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Old 09-09-2021, 12:24 AM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

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Default Many more tips for newbie enchanters

Gonna be taking a break from P99 and wanted to pass on some things I learned which might help some newbie enchanters before I go. I apologize if some or even all of these are in the wikki!

How to plow through your early levels!:

Pets are broken/OP at early levels when you give them a 2hander! This basically almost DOUBLES their damage up to around level 20ish when it stops working. Keep at least 1 rusty 2hander dropped from mobs (any type works but it must be 2h) in a bag, and if you run out, when you go to sell to a vendor check to see if any rusty 2handers are for sale. They are usually pretty cheap if a vendor has one, it’s WORTH buying just for how strong it makes your pet. Don’t worry about losing 50% exp to the pet, the pet will have such a fast killrate it still is the absolute fastest exp/hour you can make for the early levels!

A spell line that might not seem that good but REALLY is:

Your berserker line of spells! Spells like berserker strength, rampage, berserker spirit, etc. This spell line sounds like it’s meant for melee chars or your pet, it buffs their melee stats at a cost of agi, and it can be good on them. But it’s best on YOU! It comes with a no-reagent damage absorb, this is huge! Your only other way to absorb damage is your rune line and these require a reagent which costs money, and becomes increasingly expensive. Enchanters have no easy way to get back HP and the berserker line has almost no recast, so it can be absorbing hundreds and thousands of damage that would have otherwise forced sit breaks and slowed you down. AND it gets removed first before your rune! So ideally the mob will only chew through your berserker spell (which u can just re-cast) leaving your rune as backup. Note: I didn’t start chain-casting berserker spells on self until after I had clarity so it may not be as feasible with just breeze

Different types of charming, and when to!:

Your pet will do as much or more damage than mobs (especially if you keep resummoning to get the highest level, just check their max hits to see what lev you got) until at least the mid-20’s. Any charming befor that is def not needed but can be good practice

When it comes to what to charm, go for stuff that is low blue, about to turn green con, nothing higher! Your charm break frequency goes up many times more frequent when you get even to dark blue cons, and anything like even or yellow con should be completely out of the question unless you like dying! Always tash the mob to lower its MR before charming. If you have a GCD reset device then you can (from a distance) tash + GCD reset + charm before it gets to you. If not, then the way to charm without taking damage is mez then tash then charm and wait for mez to fade

Different types of charming, and the advantages of each!

1. What I call “slow charming”. This is where you pick the highest (safe!) level mob you can find, and try to target mobs that are lower level than it. You use your slow spell (after root of course because slow has a decent amount of hate/aggro, and you should ALWAYS keep your charmed pet target rooted!!!) on the mob you are killing to ensure your pet wins the fight as easily as possible. If you pick the correct charm pet and targets, your pet should be able to kill 2-3 of these in a row before being below 20% health to where you can break charm and kill your charm pet. I personally do not recommend hasting your pet here. It’s a huge amount of mana, doesn’t increase the number of targets it can kill before it dies enough to warrant it, and is much more of a liability for you

Advantages: Fastest kill rate! This method is great for farming money, if you are killing something that drops good vendor trash. By the time your charmed pet has killed the mob you targeted, you should have regenerated the cost of root + slow back (assuming u have breeze or ideally clarity). And killing your charmed pet only costs 1 invis and 1 root/nuke if planned well, so this means you should be able to NON-STOP KILL! If you have a super strong pet you want to keep you can mez/blur it to heal it back up but I personally don’t do this much because even with blur it can take a while for it to get its health back. But at higher levels some chanters do this a lot

Disadvantages: Pet is stealing 50% exp! You only get full exp when you kill your charmed pet, the others are only 50% exp. So while this method is less mana intensive than reverse charming and should have a faster kill rate, it does come at an exp loss. Just like when you had a super strong animation pet in your early levels though, your kill rate should be high enough to where even with this exp loss you are still getting very good exp/hour!

2. reverse charming!: There’s a few kinds of this, and all are more mana intensive in my experience than the method above. Let’s go over each type

a.) The simplest type is where you try to get your pet and it’s target’s health down at the same rate, and one method you can try is to use /pet sit to make your pet take extra damage if it’s winning the fight, or do things like slow/stun it’s target if it’s losing. Then, always make sure the pet’s target is rooted, then break charm, kill your pet and its target. This will require at least 2 nukes and probably another root or 2, so it is more mana intensive

Advantages: you get full exp! Disadvantages: More mana intensive and I found my killrate suffers when doing this method due to having to stop and med

b.) Cycling weak or weakened pets. Here’s where you start by selecting a pet that you know probably won’t win the fight as your charmed pet, such as something lower level. Charm it then send it against something higher level, when it is sub-20% hp, break charm (making sure it’s target is rooted the entire time), kill your pet, then charm the hurt target as your new pet. Since the target is probably around 50% exp, it is probably going to lose the fight now, so send it against something full hp, and rinse-repeat. This is what people usually are referring to when they say “reverse charming”. The advantage is you always get 100% exp, the disadvantage is the nukes to kill your pet are really expensive unless you want to try to get its health super low to where you can downgrade your nuke but this risks the pet dying before it can be pulled back, and I find reverse charming is a bit slower than the first method I listed, but still probably the best overall exp/hour

UNLESS you do c.) Make a steroid mob and use it to reverse charm. This should be the fastest possible exp but is slightly more dangerous than reverse charming. This is where you find the highest level thing huh can safely charm, then charm it and HASTE it with your highest level haste spell. Here’s a good spot to talk about how to safely break charm in an area with room to move such as an outdoor zone. I would not recommend this method in dungeons! The way to safely break charm with a hasted monster pet is to use the /pet guard here command. Plant that steroid monster somewhere WAYYYY THE F away from you, then break charm and root it before it can close the distance to you. This way you don’t have to risk taking hits even with color spray/shift. Then charm something weaker and send it in to get wrecked against the steroid monster you created. And repeat. You better keep that other one rooted! You can use mez/blur to heal it back up. I personally don’t use this method often, there’s another variety you can do in dungeons involving rooting a group of mobs and sending the pet into those to almost die, killing the pet, charming one of the rooted ones, repeat. That’s the indoor version

** Ok before I leave off with charming I’ll just put a reminder, if you want to safely break charm indoors without taking much or any damage, you are going to need to get a GCD resetting device such as rod of insidious glamour or a spy scope and hotkey it. This way you can invis, GCD reset, color spray/shift, GCD reset, root, back up and safely nuke it down. I personally prefer to use root to gain distance rather than mez (unless against a caster which will begin to either nuke you or heal itself) because I’ve found mez can blur the mob when I don’t want it to, making it need extra nukes to kill it. At lower levels with faster casting nukes u might not even need to root, just color spray/shift, GCD reset, nuke it dead before it can move

Last part, how to safely dungeon crawl!:

You only need three things for this! One is the spell Calm (or pacify but calm works), the other is the spell illusion: gnome, and the last thing is your keyboard!

Use illusion gnome on yourself to gain “gnome vision” which is the ability to see through walls. Then as you explore the dungeon with invisibility on, mash your face into the walls outside a room to see what’s in there. If it’s multiple mobs, look at the name of the one closest to you and type /tar [it’s name]. You don’t need the full name, just like the first 2-3 letters. This will select that mob from outside the room. Now cast calm on it, which will work from OUTSIDE the room. Now drop target and try to move around outside the room to where a DIFFERENT mob is now the closest thing to you (the /target command always looks for the closest thing in a line to you) , and type /tar [it’s name]. Then cast calm on it. With some careful and clever positioning you should be able to select each mob from outside the room and calm each one. Then just decide which order they die in! [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

I might add some extra tips as I think of them, but I was typing this all up on my phone and my fingers are tired. Best of luck to any newbie chanters
Last edited by unsunghero; 09-09-2021 at 12:53 AM..
Old 09-09-2021, 01:44 AM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

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Ok thought of a few more things:

1. If you are charm killing in an outdoor zone and are frustrated by roamers, remember you can move where you are fighting mid-fight by casting the cancel magic spell line on the mob you are killing to remove root. Then by mashing the /pet back off command you can now pull the mob you are killing and your pet out of the roamer’s path. Keep in mind that you might also end up removing the slow off the target though too if you used one

The other option is to be pro-active with mez and mez the roamer before it reaches your pet. You can then try calm on it to shrink its aggro radius to almost nothing, or just keep re-mezzing it until the fight is over. You can mez it after it engages your pet, but this means extra hassle of spamming pet back off after it kills its target and if the other mob is mezzed right next to it it could swipe it and break mez even if you are mashing back off. So I prefer to be pro-active with mez or calm or just move the rooted target

2. Making humanoid super-pets. Carry torches and give them a torch which goes to offhand and makes them dual wielding. Rusty or whatever 1handed weapons work too, the weapon damage and type (other than 1h) is irrelevant!

3. For enchanters playing on green server: congrats you picked enchanter hard mode. I added /pet report health to my /pet attack AND to my /pet back off macros to always have a good idea of pet’s health without having a pet window. Just spam your pet attack button while keeping its target selected (its already attacking so all this will do is tell you its health) or if there’s no target hit /pet back off to see its health whenever. You can always hit /pet attack to see your animation pet’s health since /pet attack can never make it attack

As an enchanter in groups on green server: clumps of mobs will be a problem without a functioning cycle tab target hotkey (which doesn’t function on green server). The group won’t care about how much harder it is to CC specific things without a cycle tab target hotkey on green, they‘ll just stand there dying staring at you to fix things. You have two options vs a clump of mobs all stacked on each other (really three considering aoe mez), try aiming for flailing tips of weapons or feet to pick a particular mob, or use the /tar command. Or keep shifting around the clump using tab to target the nearest thing. I personally have had the /tar command save my ass when trying to select specific things in a flailing clump of arms and legs
Last edited by unsunghero; 09-09-2021 at 01:49 AM..
Old 09-09-2021, 07:09 AM
Naonak Naonak is offline

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With all the planned changes. I don't know if this would be real up to date.

But great write up.
Bynarr 60 Cleric
Old 09-09-2021, 11:00 AM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

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Originally Posted by Naonak [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
planned changes
Also known as “why I’m leaving” [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Ty for feedback!
Old 09-10-2021, 06:02 AM
Dakanmer Dakanmer is offline

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Originally Posted by unsunghero [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Also known as “why I’m leaving” [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Ty for feedback!
Great write up ! But its not like CHA is going to change a whole lot to charm duration. Im sure it wont break enchanter things that much. Maybe it will randomize charms a little more. To me CHA is more useful for the lull/ calm / pacify line (!) and as far as I play at lvl60 now, «* dictate*» charm all the way (chardok, SG etc). heck I charmed most of my leveling experience with poor charisma (under 100). Unless Im completely mistaken with the upcoming changes
Old 09-10-2021, 08:43 AM
Stonewallx39 Stonewallx39 is offline

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Originally Posted by Dakanmer [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Great write up ! But its not like CHA is going to change a whole lot to charm duration. Im sure it wont break enchanter things that much. Maybe it will randomize charms a little more. To me CHA is more useful for the lull/ calm / pacify line (!) and as far as I play at lvl60 now, «* dictate*» charm all the way (chardok, SG etc). heck I charmed most of my leveling experience with poor charisma (under 100). Unless Im completely mistaken with the upcoming changes
For all the charms prior to dictate charisma makes charm last much longer and more consistently. It’s akin to how str affects damage. It’s still a bell curve of averages but more charisma will move the averages longer and you’ll see more max duration charms.

I 100% notice when I’m naked and trying to charm (maybe for a CR etc.) and even notice when my self charisma buffs drops, which arguably is above the soft cap and should have even less ones impact.

Short story is the change will severely impact charm and make the game slower (neat! I hope your happy needs),less fun, and more dangerous.

Cya Unsung! Thanks for pulling together some tips before you go.
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Old 09-10-2021, 01:28 PM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

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Originally Posted by Stonewallx39 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
For all the charms prior to dictate charisma makes charm last much longer and more consistently. It’s akin to how str affects damage. It’s still a bell curve of averages but more charisma will move the averages longer and you’ll see more max duration charms.

I 100% notice when I’m naked and trying to charm (maybe for a CR etc.) and even notice when my self charisma buffs drops, which arguably is above the soft cap and should have even less ones impact.

Short story is the change will severely impact charm and make the game slower (neat! I hope your happy needs),less fun, and more dangerous.

Cya Unsung! Thanks for pulling together some tips before you go.

Yea I agree with others that the change is likely to make charm function as if the chanter had no charisma, which means more unreliable charms

It also means re-itemizing for int/hp/ac and keeping a cha set in a bag for lulling. Also means +cha cloth gear value gonna absolutely tank

All bad stuff

I’m leavin anyway but had just bought a blackened crystalline robe too, what a waste now. Glad I didn’t spring for a siren hair hood too
Last edited by unsunghero; 09-10-2021 at 01:39 PM..
Old 09-15-2021, 11:14 AM
unleashedd unleashedd is offline

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Where is this info from? I literally just maxed out CHA like a month ago sigh
Old 09-15-2021, 12:20 PM
Gustoo Gustoo is offline
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I remember feeling a little bit of the total insanity that I'm seeing expressed here when Hide ability got nerfed to not work against undead, which was a classic change.

I was like "I would have rolled dwarf if hide was going to SUCK!" or something. My request for race change was denied.

Enchanter is going to remain an exceedingly powerful class. Charisma will still have value.

You'll be okay guys.
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Old 09-15-2021, 12:36 PM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

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Originally Posted by unleashedd [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Where is this info from? I literally just maxed out CHA like a month ago sigh
Originally came from the TAKP forums towards the end of august. A developer that had worked on both games made a post that he was being asked (assuming by the developers of p99) to implement the system currently in place on TAKP to be on P99

From what I’ve been able to deduce, currently on TAKP charisma has no effect on charm for enchanters other than for an initial resist chance. I’m assuming you know how incredibly infrequently enchanters got resists on a blue con target they tashed, in fact I can’t recall a single resist for hundreds of charm casts. So for charm, charisma will apparently be effectively useless

Does this mean charm will become more reliable? Unlikely, as there has been many threads in the past years ago stating belief based on comparing P99 to live that enchanter charm durations on P99 seem to benefit too much from charisma. The most likely result is charm for enchanters will function similar to how charm does for necros and druids in terms of reliability

What it also means is the class becomes much more one dimensional in terms of gearing. Previous to the change, the amount of ac, hp, and int ALONG with charisma on gear mattered, since you would be wearing that charisma gear full time. But with the changes, the only time you’d be wearing charisma gear would be before casting lull or attempting to memblur something. Wearing it at any other point is essentially wasting the gear slot for an attribute that is doing nothing

So any min/max’ers are probably going to switch to set of hp/ac/int gear and keep a set of basic charisma gear (once again, secondary stats don’t matter here) in their bags to put on briefly before lulling or m blurring

This essentially dumbs the class down in terms of planning one’s gear, and makes expensive high cha or difficult to get high cha items such as the crown of king tranixx or the neriad shawl as near-worthless to enchanters. So anyone who just recently put forth a ton of effort to get a neriad shawl, so sorry, you lose
Last edited by unsunghero; 09-15-2021 at 12:39 PM..
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