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  1. Game Mechanics: Fear and necro PVP
  2. Game Mechanics: AFK tags above player name
  3. Game Mechanics: Melee Range almost impossible to hit people running
  4. Game Mechanics: No credit from kill if they die from DoT
  5. Game Mechanics: Resist results on even level and lower players here
  6. Miscellaneous: Read Before Posting
  7. Game Mechanics: Melee PvP on boats, but no spell casting!
  8. Spells: Siphon Strength not taking Str
  9. Game Mechanics: Trade Bug
  10. Spells: aoe spells and grouping
  11. Game Mechanics: Player Conning
  12. Spells: Minor Illusion Bug
  13. Game Mechanics: line of sight issues
  14. Game Mechanics: Tracking issue
  15. Game Mechanics: melee in water
  16. Game Mechanics: Melee hitbox issue: facing target bug
  17. Game Mechanics: Message spam while having auto attack on during Divine Aura
  18. Game Mechanics: oger sks in guk
  19. Game Mechanics: Melee misses and damage.
  20. Game Mechanics: Armor class adjustments
  21. Game Mechanics: NPC's and Pets have smaller hitboxes and larger melee range than players
  22. Game Mechanics: Archery Miss Rate
  23. Game Mechanics: Pets Not being able to receive buffs
  24. Game Mechanics: Gating with a DoT , corpse not at gate site.
  25. Spells: Cant charm pets
  26. Game Mechanics: Nullify Magic
  27. Game Mechanics: factions not classic
  28. Game Mechanics: incorrect see invis mobs for classic
  29. Miscellaneous: Ice comet- Wheel quest in
  30. Game Mechanics: PVP Skill Ups?
  31. Game Mechanics: Death from NPC not granting Full Mana.
  32. Game Mechanics: Shield of Flame
  33. Game Mechanics: Enchanter Charmed Pet PVP
  34. Spells: Shifting Sight is completely backwards
  35. Game Mechanics: Zoning and spell didn't land but I died...
  36. Spells: Selos Issue
  37. Game Mechanics: Sneak skill failure
  38. Game Mechanics: Various Issues
  39. Game Mechanics: Summoned pet regen
  40. Miscellaneous: Compiled list of bug/issues/disputes
  41. Game Mechanics: finesteel poof,
  42. Spells: Harm Touch Resisted.
  43. Spells: Abnormal fizzle rate at 40.
  44. Game Mechanics: Will melees be unable to hit levitated casters without levitate for themselves?
  45. Game Mechanics: Mob melee immunity following Intimidation.
  46. Game Mechanics: buff/debuff stacking
  47. Miscellaneous: Some bugs i've found
  48. Game Mechanics: Warrior Critical Hits Not Calculating Correctly
  49. Game Mechanics: Hit Box & Special Attacks
  50. Game Mechanics: NPC Damage, AC Values, Hit to Miss Ratio's
  51. Game Mechanics: Increased run speed
  52. Spells: Spell: shock of lightning bugged
  53. Game Mechanics: Mage Pets doing 50% damage in PVP.
  54. Spells: Fufil's Curtailing Chant decreasing too much MR when a drum is equipped
  55. Game Mechanics: Mob Spell Duration
  56. Game Mechanics: Resists post-patch (not necessarily a bug)
  57. Game Mechanics: hit rates, DEX and AGI
  58. Spells: enchanters
  59. Miscellaneous: Weak poison
  60. Game Mechanics: Archery skillups extremely rare
  61. Game Mechanics: unable to buff/heal npcs
  62. Game Mechanics: FD regaining arrgo when mobs respawn.
  63. Game Mechanics: Monk weight penalty not working correctly?
  64. Game Mechanics: NPC attack immunity.
  65. Game Mechanics: Bard songs not zoning
  66. Spells: Debuff Bugs Important!
  67. Spells: Shadow Sight
  68. Game Mechanics: Nektulos Forest
  69. Game Mechanics: Issue With Spells Not Wearing Off On Both Client & Server Simultaneously
  70. Game Mechanics: Root Shouldn't Remove SOW
  71. Spells: Malaisement
  72. Game Mechanics: Players swimming cannot be hit (melee)
  73. Spells: Chaotic feedback coded as stun rather than nuke
  74. Merchants: Alchemy Prices
  75. Game Mechanics: Fall damage
  76. Game Mechanics: Hide bugs out track
  77. Spells: Swamp Potion
  78. Game Mechanics: Ruling on these issues?
  79. Game Mechanics: Spell:Deadeye/Shadowsight
  80. Game Mechanics: Armor class / defense in pvp
  81. Game Mechanics: Bard Charm Bug
  82. Game Mechanics: Druid Wolf Form
  83. Spells: Cure disease doesn't remove plague/insidious malady
  84. Game Mechanics: Divine Purpose
  85. Spells: sentinel aggroing
  86. Miscellaneous: SoulFire
  87. Game Mechanics: PvP kills on Players taking into account monster damage for loot rights
  88. Game Mechanics: Sense Heading
  89. Spells: Darkness Line
  90. NPC Spawn Issue: Kithicor Undead
  91. Game Mechanics: Hit/Miss Rate
  92. Game Mechanics: EXP Loss
  93. Game Mechanics: Lay on Hands Not Repopping once used.
  94. Miscellaneous: /roleplay
  95. Game Mechanics: Casting spells and attack speed
  96. Game Mechanics: Couple things in Najena
  97. Game Mechanics: Faction Hits
  98. Game Mechanics: Druid Dots
  99. Game Mechanics: PvP Coin Loot is not working.
  100. Game Mechanics: Running along the icy river in everfrost skills up swimming
  101. Game Mechanics: Walking on Ice
  102. Game Mechanics: water
  103. Game Mechanics: Mage Pet, Channeling
  104. Game Mechanics: Hide
  105. Game Mechanics: oaken scimitar not dropping, stein of moggok incorrect
  106. Game Mechanics: Green mobs turn light blue
  107. Spells: Whirl Till You Hurl
  108. Spells: incorrect spell sounds
  109. Game Mechanics: Drowning/Falling death
  110. Spells: Dispel
  111. Spells: Boats-spell immunity-
  112. Miscellaneous: Wee Harvester
  113. NPC Spawn Issue: Large Spiders in Nektulos Forest not dropping Spider Silks
  114. Game Mechanics: Spell Interrupts
  115. Game Mechanics: lower level mage earth pets(~8-12) in pvp
  116. Game Mechanics: Fix jousting
  117. Spells: Necromancer Darkness line reduced duration
  118. NPC Spawn Issue: Low level mobs not dealing enough damage
  119. Game Mechanics: Pet Dmg Seriously nerfed in PVP
  120. NPC Spawn Issue: Fang Tooth
  121. Game Mechanics: Dot damage being reduced
  122. Spells: Whirl till you hurl
  123. Spells: shadowstep/yonder
  124. Game Mechanics: Earth pet root
  125. Game Mechanics: Swarm Kiting Aggro
  126. Spells: Druid swarm line
  127. Game Mechanics: Pet Regen Rate
  128. Spells: Brusco`s Boastful Bellow Broken!
  129. Spells: Bard songs end of cast Los
  130. Spells: Bard charming pets
  131. Spells: snare in pvp
  132. Game Mechanics: Boats (OOT/Erud's Crossing)
  134. Spells: Damage shields currently not working while runed.
  135. Game Mechanics: Bards Not working Right
  136. Game Mechanics: Enchanter Aggro
  137. Game Mechanics: Line of sight
  138. Game Mechanics: need to respawn with no mana on pvp death
  139. Spells: Sow FASTER than drum bard selos!
  140. Spells: Crission's Pixie Strike lasting for only one second in pvp
  141. Spells: Whirl Til You Hurl bug with Screenshot Confirmation
  142. Game Mechanics: The Official "Bards Are Broken" Compiled Bug List
  143. Game Mechanics: PvP death bug
  144. Spells: Classic: Ice Comet 203 mana?
  145. Game Mechanics: Crystalize Pummice Issue
  146. Spells: Resists dont match up to live
  147. Game Mechanics: Charmed animals dual wielding and proccing weapons
  148. Game Mechanics: you must be standing to cast a spell
  149. Game Mechanics: Water Mechanics in Guk
  150. Spells: spell casting/canceling
  151. Spells: Line of sight on spells
  152. Game Mechanics: Channeling in general
  153. Game Mechanics: clinging darkness = no damage in pvp
  154. Spells: Necro-Allure of death
  155. Miscellaneous: Mend not reseting upon zoning
  156. Game Mechanics: Gating to Same Zone during pvp
  157. Game Mechanics: Equipping "illegal" slots
  158. Spells: Enc Minor Shielding
  159. Spells: Whirl Till You Hurl
  160. Game Mechanics: Mistwalker pets
  161. Game Mechanics: Hide breaking?
  162. Spells: buffs
  163. Spells: pve vs pvp snare
  164. Merchants: poison ingredients
  165. Game Mechanics: You may not loot this corpse at this time.
  166. Spells: Some bard songs not stacking after instrument equipped
  167. Miscellaneous: CT Pathing
  168. Miscellaneous: ENC pets and shadowstep
  169. Game Mechanics: How do you get behind zone line?
  170. Game Mechanics: non-melee classes and damage bonus
  171. Spells: Clockwork Poison
  172. Game Mechanics: Dragon leashes
  173. Game Mechanics: Dragon push on red
  174. Game Mechanics: Proccing on player corpses
  175. Merchants: poison ingredients
  176. Game Mechanics: /q stops drowning
  177. Game Mechanics: HP on PvP and PvE death
  178. Spells: PVP DOT and zoned loose 10% exp
  179. Game Mechanics: Tradeskill looms/wheels in Rivervale
  180. Game Mechanics: Specialization
  181. Game Mechanics: Sharks in OOT - Druid Charm BROKEN
  182. Miscellaneous: Class Specific Planar Armor
  183. Game Mechanics: necro pet 29+ doesn't dw without 2 weps
  184. Game Mechanics: Strange Graphics and/or Latency issues?
  185. Spells: Skin like Nature removed from Divine Barrier
  186. Game Mechanics: Apply poison - vial of rabid froth
  187. Game Mechanics: Mob agro too quick
  188. Miscellaneous: Efreeti Standard
  189. Game Mechanics: Mobs and Pets Warping
  190. NPC Spawn Issue: Tale of the wandering ghoul (unrest)
  191. Miscellaneous: JC skill cap
  192. Quest Issue: Scorpian Pincer
  193. Game Mechanics: / all guild Command not showing Anons
  194. Game Mechanics: Karnor's castle not flagged as a raid zone?
  195. Game Mechanics: Endurance drain bug
  196. Game Mechanics: Dragon charms?
  197. Merchants: Poison components on vendors
  198. Miscellaneous: Pre-nerf fungi staff not working on others
  199. Game Mechanics: PvP EXP Changed
  200. Game Mechanics: Ability levels in pvp
  201. Game Mechanics: Low level sitting damage
  202. Spells: Wizard spells - Abscond/Evacuate incorrect mana costs
  203. Miscellaneous: Item Issue: VP key should be body bound and not soul bound for a while
  204. Miscellaneous: /who all guild
  205. Game Mechanics: Trakanon aggro radius
  206. Game Mechanics: Emissary of Thule
  207. Miscellaneous: 250 JC skill
  208. Game Mechanics: Bug: Mana Sieve should not affect bards
  209. Game Mechanics: Mobs wielding bard weapons quadding
  210. Game Mechanics: mage pets
  211. Spells: Wizard Spell - Concussion
  212. Game Mechanics: TRACK STILL BROKEN
  213. Spells: Magic resists don't match up to live
  214. Game Mechanics: Wasted (disappearing) special abilities in combat
  215. Game Mechanics: Wrong version of Robe of the Azure Sky on Red
  216. Spells: roots/snares not dispelling
  217. Game Mechanics: Dru Spell FROST - not working properly
  218. Game Mechanics: Sol A
  219. Game Mechanics: EXP Changes?
  220. Game Mechanics: Racial Exp Bonuses/Penalties removed.
  221. Spells: Mobs now resisting dispel (also dispel in general)
  222. Game Mechanics: Tricky one, assist radius
  223. Game Mechanics: Vexing Mordinia animation incorrect
  224. Game Mechanics: Mage epic pet
  225. Game Mechanics: PvP Level Range
  226. Game Mechanics: Mage earth pet root cancels torpor
  227. Spells: Couple spells has wrong cast time
  228. Game Mechanics: FFA server PvP mechanics
  229. Game Mechanics: 2-hander delay bonus
  230. Miscellaneous: Players on PvP servers will no longer show '[LD]' over their heads when linkdead.
  231. Spells: Emissary of Thule
  232. Game Mechanics: Punching self for millions of damage
  233. Game Mechanics: Intimidation // fear in pvp
  234. Game Mechanics: archery dmg
  235. Game Mechanics: Melee never miss in PVP
  236. Spells: Eye of Zomm
  237. Miscellaneous: Tank 2-Handed Damage
  238. Spells: disintegrate
  239. Game Mechanics: FD in PvP - pet agro and targeting issues
  240. Miscellaneous: Sebilis pathing, agro
  241. Miscellaneous: Throwing Skill (SK)
  242. Merchants: Getting "Thou hast been expelled by the Gods"
  243. Spells: Skins not working properly
  244. Spells: Spell Graphics and clipping plane
  245. Spells: Interrupted, Interrupted, Interrupted
  246. Game Mechanics: PVP plugging/ /q'ing with new rules
  247. Game Mechanics: Broken Disciplines pvp
  248. Miscellaneous: PvP: Prioritized Agenda / Known Issues
  249. Game Mechanics: Should be able to kick/bash Invulnerable targets
  250. Spells: Theft of thought should be castable on anybody