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Old 09-25-2012, 01:09 PM
TrollCall TrollCall is offline
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Default Palemoon

Originally Posted by CrystalBlue [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
You want a screenshot of your guildchat with everyone calling him Natural?

What a den of thieves (litterally)
Originally Posted by Palemoon [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
No, that kind of behavior is what destroyed communities, not "made them better". I watched it happen in Shadowbane from release till they closed their doors. In the last year it was NOTHING but constant "shit talk", flaming, etc. Was sad and poisonous, all the mature people left the game and the company went under.

And its why the biggest and best EMUs like the DAOC one linked above, throw people like you out.

I mean, you just bragged about tricking people into drinking poision to avoid a karma point in LoK so you could grief them consequence free. You are a griefer and a exploiter and people like you have slowly but surely destroyed MMO communities from the beggining till now.

And the difference between 10 years ago and now is, there are a whole lot more people just like you for some reason. We could handle you back on rallos because most of us played the game to play, not grief. These days it absolutly takes active GM support to keep the griefers/shittalkers/community well poisoners (litterally in your case), in check.

Originally Posted by CrystalBlue [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Id support the creation of hotzones (a limmited number , or have them rotate or wtf ever) if the flat rate universal xp bonuses were removed.

If "forceing" the population to come together for decent xp is the result, then grouping will happen naturally for other reasons (protection in a highly competitive/dangerous hotzone).

Once again this only works though, if you remove the currently inflated xp bonuses that are server wide.

This issue must be hit from both ends. Bring people together with the carrot (hot zones, group bonus wtf ever) and the stick (remove all of the xp bonues from soloers, who need it the least and would just take their flat rate bonus and go quad or solo in some remote corner of the world till 60).

And before someone says "well people will group for phat loot!". Wrong, not when everyone is just single pulling with invisi tricks through 10 walls and 3 floors named mobs straight to zoneline or where ever they feel like killing their cherry picked named mob at.

Im for whatever fosters community interaction.
Originally Posted by Tr0llb0rn [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Another reason why teams would not work on this server: everyone has 20 accounts with one character on each one (or so).

Back on the EQ teams you of course had limmited character slots and limmited accounts (had to pay for each one, and most did not have multiple accounts). You were restricted to making toons (at least on sullon zek) on your account that all shared the same team.

Here, everyone would have their "evil" account/toon, their "good" account/toon, their newt one etc.

It would be pointless. Would be no team spirit/pride like early team EQ and early DAoC realms had.

Just would be a great mess in general. And besides, for a real team server you have to have way more of a pop then we do now.

Originally Posted by CrystalBlue [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
As a very very longtime red EQ player and someone who is very active ingame on this server I would suggest the following:


1. Keep the scaleing low level xp bonus to help out lowbies trying to get closer to 50

2. The flat rate serverwide xp bonus should go away, replaced with a scaleing grouping bonus. What keeps people playing the game is in-game relationships and friendships. You dont form those when you solo to max level. The xp bonus on the server should be in the form of grouping bonus ONLY. The larger the group, the bigger the bonus. Groups desperatly need this anyways, as by their nature they are less efficient for xp then solos or duos and FAR less convinient.

3. All class based xp malus (hybrid,monk,etc) should be SELF only, not shared with the group. Currently this malus is a big determent to grouping. Hybrids do have their advantages so keeping it self only is appropriate.

4. Keep the pvp xp loss on death. It serves many good functions, includeing forceing people to continue to xp and group up and "be out there" (outside of raids) in the world to regain some buffer xp from time to time. This is a good thing for the server's health.


1. Yellowtext could be fun, but only without location given. Let the community decide if they want to devulge this info or not.

2. Leaderboard is a waste of dev resources and time for something very meaningless and easy to abuse. Dont waste a second on it. Our forums, our /ooc , and YT can be our leaderboards.


1. I think they are fine and keep things interesting for all classes. If anything, throw the other type of CC spells (blind/stun/mez) under the same bus Null threw root/snare under. (i.e. easier to resist at higher MR). But if this is done, then make all debuff type spells do 50 percent more then they do in PvE, as was the case on the red servers circa velious. Please beware at how shockingly powerful well geared meele are already and how much more powerful they will become in the near and far future of the server. I think well geared meele are already very OP.
Originally Posted by CrystalBlue [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Id support the creation of hotzones (a limmited number , or have them rotate or wtf ever) if the flat rate universal xp bonuses were removed.

If "forceing" the population to come together for decent xp is the result, then grouping will happen naturally for other reasons (protection in a highly competitive/dangerous hotzone).

Once again this only works though, if you remove the currently inflated xp bonuses that are server wide.

This issue must be hit from both ends. Bring people together with the carrot (hot zones, group bonus wtf ever) and the stick (remove all of the xp bonues from soloers, who need it the least and would just take their flat rate bonus and go quad or solo in some remote corner of the world till 60).

And before someone says "well people will group for phat loot!". Wrong, not when everyone is just single pulling with invisi tricks through 10 walls and 3 floors named mobs straight to zoneline or where ever they feel like killing their cherry picked named mob at.

Im for whatever fosters community interaction.
Originally Posted by Palemoon [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
So last night we got to witness Lethdar and a few other Holocaust bind within Fear and then bindrush Cazic Thule or Draco over and over again whenever someone else was in the zone, causeing Fear's deathtouch script to start, forceing everyone else in the zone to camp, gate, or die.

Lethdar alone must of triggered the script over 20 times at least.

What I want to know is, is this going to be allowed or not? Amelinda was online and even spoke to people via guildchats, she was aware of what was going on but even while she was speaking, Lethdar bind rushed CT a few more times causeing more chains of DeathTouches.

Is this what the server has devolved into? Is this how we are going to attract more people after begging for "an xp bonus to save the server"??

I dont care which side does it, it has to stop or welcome to a new population high of 40 on a good night.

p.s. Amelinda, why did you not stop Lethdar from triggering the deathtouch script the oh.. half dozen times alone he did it while you were broadcasting? I was shocked to see him still online and still bind rushing draco/CT while you were there.
Originally Posted by Palemoon [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Holo for sure. I'm betting its another push by Maffaka/Lamort/Yiam to bring down yet another guild by forceing them to help the likes of Slathar and Sandusky.

Originally Posted by Tr0llb0rn [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
lol the truth comes out. You could not handle classic legit red EQ, you are not good enough or skilled enough do do 13 year old content and thus got griefed off the box to some shitbox where you can do broken ez content with full hacks enabled, so very sad.

2nd, Nihilum got ALL raid content for 8 months on this legit hack free server, despite scrubs like you "trying" to contest the mobs. Such jokes.. ALL raid targets gotten by Nihilum while the cold glazed over dead eyes of noobs like you looked on. Looked on with them dead corpse eyes while we looted them cloaks of flames, soul leaches, and white dragon scales.

You are about as retarded as people sitting in east commonlands on blue99 /oocing about "well TMO gets all raid content but but but.... we are "really" better" then them anyways durrrr!!"

So you say you are pvp gods? Sorry no one belives. You failed to stop us getting every raid mob for 8 months straight. You failed to defend any raid mob you wanted for 8 months straight. You just... failed.

And now are farming the same loot on ez69 lol... where the content is nice and ez and big bad Nihilum is not there to take the mobs from you.

Failures. Griefed off the Box. Did not have the teamwork, the determination, or the skill to acomplish ANYTHING on the last legit red box this world will see.

The End.
Originally Posted by Tr0llb0rn [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
ahhh I see, so the only two exceptions are:

Nagafen was killed by Holocaust twice useing exploits so gross that it resulted in Rogean himself comming on and broadcasting that Holocast was disbanded and all the officers perma-baned.


Maestro (lol) who is one groupable and on the same level as Phinagel. Sorry I was talking about raid content, not group trash.

The meter of success on a CLASSIC red (legit) server is: who controls the contested content. Only one guild has controlled all the raid content for 8 months straight vs. all contenders.

That guild, that power, is Nihilum

Do not care who "won" some random meaningless battle in lower guk. Do not care who "won" some "group vs group" duel in Feerrot.

All that matters at the end of the day is who is looting 100 percent of the cloaks of flames, soul leaches, and white dragon scales and who is looking on with cold glazed over corpse eyes while said prizes are being looted.

Takes teamwork, backbone, orginization, knowledge/skill at 13 year old content, and pvp power to defend/take the prize from the contenders.

Only one guild has had that recipe for success in the last 8 months. Nihilum

All others are shooting star fires in the dark. Talking big and acomplishing nothing. They have now been vanquished and exiled to a shitbox where they can try and feel like champions too.

I only speak the truth.
Originally Posted by Palemoon [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
This matches up with what I researched last night on Al'kabor, Bloodsabers guild was the only area I could find in the old world that had no KOS/Threatening mobs to the Iskar Monk I was running around with. Well except the wandering begger mobs, those were threatening and I think they are on some Qeynos merchant or theif faction?

About the human Innoruk rogue being KOS in Neriak, I have not tested that combo yet but a human cleric of Innoruk was threatening to the dark elf necromancers that sit up on the first gate inside Neriak.

Point is, factions are not portrayed right. If I know they will acomplish something, i'll continue to make posts in the bug section with different race/class/religion combos and post their starting faction.

Priority should be the "evil" combos, since they seem the most out of wack.

Originally Posted by Tr0llb0rn [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
ahhh I see, so the only two exceptions are:

Nagafen was killed by Holocaust twice useing exploits so gross that it resulted in Rogean himself comming on and broadcasting that Holocast was disbanded and all the officers perma-baned.


Maestro (lol) who is one groupable and on the same level as Phinagel. Sorry I was talking about raid content, not group trash.

The meter of success on a CLASSIC red (legit) server is: who controls the contested content. Only one guild has controlled all the raid content for 8 months straight vs. all contenders.

That guild, that power, is Nihilum

Do not care who "won" some random meaningless battle in lower guk. Do not care who "won" some "group vs group" duel in Feerrot.

All that matters at the end of the day is who is looting 100 percent of the cloaks of flames, soul leaches, and white dragon scales and who is looking on with cold glazed over corpse eyes while said prizes are being looted.

Takes teamwork, backbone, orginization, knowledge/skill at 13 year old content, and pvp power to defend/take the prize from the contenders.

Only one guild has had that recipe for success in the last 8 months. Nihilum

All others are shooting star fires in the dark. Talking big and acomplishing nothing. They have now been vanquished and exiled to a shitbox where they can try and feel like champions too.

I only speak the truth.
Originally Posted by Tr0llb0rn [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Freeze, the guy that did the video of him useing pumice in mass pvp and casting slow spells on clerics??

Some folks got nerve!

I do hope you come back for Kunark though. You were such a ez-kill. You are gonna be my YT personal billboard.
Originally Posted by Tr0llb0rn [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
all the more impressive since it has recently been revealed she was useing a certain "program" the whole time:,905.0.html

kind of sad
Originally Posted by Palemoon [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
There we go, the perfect solution to all those saying we need global /ooc "for the noobs so they dont feel alone".

Amelinda is making a guild called <global OOC> for all those players to join. Finaly this will silience all the trolls who are useing that smokescreen of "helping the noobs" to bring their forum warring in game with a /ooc channel.

Well done Amelinda, I support this new guild. It will help save the rest of us from 24/7 rants and flames in game.

to the global /ooc proponents: no more legs to stand on, "the noobs" have their global ooc guild to join for groups/community, etc.
Originally Posted by Palemoon [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
The higher level mage fire pets are casting wizard spells from a spellset that was not added to them until at least late Planes of Power. Fire pets in this era should never be casting anything higher then level 24ish wizard spells and only be buffing themselves with level 16 shielding/shieldskin and the low level weak wizard damage shield.

I'm told here they are still useing the old pre 50 fire pet inate damage shield. If this is the case, they should not. The only damage shield the wizard type fire pets have is via the low level wizard buff.
Originally Posted by Palemoon [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
And miss out on an important tactical advatange everyone else was useing? No.

/ooc global: teh zerg is massing in upper guk, look out if you are in lower guk they headed that way.

(everyone else has warning, but I turned off my gobal ooc and get steamrolled by suprise)

at a disatvantage in pve/grouping too, and basically everything. Kind of like saying allow macroquest, but you can turn it off for yourself if it offends you.

no global ooc is better for immersion too

gobal occ would so quickly poison the community its not funny. Bad enough to have rants and flames here with what goes on in it (but at least that you can avoid without sacrificing any sort of in game advantage like you would if you did not use an available gobal ooc)
Originally Posted by CrystalBlue [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
My sources (I like to chat while I meddin back up to full mana after a few charm kills/breaks in a row, helps to pass the time) tell me that the whole thing was frapsed and you looked like Nightcrawler doing nothing but yondering in random 5 foot directions while your raid was beat down.

Dont you think you should of done something more productive like cast a nuke while your entire raid was fighting? Maybe our dear friend Nirgon and advise you how to play a wizard.

Im dubious though since he failed to give you even the most elementary basic moves of the enchanter class, so I dont see him breaking through your nightcrawler-in-a-small-cube addiction playstyle as a wizard.

p.s. you know shadowstep does not damage the enemy or debuff them or anything right? (please tell me u know this..)

Well maybe for all the pvpers of the world, the fraps gets published (I know you like videos, lets not forget your own that featured you useing pumice and casting slows on clerics...). This fraps should be very lawlworthy.

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Just Sayin...
Old 09-25-2012, 01:28 PM
BellowingBrute BellowingBrute is offline

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Nice work, that's some junior high level english skills right there!
Old 09-25-2012, 01:33 PM
Lazortag Lazortag is offline
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It doesn't really seem like his style, honestly. Even if it were true I'm more amazed by the amount of work that went into this... don't you trolls have school or jobs or something?
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Old 09-25-2012, 02:06 PM
hagard hagard is offline
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Originally Posted by Lazortag [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It doesn't really seem like his style, honestly. Even if it were true I'm more amazed by the amount of work that went into this... don't you trolls have school or jobs or something?
the amount of work?
forum search so hard!
Old 09-25-2012, 02:07 PM
uruend uruend is offline

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nice work op. trollborns immersion levels are depressing. never seen anyone so attachted to pixels
Old 09-25-2012, 02:11 PM
Itap Itap is offline
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P99 detectives on the case
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Old 09-25-2012, 02:26 PM
Nirgon Nirgon is offline

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Amazing detective work sir
Old 09-25-2012, 03:18 PM
Nirgon Nirgon is offline

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Upon further review the name Arzak is forever shamed. Sad news indeed. I'll hafta post some kills like when Bundy and I 2v6'd them in kedge scoring a kill on Arzak and another, an xp loss and the rest plugging. My apologies to Mellowyellow for any misplaced hard feelings.

A fraud was indeed revealed on this day.
Old 09-25-2012, 03:27 PM
heartbrand heartbrand is offline
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This is the best post on this forum in the last five months. BTW, Crystalblue was taken by Cast a while ago as a troll account to tell people server is burning, so Crystalblue you got some 'splaining to do.
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Last edited by heartbrand; 09-25-2012 at 03:29 PM..
Old 09-25-2012, 03:49 PM
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