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Old 12-19-2018, 10:55 PM
Nexii Nexii is offline

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Default Nexii's Erotic Adventures: Happy Birthday to Me

Nexii's Quarters, Neriak Third Gate

“Okay. Time for that chastity cage to come off.” Nexii sat next to Keerarae who was laid out on her bed. “I've finally healed all your wounds and injuries. This went way beyond what they taught me in Med School, rather, Meditation School.” She produced a small key attached to a silver chain and unlocked the device.

Keerarae rolled over to face Nexii. “And how about you Miss Nexii? Are you okay? It's been weeks since either of us could have fun.”

“Of course. It's not like I l...l...loved Sirken.” Nexii clenched her hand over her heart as her hesitation betrayed her true feelings. She had spoken The Unspoken Word – 'love'. She averted her gaze from Keerarae's curious eyes.

“You can't keep feeling this way, Nexii. Even for me.” Keerarae replied. “Love leads to ruination. You must always put yourself first and be strong. This is how it has always been for our kind, and will always be.”

Nexii sighed. “I know. You're right. But that doesn't make the feeling go away.” She traced her hand down Keerarae's bare leg. The priestess was gentle, but her hand jumped back when Keerarae flinched at the sensation. “Didn't sense it ahead of time?”

“No... I did. Every movement.”

“Oh. That's not good.” The cleric closed her eyes and recalled recent events. The cruel bonding ritual had not broken Keerarae in an emotional sense. If that were so, he would be terrified of her. All she had done was whip him with...her snake-headed whip. A lot. She gulped as the realization came over her. She had cured his wounds but not cleared out the neurovenom that their vicious bites contained. Her heart sank in terror and fear.

“I' sorry my quor'vlosara, my soulmate.” Nexii trembled. “I...did this to you. And it's far too late now to cure it.” She closed her eyes and began to cry. Thoughts that the one she chose would suffer forever with burned-out nerves flooded her mind. Worse yet, it was anathema to all her desires to heal and help those under Innoruuk that deserved it – and Keerarae deserved better than this fate. Deserved better than her.

“It's okay, Mistress. Really. Your touch felt really good actually. No pain. I wish I could describe it perfectly for you. It's just much more intense now, and different.” Keerarae sat up and held Nexii by her shoulders steady. “Just take it slow.”

“I'm such a mess Keer. I couldn't save Sirken and now...this with you.” She sighed as she fell into his waiting arms.

“Relax. Nothing's changed, Nexii. You get so emotional.” Keerarae rubbed her shoulders which elicited a shiver and a groan of pleasure. “Being so caught up healing me, I bet you didn't even remember that today was your birthday. I have had little else to think about, being stuck here recovering. But I didn't forget it.”

“Aww.” Nexii opened her emerald eyes and wiped her tears away at the reminder. “So what did you have in mind?”

“Nothing fancy this time. Just have some drinks and enjoy each other.” Keerarae parted his Mistress's long hair back and kissed her tenderly on the forehead.

“That sounds...nice.” Nexii managed a smile as she got out of bed. Like Keerarae, she was naked. There had been little free time to worry about dressing while tending to Keerarae's wounds.

“I stored a few drinks away in your cupboards before we agreed to the Test of Devotion. Sour appletini, lemon vodka, and gin. All things that aren't easy to find in Neriak.” Keerarae followed to Nexii's private minibar.

“Such exotic drinks are impossible to just buy in Neriak. Let me think. You're a powerful shadowknight with money and the ability to see the near future. You killed someone for this one, bought this one from the Freeport Smugglers, and stole the last one.” Nexii guessed as she pointed to the appletini, vodka, and gin in turn.

“Very impressive. Though I must say I'm disappointed you didn't guess submissive seduction.” Keerarae's eyes flickered as he poured out an appletini with a hint of lemon. He already knew how she would find the taste of each.

“Ha! You, letting a foreigner seduce you. That would be something I'd want to see.” Nexii laughed and took a drink. “Mmm, deliciously sour. Well then, happy birthday to me.”

“Happy birthday to you, Nexii.” Keerarae took a double shot of gin and tonic in turn. Immediately upon doing so, his clear blue eyes ran red. A shade of red which displayed an unmistakable and endless lust for sex and desire for more. “Another side effect...discovered.” He grinned wide and evilly at Nexii who nearly spilled her drink before she could finish it. He came around the minibar and picked Nexii up, carrying her with unholy strength back into bed.

“This one might prove to be more interest--” Nexii began, but her voice was overtaken by a growl.

“Grrr...” Keerarae continued to smile as Nexii was thrown down on the bed and pinned. He put his hands under her ribs and dug in with his nails. This time he would not be just a submissive playtoy. The drink and envenomation aftermath had unlocked a deeper desire, a deeper secret that he had barely known existed. But it was there, the desire of a horny beast apparent as he bit down on Nexii's bare nipple. And as he did so, his nails raked her body all over.

“Grrr....” Nexii growled back. Although she was the one caught off-guard this time, she was enjoying it. She responded in kind, and although pinned she freed her hands enough to return the treatment on Keerarae's sides. Her nails dug in which caused him to howl, but did not work as a deterrant to his aggression. She had upped the ante and now her head was pushed back in response. As much as she tried to resist, he had the advantage of strength on her.

“Maybe we'll see if dark elves really do taste like blueberries inside.” Keerarae cackled. He then bit down on her exposed neck. He felt her shiver and moan from the pain. To Nexii's mercy, or perhaps lingering luck, her flesh was not broken from his teeth. He held her tight in his arms, letting the moment simmer until he felt she would submit.

“Mmm...revenge, Keer?” The priestess asked as the clenching of teeth subsided.

“No, simply justice.”

“Oh, such a dramatic knight you are. Such a brave knight in shining armor for me.” Nexii mocked. “Well now you see I can take some pain too. How about you pleasure me for awhile and then I'll return the favor?”

“I suppose so.” Keerarae rolled off of Nexii. He watched her roll off the bed and go to get something she cherished.

“What do you think?” Nexii returned with a large black fox stole in her hands. It was a good six feet in length unfolded, and a foot in width. Another expensive and rare import to Neriak. Although most goods were that way, she surmised as she slinked back to the bed side. “It's the real thing. Super soft. Feel it.”

Keerarae did as commanded, and couldn't help but agree. The sensation of it was heightened in his new state. The fur felt warm and a little tingly, but not too much for him to take. The wrap was soon thrown into his arms and he caught it, as always, knowing the near future to be.

“Rub me with it. It's even easier than staring at a wall for DKP.” Nexii turned about and pounced back on the bed. She purred as the fur came down over her shoulders and upper back. This was her own most sensitive area, one that even basic touch could make her melt. That her chosen one was using fur virtually guaranteed she would melt in pleasure. “Oh...fuck...yes. Just like that...Keer.”

Keerarae growled. It was fun to get to tease his Mistress in a way that he typically was not afforded. And enjoying her own reactions and moans was very amusing. Each time he traced and pushed the fur against her bare skin, she either shivered or begged for more. He mixed it up a bit and used his hands between rubbings, working her tense muscles loose. Within a few more minutes he got to hear her purr in pleasure, and a few more minutes after that her tired panting.

“Ohh...Inno. That felt so good and relaxing. Could do that all day if it wasn't so tiring.” Nexii took a deep breath and stretched out fully on her belly.

“We could try sometime.”

“We could, but right now I have to keep my promise, my champion.” Nexii flipped onto her side and motioned Keerarae to do the same. “It's the lawful part of being Lawful Evil.” She massaged his chest with her hands and watched him tremble just from this. She held back any mention of pity for now he how was. She knew he would stop her if it was too much. She knew he would know. And so she traced her fingers onto his pointed ear tips as she came in for a kiss. This kiss was longer than a typical one; more like several kisses as she savored his lips several times and his tongue with her own.

“Oh...Mistress Nexii.” Keerarae pleaded.

“You're just lucky I'm a cleric. If I was an enchanter I'd charm you and have you do whatever I like.”

“Sounds boring.”

“Indeed.” Nexii traced her fingers down his sides, and then to his thighs. Each caress made him flinch and seize from the pleasure. “If you think that's a lot to take...well let's just say 'Arise, my Champion!' and see.” Nexii giggled as her fingertips found his erect shaft. She caressed and teased his head with a few fingers until it reached its full seven inches. After doing so, she massaged his balls to vary the sensations. She was merciless, not giving her knight a second to adjust or breathe deeply. After all, he had not gone much easier on her this evening. It was only fair.

“Hnn...please Mistress Nexii.”

“Please what? Let you cum?” Nexii then began to stroke his cock in her soft palm. She started slow and then went faster after she did not receive an immediate reply.

“Yes...please.” Keerarae found it hard to even focus on what she was saying. What she was doing to him in a physical sense was more than enough to take in. He twitched and felt the orgasm coming on.

“Oh, I guess some souls out there felt I was too cruel to you. So you may - if you can.” She stroked him furiously to bring him to the edge. As he reached it, she then made him guide his own hand to himself to perfect the sensations. As expected, he soon gushed out from his own member as hard as <Tempest> was gushing members. It left a warm mess that someone like a GM would have to clean up.

“Sweet...Inno...” Keerarae panted.

Nexii just cooed and Keerarae on his back. She felt satiated for once and she gave him a minute to recover.

“I hope I exceeded your Auspextations, Mistress.” Keerarae grinned cheekily at his own pun.

“We'll see.” Nexii rolled her eyes. “I expect your self performance report to be completed and on my bed by tomorrow evening. And at least one meme from your friend DMX about our tryst attached.”

“Happy birthday, Nexii.” Keerarae repeated as he pulled her in for an intimate embrace.
Old 12-19-2018, 11:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Nexii [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
You killed someone for this one
Originally Posted by Nexii [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Sour appletini
As if ANYONE would give up one of those without saying:

"If you want this sour appletini, you'll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands."
Tuluven Palefang <Dial a Port> -- Wood Elven Druid (Level 60)
Lhancelot The Chimera:
Old 12-19-2018, 11:47 PM
Shinko Shinko is offline
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why u vote no
- Shinko Was the Defiler (Blue)
- Hinko Hardmode <ALS Self Loot> Blue

-Shinko Guild Leader <Safe Space> Green
Old 12-20-2018, 12:34 AM
Nexii Nexii is offline

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Originally Posted by d3r14k [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
As if ANYONE would give up one of those without saying:

"If you want this sour appletini, you'll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands."
It's a good line. I also love 'Damn my eyes, you're just a mirage!' and 'You style is strong, my form is weak, I hate you!'
Old 12-20-2018, 12:34 AM
Nexii Nexii is offline

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Originally Posted by Shinko [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
why u vote no
Vote is after 30 days not one day, I don't understand?
Old 12-20-2018, 04:20 AM
Swish2 Swish2 is offline
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Moved on from Sirken pretty quick didn't you?
Old 12-20-2018, 04:20 AM
Jimjam Jimjam is offline
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Happy buff day!
Old 12-20-2018, 04:24 AM
shuklak shuklak is offline

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"if the rules are all you use to determine what you should or shouldn't do, you're probably an a-hole" -soup

Hooden • Xegony enchanter '00 - '02 • <Aeternus> from SoD '06 - '07
Old 12-20-2018, 08:09 AM
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BarkS in cRinGe
Old 12-20-2018, 08:47 AM
Nexii Nexii is offline

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Originally Posted by Swish2 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Moved on from Sirken pretty quick didn't you?
'Nexii's Single Adventures' wouldn't be near as compelling. Though some might like to read about Nexii going clothes shopping, painting her nails, getting her hair done, cooking exquisite dinners for one, etc. We will see...
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