not exactly bangin dps at 33. With greater healing, haste, canni, and regen, you're the best healer out there at these levels and you might as well capitalize on that. I made 2-3k pp from 29 to 34 in HHK gobs groups (including selling 1300pp worth of ears in EC in about 5 minutes)..
The key to the Treants is to pull with Malo line and NUKE/Stun your way to victory. Only dot I would use is poison dot right after Malo line then I am nuking. Thank you for feedback!

Originally Posted by deffas1011 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Thank you for the guide.. The one thing I would like to add to it is that at lvl 8 Shamans need to train in Meditate..
Thank you for reminding me to add this!

Originally Posted by Tehwoot [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Just a thought, but wouldn't it be quicker leveling in say Ecom and Wcom through those levels do to buffs and so forth being easily available?
You could if you wanted to of course. This is a solo guide and does not depend on outside buffs. Follow this and you will level consistently without the need to stop and ask for buffs.

Originally Posted by DrKvothe [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
24-26: Solo the two aviaks in the nests above the arena zoneline in lake rathe. They spawn every 6 minutes, so you should be able to root/rot them and be back to full mana/hp before they respawn. They drop bronze weapons, gems, etc. And there are vendors in zone. If you haven't saved enough for 2x 5/55 rings, you'll get the cash here.

Good Tip added to guide, Thank you.

Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback and questions. Feel free to add or comment or ask any questions.
Last edited by BlkCamel; 11-13-2013 at 03:35 AM..
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